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TRANSCRIPT to TEASER TRAILER: Your First Listen of What's to Come!

Writer's picture: The Review QueensThe Review Queens

Updated: Sep 17, 2021

Transcript of the Review That Review with Chelsey Donn & Trey Gerrald Teaser Trailer: Your First Listen of What’s to Come! Episode for the differently abled and those who prefer to read.

[Upbeat music]

TREY: This week, I have a review from Goodreads

CHELSEY: This is from Rate My Professor

TREY: From Zocdoc to an OBGYN

CHELSEY: A One-Star-Review for Burger King

TREY: I found this on TripAdvisor

CHELSEY: An Amazon dog toy.

TREY: Welcome to Review That Review! The podcast dedicated to reviewing...

CHELSEY: Reviews! We’re just like Siskel & Ebert, only instead of reviewing cinematic masterpieces, we rate and review those hilarious, scathing, and sometimes suspicious online reviews.

TREY: That’s Chelsey Donn

CHELSEY: and that’s Trey Gerrald

TREY: and together we’re...

ANNOUNCER: The Review Queens!

[Trumpet sounds]

CHELSEY: Join us as we dissect, discuss, and review some of the wildest reviews to hit the internet.

TREY: “Some people just do not know how to whisper. They just put the hush in their voice, but it is no more quiet than if they just talked normally.”

CHELSEY: “What the hell happened to Chuck-E-Cheese?!”

TREY: “I should have played mini golf. Pass!”

CHELSEY: And then we...

ANNOUNCER: Assess That Kvetch!

CHELSEY: And rate it on a scale of 1 to 5 crowns.

TREY: I don’t think this is valuable, I would, like, I would need to read 18,000 more reviews to find anything of substance, and so I’m giving this 1 crown.

CHELSEY: It would force me to do a little bit of recon, which I think is a good review. I would at least say, ‘you know what, gonna take a drive over there and take a sniff.’ For that, I feel like we gotta give Cory at least 4 stars.

TREY: This whole first paragraph is a run on sentence.

CHELSEY: There’s been a few grammar issues...

TREY: Yeah!

CHELSEY: ...we know we’re gonna give them a low grade on grammar.

CHELSEY: You could tell he wanted to be humorous and for the effort, not the execution necessarily, I’m gonna give it a 2.5.

TREY: You broke a crown in half?

CHELSEY: I did! I couldn’t, I just couldn’t give him the full 3.

TREY: To hear The Review Queens’s Final Scores, Follow and Subscribe, right now!

CHELSEY: Ugh, gosh, these crowns are heavy but someone’s gotta wear em, ya know?

TREY: ...We, we don't, actually have to wear them, it’s a podcast.

CHELSEY: Oh right, oh well, okay.

TREY: Review That Review with Chelsey Donn & Trey Gerrald premieres June 2021. Hit that Subscribe button right now!


Baby it’s time to Review That Review!


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