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TRANSCRIPT of Episode 174: "RE-VIEW: American Girl Doll (from Ep 31)"

Review That Review with Chelsey & Trey
Episode 174: "RE-VIEW: American Girl Doll (from Ep 31)"


*Please pardon any and all spelling errors!


[00:00:00] TREY GERRALD: Wee! Wee! I'm crying because I'm a baby doll. That's right, it is time to review, Review That Review, episode 31, which aired on January 5th of 2022. So, right at the beginning of the year, this is probably the first episode of 2022. The original episode contained two reviews, two complaints, and two Royal Highness inductions. Things got wackadoo. We discussed there is so much more to American Girl Doll than the name Samantha, and hair colors have really gotten wild. Today's review is a bite sized version of that original airing, so be sure to pop back and listen to episode 31 in full so you can hear a little bit about milk? Hmm. Curious. Anyway, enjoy today's Byte Size, we love you queens, please take a little moment to leave us a 5 star rating, share the show with one of your closest friends, it really does help grow the show. We love you, enjoy. Goodbye! 

[00:00:57] THEME SONG: Everybody's got an opinion.

Every Californian and Virginian.

It's so hard to tell who to trust and who to ignore.

Someone's gotta settle the score.

Trey and Chelsey will help you choose!

Whose views win, which ones lose.

Online haters are comin' for you!

Baby, it's time to Review That Review!

[00:01:34] CHELSEY DONN: Reviews! We're just like Siskel and Ebert, only instead of reviewing cinematic masterpieces, we rate and review those hilarious, scathing, and sometimes suspicious online reviews. 

[00:01:46] TREY GERRALD: That's Chelsey Donn. And that's Trey Gerald. And together, we are The Review Queens, and if you want to support the show while getting bonus and exclusive content, including a members only after show podcast, visit our Patreon page at patreon.

[00:02:05] TREY GERRALD: com slash review that review, Chelsey girl. How in the world is your first week of the New Year going, Diva? 

[00:02:15] CHELSEY DONN: Oh my goodness. I gotta say, you know when you have those weeks when it's like, you just feel behind already? Oh no. On like Monday? You know what I'm talking about. Of course. That's what I feel like. I feel like I'm just like, running out of time.

[00:02:29] CHELSEY DONN: Like what's happening? Like time starting and concluding all at once. New Year. I don't know. It just feels like there's a lot in my brain that I need to account for 

[00:02:40] TREY GERRALD: feeling 

[00:02:41] CHELSEY DONN: a little overwhelmed, but, you know, getting through it. How's your week going? 

[00:02:45] TREY GERRALD: It's interesting. Maybe there's something in the air because I had to make a, um, an appointment for Hunter at the vet.

[00:02:51] TREY GERRALD: The location is literally a block from our house, but they have a 24 hour emergency vet that's in a different town. So I like made an appointment accidentally for the one that's half an hour away. And then I like tried to change it. You can't change it online. So then you have to call and then no one answered.

[00:03:07] TREY GERRALD: So then someone finally called me back and they were like, we can't make appointments for that other location, but I didn't want to cancel this without speaking with you in case it's like time sensitive. And I was like, no, no, no, go ahead and cancel it. So then I had to like call the actual location that's.

[00:03:21] TREY GERRALD: And they're gonna see him tomorrow morning, So it like 

[00:03:23] CHELSEY DONN: And that's just one item on the to do list. It turns into like half the day and exactly Trey. That's exactly what I'm feeling It's like each item on my to do list that should take two seconds is for some reason taking. half the day, you know, 

[00:03:37] TREY GERRALD: and like, I got an email multiple times.

[00:03:39] TREY GERRALD: It's like this appointment is coming up, but then there's no like link to like, click and be done. So I thought that was already complicated. And then they're like, Oh, we can't even like help you call this other number. Yeah. Anyway, it's totally fine. Exactly. 

[00:03:52] CHELSEY DONN: This is all feeling like very complainy. Don't you know, 

[00:03:55] TREY GERRALD: I think we're launching in although I have a very specific complaint to share.

[00:03:59] CHELSEY DONN: Ledger complaint, Trey. Tell us it's time for you to have your exhale moment. Lodge your complaint. 

[00:04:06] TREY GERRALD: All right. So this is piggybacking off of my Royal Highness last week. And then I posed the question, Wait, did I ever lodge this as a complaint? Because I do love confetti and I love glitter. But I have a complaint about this trope slash trend that has emerged on the Broadway stage, where The finale of the musical, The Button, shoots off confetti cannons.

[00:04:33] TREY GERRALD: Sure. I hate it. And I don't want to get too inside baseball. So I'm never going to be like a Broadway musical theater celebrity. So I don't know why I'm concerned about speaking out of school, right? I can directly to you. Attach this to a very famous Tony Award winning. I'm just gonna say it. This is a Jerry Mitchell STI where confetti cannons shoot out into the audience.

[00:05:04] TREY GERRALD: I think what I don't like about it is it feels cheap to me. It feels like a cheap way to elicit joy from the audience at the very end of the show so that people are like, Ah, right as they're like getting ready to applaud the cast members and then leave the stage. And it's like you And on a big bang, because if you don't like the beginning, at least you walk out feeling happy.

[00:05:25] TREY GERRALD: And that's the memory. It just feels cheap. So I collected a little list of musicals off the top of my head with a little, a little guidance from my friend, Mark, and a little guidance from my friend, Rachel. We all thought of these same shows. 

[00:05:37] CHELSEY DONN: Okay, give me the list. 

[00:05:39] TREY GERRALD: Okay. Famously, the end of Hairspray. 

[00:05:42] CHELSEY DONN: I was gonna say Hairspray.

[00:05:44] TREY GERRALD: Yes. Yeah, I get it. Spongebob. Spongebob. Spongebob. Okay. Not seen it. Sure. It's a kid thing. Shrek. Okay. Yeah. It's kids. Yeah. Okay. Sure. Maybe Matilda an adult musical based on a child story. Sure. That's a little too heavy for, I mean, whatever. Spam a lot kind of makes sense. Maybe Monty Python. Sure. Maybe Priscilla.

[00:06:04] TREY GERRALD: That kind of makes sense. Yeah. It's like drag queens and litters. I like Priscilla Kinky Boots also, Jerry Mitchell. 

[00:06:09] CHELSEY DONN: Yeah, 

[00:06:10] TREY GERRALD: Kinky Boots has the same exact ending as La Cage. All of a sudden, there's this big production number that doesn't resolve anything. But we like scream and clap. And I love all of it.

[00:06:19] TREY GERRALD: Moulin Rouge kind of makes sense. The whole point is it's a spectacle. And Frozen, I think, is the most appropriate because they shot out snow confetti, which I think textually, Elsa shoots snow. It makes sense. That makes 

[00:06:32] CHELSEY DONN: sense. Yes. 

[00:06:34] TREY GERRALD: Spider Man. 

[00:06:35] CHELSEY DONN: This is making me think of something else with this complaint that I think is really interesting because I think what's interesting about the Broadway show thing is the waste, right?

[00:06:45] CHELSEY DONN: Because this is eight shows a week of these confetti things going off. How much waste is that? That just seems like that's a lot of waste. 

[00:06:54] TREY GERRALD: I wonder if there's a way to recycle it, like if they can like, No, you can't recycle it. 

[00:06:58] CHELSEY DONN: No, no. I 

[00:06:59] TREY GERRALD: don't know. I mean, I think the streamers, because a lot of them are streamers too, where they're like several feet long.

[00:07:05] TREY GERRALD: Like, I don't know how you recycle that. I don't know. But speaking of this, there was this play called The Humans. There was a scene where The, like, sister character comes in and she's holding, like, a 12 pack of toilet paper, and they rip open the plastic, and I still think about it to this day, How did they do that?

[00:07:26] TREY GERRALD: Like, how many toilet 

[00:07:27] CHELSEY DONN: paper, like, did they just have a million things of toilet paper? Maybe every single show, somebody else got to go home with, with some toilet paper. 

[00:07:37] TREY GERRALD: They donate to, I don't know, or maybe they just have like a plastic wrap machine in the back, like, but that's literally, I don't remember what happened next.

[00:07:44] TREY GERRALD: I can't tell you what happened to that scene. 

[00:07:45] CHELSEY DONN: Because you were distracted by that 

[00:07:47] TREY GERRALD: the whole time. 

[00:07:48] CHELSEY DONN: I will say I have been on the receiving end of that adrenaline. So I understand the impulse. But now I don't think I'll ever be able to think of it other than the context of wow, there's all these Broadway shows that are doing this eight shows a week.

[00:08:02] CHELSEY DONN: How much confetti is that? That's too much confetti. Over confetti. 

[00:08:07] TREY GERRALD: Right, but maybe it's already recycled paper, that's, who knows, and honestly, I just want to bring it up because it's something that bothers me because it feels like a trope now. I know that when I saw hairspray, and it was a phenomenon, 

[00:08:20] CHELSEY DONN: and 

[00:08:21] TREY GERRALD: Yeah, it felt new.

[00:08:23] TREY GERRALD: I don't know if it had been done before. I don't know about when I don't know who created the confetti cannon and Broadway musicals. But now it's like I I'm fairly certain if I'm going to see a Jerry Mitchell musical, there's going to be confetti in my lap at some point. So it's like that is my complaint.

[00:08:38] TREY GERRALD: It's like the predictability, the trope, the overuse. It's not special anymore. It's predictable. That's my complaint. 

[00:08:45] CHELSEY DONN: The people expect the confetti. So he's giving them the confetti and everyone's afraid to take a risk and do something new. So I hear you. We should do new things. 

[00:08:53] TREY GERRALD: So the next revival of Les Mis, they better have a confetti cannon.

[00:08:57] TREY GERRALD: When everyone dies, shoot confetti. That's new, honey. That's new. 

[00:09:02] CHELSEY DONN: All right. Do you feel better? 

[00:09:03] TREY GERRALD: All right. I feel better. I have, I feel like I have thoroughly taken the audience through my yin and yang. of my Royal Highness and my lodging of a complaint about confetti. 

[00:09:14] CHELSEY DONN: I'm so glad you, you know, what's great about that, Trey, is like you did your very own one in five, you know, of the same thing.

[00:09:24] CHELSEY DONN: Without even realizing it. 

[00:09:26] TREY GERRALD: All right. So let's, okay, let's close the ledger book. And why don't we jump into some online reviews. As 

[00:09:32] CHELSEY DONN: you guys know, we are your trusty Review Queens. We each bring in a review from the internet that we feel needs to be inspected. 

[00:09:38] TREY GERRALD: We read you the review, we break it down, and we rate the impact of the review on a scale from 1 to 5 crowns.

[00:09:44] TREY GERRALD: It's a very regal process that we call, Assess That Kevetch! And Chelsey Girl! You are the first review of 2022. 

[00:09:54] CHELSEY DONN: I'm so honored. Okay, let's do it. 

[00:09:57] TREY GERRALD: Take it away, RQ. 

[00:10:00] CHELSEY DONN: Review That Review. Okay, I want to say that this review was inspired by a conversation that I had with a friend about some like fake faux American Girl dolls that I'm going to read in the Patreon at some point, but just so we have some context here about why I was looking up American Girl doll reviews.

[00:10:21] CHELSEY DONN: Now, you know, this is a one star review. from AmericanGirl. com. It is referencing the doll, Truly Me doll, it's called and it's number 88, which I just thought is like so funny and we'll get into it in the review that they like literally have a number for every that's associated with every single one of their dolls.

[00:10:45] TREY GERRALD: I thought they were called like Samantha. 

[00:10:46] CHELSEY DONN: No, they are. But I guess it's like, maybe that's just like the truly me dolls, haven't it? But it literally says like, truly me doll number 88. So this is the 88th of the truly me doll collection because you know, people Really are into this try like, like very, they collect these American girl dolls.

[00:11:07] CHELSEY DONN: I mean, it was popular when we were kids, so now there's new generations of parents that are passing their American girl dolls onto the, the new kid. It's just like this is a real thing. Anyway, people have real opinions about this is the point. This review is a one star review written by May 10. The subject of the review is three bad wigs.

[00:11:33] TREY GERRALD: I cannot wait. Here we go. 

[00:11:40] CHELSEY DONN: My daughter wanted 88 for Christmas this year. I saw that she was backordered by a month, so I went ahead and purchased the doll. Both of my girls have a couple AG dolls, and I saved my three from when I was little. This would be the 11th doll. So this doll shows up looking beautiful in the box.

[00:12:00] CHELSEY DONN: Since I read some bad reviews about the hair thinning, I took her out to look her over. I was shocked. I called AG and they sent a replacement. Same thing with a second doll. Call it again, and they said to third, they all have the same problem, IMO, American girl should stop production on this doll until they get this wig fixed, If you are a collector, probably not a big deal, But the moment you start to play with the hair is where you will see the scalp, My other daughter wanted the bright pink hair doll, I ordered that one, and her wig is shiny, beautiful, but on the thin side, and you can see the scalp on that one, but not as bad as 88, I told my daughter the issues with 88, so she's looking at the purple hair doll, I ordered that one, and she has a beautiful, thick, and shiny wig, the purple one was by far the best quality wig, like I said, 88 is beautiful from the front, but check the scalp.

[00:13:11] CHELSEY DONN: The pink hair is nice and thick, but the light blue and purple under the pink is where the problem is. I hope they can get this wig right because I would love to get it for my daughter at some point.

[00:13:29] CHELSEY DONN: I should also point out and like maybe we can put a photo somewhere. So this doll, 88, has like three different color hair of hair. It's like a light, almost like platinum gray blonde and then blue and pink. So it's like three different tones. 

[00:13:48] TREY GERRALD: And you order based on the color of the hair like you select that box or whatever.

[00:13:52] CHELSEY DONN: No, I don't know why she's just it's so funny because she's really just calling the other ones like the purple wig ones and she's so specific about 88. But no, they all have names. The only way that 88 comes is with this tri hair color. 

[00:14:08] TREY GERRALD: Okay, that makes sense. Yes, because I actually wrote I literally wrote down 88 versus quote purple haired doll.

[00:14:16] CHELSEY DONN: Yeah, 

[00:14:17] TREY GERRALD: because with the purple haired doll be like, not 88, it would be like, seven or something. 

[00:14:23] CHELSEY DONN: Yes, purple haired doll would be like 76. Yeah. Well, 

[00:14:28] TREY GERRALD: well, so I did write that down because it seems like May 10 10 is very big on abbreviation. May 10 10 does not have time. 

[00:14:36] CHELSEY DONN: No, 

[00:14:37] TREY GERRALD: she said May 10 10 is like a G IMO.

[00:14:41] TREY GERRALD: Right and 88 like but then yeah purple haired. I just was very taken because I obviously it's easier to type AG than to write American Girl multiple times, but and a lot of them 

[00:14:52] CHELSEY DONN: do like the inside people 

[00:14:54] TREY GERRALD: that makes sense And May is clearly inside because the 11th doll 

[00:15:00] CHELSEY DONN: Yeah, 

[00:15:01] TREY GERRALD: which I wrote down because American Girl Dolls are not cheap.

[00:15:05] CHELSEY DONN: No, they're not. This one's over. This is 145. This doll 

[00:15:11] TREY GERRALD: and baby dolls are very expensive, but 150. I know. But to May's credit, May 1010 has three from their childhood, so they last lifetimes. You know, 

[00:15:24] CHELSEY DONN: what I think is the most interesting about this is the patience of American Girl. I mean, how many times Do we think that May called customer service about this issue?

[00:15:38] CHELSEY DONN: And they were given three products. I feel like we're missing a piece of the narrative because here's what I think happened. I think May called customer service the first time, they sent a second one. Called customer service the second time, they sent a second, whatever. They, they had three dolls total basically of this Doll send to them.

[00:15:55] CHELSEY DONN: None of them were good. Then I think they said, well you know what? Why don't we send you another doll then? And I think that's where Purple Doll came from. 

[00:16:04] TREY GERRALD: I 

[00:16:04] CHELSEY DONN: think you're right. So I think Purple Doll was within the cost of this first purchase. 

[00:16:10] TREY GERRALD: Well, I think you just clarified because I don't think May 10 10 knows the number of purple hair doll.

[00:16:16] TREY GERRALD: It was suggested by American Girl. It wasn't suggested by the daughter. 

[00:16:21] CHELSEY DONN: Yeah, maybe American Girl was like, you know what? If a nice, if a nice, beautiful, thick, shiny wig is what is most important to you, then like, here's a doll that will please you. 

[00:16:31] TREY GERRALD: Purple hair. 

[00:16:32] CHELSEY DONN: And I also think that they said my other daughter wanted the bright, Pink hair doll and they ordered that one.

[00:16:38] CHELSEY DONN: One got the pink hair. The other one got 88 and pink hair was like acceptable enough to be kept. And 88 was like a real issue. Don't you think? 

[00:16:48] TREY GERRALD: Yeah, 

[00:16:49] CHELSEY DONN: I think that's the narrative. 

[00:16:50] TREY GERRALD: It feels pretty progressive to me. I think of American Girl Doll as being like conservative dolls, but I love that they have like fun, crazy hair.

[00:17:00] CHELSEY DONN: Yeah, I really think that they're going for a rebrand with, I think, I don't really know the whole history of American Girl, but I know it was historical people or whatever, and then they branched down to more modern day, and this is definitely, she's like a skater girl living in a skater world, whatever that song is.

[00:17:18] CHELSEY DONN: She's just a skater girl. Skater 

[00:17:19] TREY GERRALD: girl. I actually almost clutched my pearls when May 1010 at the beginning says that, you know, based on all these reviews about the thinning hair, I took it out of the box before giving it to my daughter, right? Like so much about dolls is like doll collection. Oh, yeah, goodness.

[00:17:38] TREY GERRALD: Like and all the little like zip twisty ties you have to do. It's like it's such a process getting the doll out, 

[00:17:44] CHELSEY DONN: right? 

[00:17:45] TREY GERRALD: I just was shocked that and then and then it's like nonchalant when I got the next one did the same thing. I would be so mad if my mom had unboxed my doll. 

[00:17:53] CHELSEY DONN: Agree. Maybe she knows that her kid is one that like would want to just like play with it right away.

[00:17:58] CHELSEY DONN: And it's like, Mommy, get it out of the thing. You know, I don't know. 

[00:18:01] TREY GERRALD: True. Okay, good point. But also, you know, Like, so much of, like, doll play is, like, brushing the hair, combing the hair, putting ribbons in the hair, putting clips in the hair, doing a ponytail, doing pigtails. So if, so there is a value check, I think, inside of this review that I'm just very curious about production.

[00:18:19] TREY GERRALD: Why does the, like, fiber color, like, why is there a discrepancy between purple hair doll and pink hair doll versus the rainbow hair doll like shouldn't they all have the same density like that is very odd yeah 

[00:18:33] CHELSEY DONN: it is very odd the only thing that i can think of why we're having a problem with this and i will say i went through like some other reviews most of the other ones didn't They will say, like, if the hair was bad, they'll actually update it and it'll say, like, new design or like updated version.

[00:18:50] CHELSEY DONN: And then there'll be reviews where people will say, like, got the new version and it's really great. So sometimes it does seem like we have a lemon, an American, what? An American girl shifts and fix I do 

[00:19:02] TREY GERRALD: not like that. Why? Why? Why is there ever a product that's released that needs to be updated? Why is that a consistent thing in the American Girl doll brand?

[00:19:11] TREY GERRALD: Why don't you get it right the first time? I'm paying 150. 

[00:19:15] CHELSEY DONN: Yes, I hear you. But here's the thing. I think American Girl That made me so mad. 

[00:19:18] TREY GERRALD: Did you catch that? Funny. 

[00:19:19] CHELSEY DONN: I did catch that. I think American Girl actually comes off Pretty good in this review. And this is why. Let's say American Girl does have some sort of manufacturer that they use.

[00:19:29] CHELSEY DONN: They sometimes release a new doll and they get a lemon. Should that happen when you're spending 150? No, it shouldn't. But listen, it happens. I'm sure these are coming from like some factory somewhere, right? That's another 

[00:19:42] VOICEOVER: question. 

[00:19:42] CHELSEY DONN: Right. At least they're willing to do something about it. They sent this woman at least three dolls.

[00:19:50] TREY GERRALD: Yeah. 

[00:19:50] CHELSEY DONN: They made it to the end of the day. Her daughter had a doll that she was happy with. Does she have 88? No, but even in the end of this review, May is saying, I hope that they do fix it because if they do, my daughter would love this doll. And it seems like they have a history of when something happens.

[00:20:08] CHELSEY DONN: It does seem like they have pivoted before. So I think that that's that's kind of cool. I think it's weird that this is a one star review based on all of the amazing customer service that it sounds like, you know, 

[00:20:21] TREY GERRALD: Right. I do two things. I appreciate you walking me through that rage because I was stuck at the problem rather than recognizing, pulling out a little bit from the focus and seeing like, okay, but they, they are willing to fix, which is important because 

[00:20:36] CHELSEY DONN: sometimes someone will have a Crappy product and then they don't do anything about it, at least they did something.

[00:20:41] TREY GERRALD: And then as far as the One Star Review, I think that May 1010 is specifically leaving the One Star Review for EV8. For this doll. Right. Yeah. Which like is interesting because we are deducing and extrapolating like how great the customer service is from AG even though May doesn't explicitly state it.

[00:21:01] TREY GERRALD: Right. But we know that May 1010 has a 11. I mean, then they had in their custody, three more. So they've had 14. So like, obviously, they're probably cool with American Girl doll. And they're the one I would say the one stars for Pink 88. You're right. So 

[00:21:19] CHELSEY DONN: yeah, so that is it 

[00:21:20] TREY GERRALD: is valuable to me. It's not my world.

[00:21:23] TREY GERRALD: I, my sister did have a Samantha doll and I was obsessed with it, but I was in the South in the eighties. So I don't need to continue that sentence, but tell me about May 10, 10 spelling and grammar. 

[00:21:35] CHELSEY DONN: Really good. Excellent. I mean, could definitely get like elementary school teacher vibes. I don't know why I was 

[00:21:41] TREY GERRALD: going to say, I feel like I can see how May is like an arts and craft person.

[00:21:45] TREY GERRALD: And like, yes, it's like the fun teacher that has a really cool bulletin board. 

[00:21:49] CHELSEY DONN: Yeah, I have to say that the review was impactful and that I, I think if I was, let's say my, my niece or something was really into American Girl and I thought, oh, that it is like a pretty doll, though I just noticed that the doll is like weirdly holding a wad of cash, which seems, which seems a little strange, but anyway, um, yeah, I just noticed that.

[00:22:11] CHELSEY DONN: Um, but yeah, I think if I read this review and saw that the quality wasn't good, there's no way I would buy it after this, unless it was Trey, Joe Kinosian, 

[00:22:21] TREY GERRALD: Eva Kaminsky, LogoVora, Meryl, Meryl, Meryl, Joe Kinosian, Eva Kaminsky, They've done due diligence, which makes me trust them. 

[00:22:38] CHELSEY DONN: I agree. I also think that they took extra effort.

[00:22:42] CHELSEY DONN: I mean, and maybe it wasn't effort for them and it was just something I picked up on. 'cause I'm not a part of this world, but I do feel like there's this thing about people that write reviews specifically for American Girl Doll, where they really want you to know that they're. in the inside. They all use this A G instead of American Girl.

[00:23:00] CHELSEY DONN: They talk about how many dolls they have. She talks that this is a multi generational thing. She really wants the people that are reading this review to know, listen, you're getting advice from somebody that that has been around the block or, you know, a few times with this American Girl situation. 

[00:23:18] TREY GERRALD: And honestly, because I'm not in that culture, I appreciate knowing that they identify that way.

[00:23:23] CHELSEY DONN: Yeah, I think it helps their, um, credibility. 

[00:23:28] TREY GERRALD: It's definitely not humorous because I think it's not funny to me. 

[00:23:32] CHELSEY DONN: Oh, no, especially when it comes to 

[00:23:34] TREY GERRALD: children. Like if you're getting these expensive gifts for your children that are this personal to you because you had them as a child, like it is not a time for humor because this really is very serious.

[00:23:45] CHELSEY DONN: Yeah. 

[00:23:46] TREY GERRALD: And especially 

[00:23:46] CHELSEY DONN: with the two daughters, because it sounds like she got both and one of them had a better experience than the other, and that's awkward. I 

[00:23:55] TREY GERRALD: mean 

[00:23:55] CHELSEY DONN: Alright, I think I'm ready to crown, are you? I Yeah, 

[00:23:59] TREY GERRALD: I think so too. 

[00:24:00] CHELSEY DONN: Alright, let's do it. 

[00:24:01] TREY GERRALD: Okay, so Chelsey and I each have our own set of one to five crown cards, and in an effort to be fair and not influenced by one another, we will simultaneously reveal our ratings.

[00:24:13] VOICEOVER: The queens are tabulating.

[00:24:20] CHELSEY DONN: Oh, interesting. So I'm holding up three and a half crowns. Trey is holding up four and a half crowns. Trey, why four and a half crowns for May? 

[00:24:29] TREY GERRALD: Honestly, I went on a journey with this review emotionally as well. But at first I sort of thought that May was a Karen. But I sort of started thinking, this is an investment financially.

[00:24:42] TREY GERRALD: There's a very high standard to the brand, and it's just not funny, so to me, I took off half a crown, because I do think that this, I mean, I'm never, now, officially, I can declare, I will never purchase 88, 

[00:24:57] CHELSEY DONN: Yeah. Oh, no. Okay. So, 

[00:24:59] TREY GERRALD: um, for that reason, I did four and a half rounds because the spelling is great. I believe May 1010.

[00:25:06] TREY GERRALD: They've shown me their due diligence, their history with the brand. They're an insider. I'm not. And, you know, for that reason, I don't think, I don't think humor was warranted, but as you know, to be a full Review Queen, I want to have some, all of that. So four and a half. What about you? Why'd you do three and a half?

[00:25:24] CHELSEY DONN: I concur with everything that you've said. I think that May is a good Samaritan. I think she's done her due diligence by this community. The one place where I took off was I know that this was a review for 488. However, I thought there could have been a little more self awareness around what the customer service was doing for her.

[00:25:44] CHELSEY DONN: Even if there was just a sentence that said, I want to give a good shout out to, you know, customer service for literally sending me three different dolls because I was unhappy. That being said, like this review is specifically for this doll. I would have appreciated that. I don't, I think that that's maybe where the Karen impulse came.

[00:26:06] CHELSEY DONN: from because it was like, they sent me another one. They sent me another one. They sent me another one. And it was never like, thank you for for trying to fix this issue. So that was where I took the extra crown off and three and a half for May for me, but good Samaritan. And thanks for the advice. We won't buy the doll.

[00:26:23] TREY GERRALD: Totally. I hear that. Oh, my God. So fun. I love I love the whole culture of America. Yeah. So what a joy to get this review. 

[00:26:30] CHELSEY DONN: It was fun. All right. You know what? I think that we've reached the most regal portion of our show. So, Trey, who are you inducting today for My Royal Highness? 

[00:26:44] TREY GERRALD: Okay, so this is something that I really thought about over the last month, but today I would like to induct wrapping paper.

[00:26:51] CHELSEY DONN: Okay. Yes. 

[00:26:52] TREY GERRALD: Now, isn't wrapping paper so fun? 

[00:26:54] CHELSEY DONN: Yes. I love it is like disguises 

[00:26:57] TREY GERRALD: what whatever you're about to get. And then it's like so much part of the experience. There's like common joke about kids being more into the wrapping and the bows than the actual product. Like there's a phase where almost every little tiny child goes through.

[00:27:11] TREY GERRALD: I just love wrapping paper. I love the idea of I see the shape of what I am about to receive, but I have to physically undo it. I also love Wrapping gifts. I think there's something very like zen and like peaceful about making the paper fit and like taping it in a cute way and folding the ends like there.

[00:27:35] TREY GERRALD: It's like there's something meditative about making it look beautiful. So I thought I'm going to induct wrapping paper because it is transactional. I think maybe it doesn't get a lot of attention. And when something is not wrapped well, You can't hide that. So there is an art to wrapping and I just love wrapping paper.

[00:27:55] TREY GERRALD: So for that reason, even though we're in January, I am inducting wrapping paper for my Royal Highness. 

[00:28:03] CHELSEY DONN: I love it. Thank you. 

[00:28:04] TREY GERRALD: All right, Queen. So we did it. Here we are. That is another round, our first spin in the new year on the RUARQ Ferris Wheel. 

[00:28:13] CHELSEY DONN: Thank you, Queens, so much for joining us today. If you like what you heard, will you please do us a favor?

[00:28:19] CHELSEY DONN: And tell a friend, give them something to do in 2022 that was different from last year. Like, I don't know, listening to this podcast. 

[00:28:26] TREY GERRALD: And if you didn't like what you heard, tell an enemy. We would love for you to join our mailing list to stay up to date with the goings on in our queendom. Visit ReviewThatReview.

[00:28:36] TREY GERRALD: com to join, or Click the link in our show notes below. 

[00:28:39] CHELSEY DONN: And don't forget, we want to hear from you. Hit up our voice mailbox, let us know how the New Year's resolutions are going. 1 850 REVIEW ZERO. You can also follow us, if you'd like, on all the socials, at the Review Queens. I'm at ChelseyBD, and that's Chelsey with a Y.

[00:28:55] TREY GERRALD: And I am at Trey Gerrald. That's Gerald with a G with two R's. Yee 

[00:29:01] CHELSEY DONN: haw! 

[00:29:02] TREY GERRALD: Become a member of the Royal Court by joining our Patreon at patreon. com slash Review That Review. 

[00:29:08] CHELSEY DONN: And remember, ignore the haters. You're a queen. 

[00:29:12] TREY GERRALD: Gender non specific, queen. Of course. Bye. See you next week. Bye, everyone. Whoo! Thanks for listening to this very special review episode of the show.

[00:29:23] TREY GERRALD: We would love for you to leave us a five star rating on Apple Podcasts, on Spotify, whatever platform it is that you're listening on right now. And why don't you go ahead and share the show? It makes a giant impact for our reach. So go ahead, post it in your story on Instagram, make a TikTok about it. No sharing is too big or too little.

[00:29:43] TREY GERRALD: Love ya. Sign up directly on Apple Podcast to hear our weekly members only after show. Unlock additional benefits when you become a Patreon slash patreon. Follow us on all the socials at the review queens and join our mailing Our kvetch line is open 24 7 at 1 8 5 0 review zero.

[00:30:05] TREY GERRALD: You never visit, you never write. Give us a koal. No.

Review That Review is an independent podcast. Certain names have been redacted or changed to protect the guilty. Executive produced by Trey Gerrald and Chelsey Donn with editing and sound designed by me with voiceover talents by Eva Kaminsky. Our cover art was designed by LogoVora and our theme song was written by Joe Kinosian and sung by Natalie Weiss.



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