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TRANSCRIPT of Episode 182: "RE-VIEW: Ripley's Believe it or Not! (from Ep 7)"

Writer's picture: The Review QueensThe Review Queens

Review That Review with Chelsey & Trey
Episode 182: "RE-VIEW: Ripley's Believe it or Not! (from Ep 7)"


*Please pardon any and all spelling errors!

[00:00:00] TREY GERRALD: I don't believe it. Babies, it's time to Review, Review That Review, Episode 7, which aired on July 21st, 2021. The original episode contained two reviews, two complaints, and two Royal Highness inductions. I don't know if you can believe it, but Ripley doesn't care if you can believe it or not. This was a turning point for me and the show because the review had pictures and I remember like cackling with Chelsey and this may have been one of the very first TripAdvisors. I don't know if that's true. But I, whatever, I remember a light bulb in my head going off like, Oh, I have to start checking for these random, kitschy tourist things. And that was because of Chelsey. So today's review is just a bite sized version of that original airing. So if you want to catch all of the reviews, all of the complaints, all of those Royal Highnesses, you got to pop back up and listen to episode seven in full. Also, while you're scrolling up, just go ahead and leave the review five stars, do that in whatever podcast app you're listening in right now. Share it with your friends. Come on, blow us up. 

[00:01:04] THEME SONG: Everybody's got an opinion.

Every Californian and Virginian.

It's so hard to tell who to trust and who to ignore.

Someone's gotta settle the score.

Trey and Chelsey will help you choose!

Whose views win, which ones lose.

Online haters are comin' for you!

Baby, it's time to Review That Review!

[00:01:34] TREY GERRALD: Hi, everyone. Welcome to Review That Review, the podcast dedicated to reviewing 

[00:01:39] CHELSEY DONN: Reviews. We're just like Siskel and Ebert, only instead of reviewing cinematic masterpieces, we rate and review those hilarious, scathing, and sometimes suspicious online reviews.

[00:01:51] TREY GERRALD: So suspicious. That's Chelsey Donn. 

[00:01:54] CHELSEY DONN: And that's Trey Gerrald, 

[00:01:56] TREY GERRALD: and together, we're 

[00:01:58] CHELSEY DONN: the Review Queens. How's your crown feeling today, Trey? 

[00:02:04] TREY GERRALD: You know, I've secured it with 19 bobby pins and a whole lot of aquanuts. 

[00:02:08] CHELSEY DONN: Okay, well then it's definitely not going anywhere. Um, how's your week been? 

[00:02:13] TREY GERRALD: Uh, my week is, is good.

[00:02:15] TREY GERRALD: I feel like I always have a really boring answer to this, which is probably a great thing. It's a hard question, to be fair. I think my week's been good. We're still, um, you know, assimilating as a family with our new dog, which I think we are gonna, Go with Hunter. We're sort of still figuring that out. Um, Winnie's doing well with him and the week is good.

[00:02:33] TREY GERRALD: Our nephew Denver is visiting and staying with us, which is nice. And, um, my friend from preschool, Rachel is also staying with us. So it's a very full house. It's been a good week. How about you? How's your week? 

[00:02:45] CHELSEY DONN: My week has been good. I just spoke with my alumni office at my high school for a little while, which is nice to connect and might be doing something with them in the future, which is great.

[00:02:59] CHELSEY DONN: Feeling excited to be here. And I can't even believe what this is episode seven, right? 

[00:03:05] TREY GERRALD: Seven, seven minutes in 

[00:03:07] CHELSEY DONN: heaven. Hopefully it will be however long, 52 minutes in heaven or however long this ends up being, but thank you guys for tuning in. It's been so amazing doing this podcast and having so many of you reach out with just the nicest things to say and Trey and I really, really appreciate it.

[00:03:25] CHELSEY DONN: First and foremost, this is something that we're doing for fun that we, we just enjoy doing. And the fact that people are enjoying it along with us is just, it's so nice. So thank you guys. 

[00:03:36] TREY GERRALD: It really is amazing actually. 

[00:03:38] CHELSEY DONN: And with all that love just, you know, being spread around, I think that it's time that we 

[00:03:45] MATT BAUMAN: Ledge a complaint.

[00:03:46] TREY GERRALD: It's really funny because when we conceived this whole idea, it was like, yeah, we'll start with talking about our week and we'll go into complaints, but like, It's such a hard segue consistently because we're like so full of gratitude about the podcast. And then it's like, all right, hard turn. But I'm going to start because I have a really hardcore complaint.

[00:04:06] TREY GERRALD: That is something that has been with me internally for probably all of my life. I'm not sure exactly where it began. It has something to do with being a people pleaser, but I want to lodge a complaint against this internal turmoil about telling anyone when their fly is down. It's the same internal turmoil when, like, you're talking to someone and they accidentally spit on your face.

[00:04:35] CHELSEY DONN: Oh, yeah. And you, like, 

[00:04:36] TREY GERRALD: don't want to, like, wipe it away. You don't want, like, you don't, like, they know they did it. You know that they know. But you also don't want their spit on your face. Right. So you're like trying to like be clever and like, Oh, is that a fly? And you just magically wipe your cheek or it's like, Oh, oh, you know, it's also that same internal feeling when you're in conversation with someone and they have halitosis, disgusting, horrifying breath.

[00:04:59] TREY GERRALD: And, and it's like, if I say, Oh, your breath, it's like the conversation's over. It's terrible. I just registered that those are all the same feeling inside where I feel stopped in expressing what's actually occurring from a place of uncomfortability. So I'm just lodging a complaint Subs about being stifled and sharing like, Oh, sir, your fly is down.

[00:05:28] TREY GERRALD: It's not the same. If someone has like, um, someone comes out of the bathroom and they have toilet paper on their shoe, that is sort of, it's like, you haven't done anything wrong. Like you just didn't notice that that's there. But I feel like if your fly is down, you like, maybe like, How did you forget to zip it up?

[00:05:42] TREY GERRALD: I don't know. But like, if you have bad breath, it's like, why do you have bad breath? And you didn't realize it. And so I don't want to acknowledge it, because then I'm being judgmental. And then it could be confrontational. And if someone spits on my face, I don't know why that's so uncomfortable. And I'm really hoping that out of the pandemic, that's something that we just have no issue with anymore.

[00:06:01] TREY GERRALD: But that's my complaint. It really. Reeks havoc internally on me, and I'm going to commit right here on the podcast to taking action on this complaint, being the change I want to see in the world when it comes to acknowledging when a fly is down, when someone spits on my face, and when someone has horrifyingly bad breath.

[00:06:19] CHELSEY DONN: Wow, speak your truth, but I also feel you, I had a friend whose mom told somebody, like a friend of her sister's, that she had something in her teeth, 

[00:06:31] TREY GERRALD: Oh, same thing, and 

[00:06:32] CHELSEY DONN: she tried to do it as a joke, which I understand, like, joke is a good way of going about it, right, like, it's, it's a, you know, we're humans, these things happen, And the woman did not take the joke well, but it's, it's just one of those things where it's hard to know, like, how can I be helpful without making you feel worse?

[00:06:50] CHELSEY DONN: Like, how can I create a safe space for you? 

[00:06:53] TREY GERRALD: Cause the alternative is if I don't tell you, you're going to go home at night and be like, Oh my God, how long was my fly down? 

[00:06:58] CHELSEY DONN: Totally. Or, yeah, I mean, like, or like me, like I had chicken Caesar salad stuck in my braces for most of my bat mitzvah. Can you believe it?

[00:07:08] TREY GERRALD: Are you serious? 

[00:07:09] CHELSEY DONN: I swear half my pictures of my bat mitzvah have chicken Caesar salad in my braces and not a single person told me. I mean, I'm livid every time I come across a picture where you can see the romaine. It's terrible. 

[00:07:22] TREY GERRALD: I am mouth agape at that. How does the photographer not tell you? 

[00:07:26] CHELSEY DONN: I mean, like, to be fair to all parties involved, I mean, the photographer, I don't know, like, maybe it was the braces and he couldn't really see it.

[00:07:33] CHELSEY DONN: And then, like, I saw it later. I do wish, like, one of my friends or somebody would have just been like, let me just, like, give you a little bit of advice. Like, here's a toothpick. Yeah. 

[00:07:44] TREY GERRALD: Wow, I'm, I'm, I'm so amazed at how, how much, um, we both have to share about this internal turmoil. But anyway, let's move on.

[00:07:52] TREY GERRALD: Let's jump into some written online reviews. 

[00:07:55] CHELSEY DONN: Please. As you know, we are your trusty review queens. We each bring in a review from the internet that we feel needs to be inspected. 

[00:08:04] TREY GERRALD: We read you the review, break it down, and rate the impact of the review on a scale from one to five crowns. It is a very regal process that we call Assess that 

[00:08:14] CHELSEY DONN: kvetch.

[00:08:15] TREY GERRALD: Hey, Chels, did you know that kvetch means complaint? 

[00:08:18] CHELSEY DONN: I'm kvelling, Trey, you're Yiddish. It's excellent. Gazigazunt. Yikes. 

[00:08:25] TREY GERRALD: Okay. Who is first? You are, my lady. Review That 

[00:08:32] CHELSEY DONN: Review.

[00:08:36] CHELSEY DONN: Okay. My review is written by, I'm going to butcher this name and I apologize in advance, Orsolya. I'm going to spell it. O R S O L Y A or Solya D. This is a two star review of Ripley's Believe It or Not, uh, in, in Hollywood, I believe it's in Hollywood, and this is, uh, Ursulia D's opinion of, of Ripley's Believe It or Not, you're right, Ripley, I don't believe it, I don't believe what a complete waste of time and disappointment you are, You're lucky I had complimentary tickets, Because there's no way anyone should spend hard earned cash on you, One expects much more fun from this famous tourist hotspot, What a dud this auditorium turned out to be, The most appealing factor?

[00:09:38] CHELSEY DONN: The exterior, Which has you believe that the contents will entice, excite, and astonish. I suppose that is another one of Ripley's illusions. I generally stay away from tourist spots, but I had complimentary tickets, and hey, if it's free, I'm in. Not to mention, I took the metro, so I didn't have to deal with parking and whatnot.

[00:10:02] CHELSEY DONN: I arrived to an empty building. Maybe everyone already knows not to come here. Even the young teenager working the front desk was bored and making fun of the establishment. I expected oddities, jars with preserved alien creatures, ancient artifacts, etc. What'd I find? A few rooms of facts on tablets and the most cheesy mannequin displays demonstrating the stated fact.

[00:10:34] CHELSEY DONN: It was horrible. I have a better time reading a Ripley's Believe It or Not book. A complete bore. There were only a few highlights, which are barely memorable, so that shows how much of a highlight they were. Everything looked like a funhouse at an elementary school carnival. The hall of dungeon like displays.

[00:10:57] CHELSEY DONN: Of torture weapons was okay, But played cheesy Halloween sound effect tapes, And the mannequins were dressed up for Christmas, Wearing Santa hats and naughty signs, Which decreased the effect even more, We were in and out of this place in about 30 minutes or less, I can't believe this place is still in business,

[00:11:25] TREY GERRALD: Wow, yeah, Orsalia D wants to make it very clear that they had comp tickets, I think they said that about three times, 

[00:11:32] CHELSEY DONN: They did, I will say, love Orsalia D's personality and passion here, but they were a bit repetitive, 

[00:11:40] TREY GERRALD: Have you ever been to a Ripley's, believe it or not? 

[00:11:42] CHELSEY DONN: I went to, yes, I've been to the Ripley's, believe it or not, in Atlantic City, and I remember when I went with my friends, we were so excited, because there was something else to do in the area, it was pretty boring, though, 

[00:11:51] TREY GERRALD: Oh, really?

[00:11:52] TREY GERRALD: I've actually never been, 

[00:11:54] CHELSEY DONN: Yeah, it's not, like, they really oversell it, which I think is what, Or Zalia is getting at like outside of it and everything though. Please believe it or not. And there were like some interesting factoids about like the guy with the longest toenails 

[00:12:11] TREY GERRALD: or that woman that can pop her eyeballs out.

[00:12:13] CHELSEY DONN: Oh, yes, I'm sure she was. She was probably Or like something with Snapple or like the most Snapple ids. I was a kid when I went, like I was still a teenager at the time and I think we had like enough fun sort of making fun of it and probably using the photo booth or something. But again, this was in Atlantic City, not Hollywood, so I don't know.

[00:12:33] TREY GERRALD: There is one in Key West and there's obviously a famous one in New York, but I've actually never been. But I know in Key West, the building is, and even in Hollywood, I've seen, I've driven by the one in Hollywood, the built, the facade, like Orsaglia said, is like really cool looking, 

[00:12:49] CHELSEY DONN: 100%. The facade is like super cool.

[00:12:51] CHELSEY DONN: It definitely makes you think like, Oh, maybe I'll do that. Even if it's like, Oh, maybe when my nephew comes in town or something like that's something we can do. I'm happy to know that it's kind of bad. I mean, like, I'm, I'm glad that I read this review because I think it might like push me over the edge.

[00:13:08] CHELSEY DONN: edge. to not go and remember the last time I did it when I was a kid that it really wasn't that interesting and they're not really giving anything but I think maybe if I got complimentary tickets 

[00:13:19] TREY GERRALD: does or so or solia solia say anything about children or was it just or saw you It says they were in and out within half an hour, right?

[00:13:29] TREY GERRALD: So 

[00:13:30] CHELSEY DONN: it said we were in and out. So they were with somebody. I'm trying to just quickly look. Yeah, no, the only other person that Orsalia mentioned was the younger teenager that was working there, who was bored and making fun of it and also making fun of it. 

[00:13:46] TREY GERRALD: I mean, it does definitely occur to me as a tourist.

[00:13:49] TREY GERRALD: thing for children, like that is definitely so hearing that it's just stupid mannequins and also I just love like the ageism within saying. The cheesy Halloween sound effect tapes. Like the, this franchise of Ripley's Believe It or Not is using cassette tapes. What is the spelling and grammar like?

[00:14:10] CHELSEY DONN: Spelling and grammar is solid. Good. We, you know, we use quotations appropriately. Punctuation's all good. We use all caps, but not in a way that was abusive. 

[00:14:21] TREY GERRALD: I actually really believe Orsaglia in this only because at first I was like, Why is this bitch writing a review when they got comm tickets? But they must have, like, they must really be committed to making a difference in the world, because if they were that offended by the inferiority of this oddity display, 

[00:14:44] CHELSEY DONN: Auditorium.

[00:14:45] TREY GERRALD: Auditorium. And this is two stars, right? So I wonder why it wasn't one. 

[00:14:52] CHELSEY DONN: I think the second star is for the comp ticket. We can't just give a one star. I think I agree with you. Like we got comp tickets. It was free. The whole, I think that they say you're lucky I had a complimentary ticket, you know, because it was something to do.

[00:15:05] TREY GERRALD: I wonder how you get those. How can I get a comp ticket? I want to go. 

[00:15:09] CHELSEY DONN: I feel like it's probably, Either like a school raffle, you know, or maybe if you're just walking on Hollywood Boulevard and they're just passing them out because they're trying to get bodies in the room and they don't want to hire extras.

[00:15:24] TREY GERRALD: I was intrigued and entertained instantly with The subject, or the first sentence, which is like, well, Ripley, I don't 

[00:15:31] CHELSEY DONN: Ripley, I don't believe it. I don't, yeah. It was good. I mean, I thought Arsali was clever. Again, like, I think long winded, repetitive at times, but I was laughing when I read this review. 

[00:15:44] TREY GERRALD: If you were Orsaya's grandma, would you put this on the fridge?

[00:15:48] TREY GERRALD: Maybe? 

[00:15:49] CHELSEY DONN: I don't know. Probably not. I don't think it's that interesting. But, um, some people's grandparents have a lot of weird things on their fridge. 

[00:15:57] TREY GERRALD: I mean, it is interesting to me to be given something for free and then make the choice to, like, give a negative opinion of it. Which, like, I appreciate the, um, integrity of doing that.

[00:16:09] TREY GERRALD: But there is something odd about, like, well, but it was free. I mean. Orsaglia was like really turned off by this. I mean, I do find this to, I don't know if it's a deal breaker, but it's, but it's definitely an impact because every time I go by the Ripley's in Key West or in Times Square, I do like feel a little sense of like, Oh, I bet this would be really fun.

[00:16:31] CHELSEY DONN: Right. Or I should cross off the bucket list or something. 

[00:16:33] TREY GERRALD: But now I really think Orsaglia is going to live within me. 

[00:16:36] CHELSEY DONN: Yeah, I think Orsalia is not going anywhere for a while, but I, I also think just to like push back a teeny bit in terms of the free thing and whether or not Orsalia has the right to write a review because it was free.

[00:16:49] CHELSEY DONN: Like you said, like they were transparent about it was free. It wasn't like they were saying they paid for it and, and then writing this review. So like, I appreciate the transparency. It's similar to, I don't know if you've ever come across a product, but Sometimes people in like product just like reviews will say, you know, I, I got this as a free trial or, you know, I, I got this product for free, but I'm reviewing it anyway.

[00:17:12] CHELSEY DONN: And I think that sometimes money comes up in, in the review. Like I, this was a rip off or something like that. Obviously we dealt with that, um, with last week's, uh, wish. com issue, but like this, It doesn't always have to be about money. It's really about, is this worth my experience? Is this worth my time?

[00:17:30] CHELSEY DONN: And so I think I would consider Orsalia just as much as I would, I would consider anybody else because they did walk through it. They experienced it. I mean, half hour, but you know, they were in there and they did break down some of what I might expect to see. If I were to visit this Ripley's, believe it or not, And they also 

[00:17:52] TREY GERRALD: said it was an empty building.

[00:17:53] TREY GERRALD: So like that also helps you to like read the tablets that fast and get out. 

[00:17:57] CHELSEY DONN: Yeah, like there's like nobody in there. So there's no, there's no fighting over a tablet. 

[00:18:01] TREY GERRALD: To your point about this, like it almost pushes me more in the other direction about They got this for free and it was still like so inferior of an experience that they just like don't want anyone to spend money because they didn't like it and it was free.

[00:18:15] TREY GERRALD: So there is something like very humanitarian about that. 

[00:18:19] CHELSEY DONN: Yeah. And also like Orsolea is an elite reviewer and I know that people who are elite reviewers, they take it seriously. Like it's almost like their job to whenever they have an experience. You know, share their experience with the people. I think that plays into why Orsaglia wrote this review.

[00:18:37] TREY GERRALD: Wait, I missed that before. So this is, so Orsaglia is an elite Yelp reviewer? 

[00:18:42] CHELSEY DONN: Yeah. Maybe that's how they 

[00:18:44] TREY GERRALD: got Comtica. 

[00:18:45] CHELSEY DONN: Oh, maybe. Yeah. Good point. Maybe. But they didn't have a good experience, so it didn't work out in that regard, but yes, I think, I think we can crown it. 

[00:18:55] TREY GERRALD: Yeah, I think I'm ready. Okay. Chelsey and I each have our own set of one to five crown cards, and in an effort to be fair and not influenced by one another's crown cards, we will simultaneously reveal our rating.

[00:19:06] TREY GERRALD: The 

[00:19:08] CHELSEY DONN: queens are tabulating. All right, are you ready? Um, I know, I really want to break a crown in half again, I'm like, 

[00:19:16] TREY GERRALD: We could just do, let's just do, let's do half crowns, I'll, we'll make cards and do, and incorporate them later. 

[00:19:21] CHELSEY DONN: Okay, 

[00:19:22] TREY GERRALD: okay, right now, you want to make one to hold it up? 

[00:19:25] VOICEOVER: Yeah, I'll do those really quick.

[00:19:26] VOICEOVER: I'm gonna make one too. Yeah, 

[00:19:30] TREY GERRALD: all right now. Wait, this is so bad. It's really funny. I'm gonna show you. I can't wait to show you. Okay, hold on. Okay.

[00:19:43] CHELSEY DONN: Central School. Oh my goodness. We both said 3. 5 crowns. Oh my God. Trey, your crown. It looks like Bart Simpson. I appreciate the drawing, I didn't even draw anything, I just wrote it on the back of one of our cards from Meryl Go Round, but okay, three and a half crowns, unanimous decision by the Queens, Trey, please explain your three and a half.

[00:20:09] TREY GERRALD: Orsalia had really salient points here, and I appreciate candor, it wasn't super, uh, entertaining, I, I, I thought it would be more from the joke at the get go, but I do think that there really is a lasting impact, and so for that reason, I actually do want to go to one now to see how factual Ursulia was. So for that reason, I broke one and a half because I didn't really think it was four, but I didn't think it was three.

[00:20:35] TREY GERRALD: So three and a half. That is my rating. Why did you do three and a half? 

[00:20:40] CHELSEY DONN: I have the same feeling. Like I ate it. I wanted to do four, but then I was like, I, you know, I'm sort of a little bit of a stricter judge, so I didn't think it was quite worth four, but I did think it was worth more than three. I took points away from Arsalia because I think they were a little bit repetitive and they really were top heavy with the entertainment and then sort of like fizzled a little bit, but that being said, I was thoroughly entertained.

[00:21:04] CHELSEY DONN: Everything was clear. I could understand what they were saying. They were transparent about their experience. I definitely believe that they're real. Um, and this is an authentic review. So for those reasons I gave or Solia three and a Half Crowns 

[00:21:18] TREY GERRALD: great job, or Solia. I mean, it's a very solid rating. Half, half of a crown above being middle of the road, which yes, I, I applaud.

[00:21:27] CHELSEY DONN: Yeah, me too. All right. Oh my God. Wait, hold on one second. Shoot. Sorry. I thought I turned my phone off and I guess I didn't. Oh, it's a listener voicemail. 

[00:21:38] TREY GERRALD: Oh my goodness. I didn't know we were doing this because I didn't say that we were going to do 

[00:21:43] CHELSEY DONN: this. I actually don't know what I'm about to hear. So I'm like, I'm excited, nervous, like all of the above.

[00:21:49] TREY GERRALD: So this week, We have two separate listener voices that we're going to play. First of all, this one comes from someone I'll, I'll actually just play it because they're going to say their name, right? So I don't need to say it. 

[00:22:02] KRISTIN GIANT: Hi, my name's Kirsten. I'm not calling to be featured on the podcast, but I am calling as a fan.

[00:22:09] KRISTIN GIANT: If I were going to review, review the review to get meta, I would, uh, say, Yeah, this is where we're playing, buddy. Um, great to listen to while you pretend to listen to your children say the same thing for the ninetieth time in a row. Ten out of ten would recommend it for that activity. You guys are doing great.

[00:22:30] KRISTIN GIANT: Love you. Love you! 

[00:22:34] TREY GERRALD: Wow. That was so 

[00:22:35] CHELSEY DONN: nice. 

[00:22:36] TREY GERRALD: It sounds like Kristen's very busy juggling a child. First of all, 

[00:22:40] CHELSEY DONN: juggling a child obviously, like, has to be around the kids and still took the time to call and compliment. And also, I'm sorry, Kristen, because I know you said you didn't want to be featured and we featured you anyway.

[00:22:52] CHELSEY DONN: I'm so glad, Trey, you played that for me. 

[00:22:54] TREY GERRALD: And Kristen gave us a 10 because we're good for ignoring children. 

[00:22:58] CHELSEY DONN: Yeah. And like, Who doesn't need 

[00:23:01] TREY GERRALD: to ignore their child every once in a while? I've aspired for nothing more in my life than being able to ignore 

[00:23:08] CHELSEY DONN: children. 

[00:23:09] TREY GERRALD: Kristen, thank you. Thank you, Kristen. That was awesome.

[00:23:13] TREY GERRALD: We have another voicemail. This one is from Matt. 

[00:23:17] MATT BAUMAN: Hi, this is Matt B. I'm lodging a complaint for the Review Queens because I want to hear what your reviews look like. I want you to read your reviews when you review something online. And let maybe the users actually tell you their thoughts on your reviews.

[00:23:35] TREY GERRALD: Thanks. 

[00:23:36] MATT BAUMAN: Bye. 

[00:23:37] TREY GERRALD: So nice. So, I 

[00:23:39] CHELSEY DONN: mean, nice, but I feel like came in a little, I don't know, like, I'm sorry. I think that this is like, um, neither one of us are really big review. Writers, like I've only, I went to my Yelp profile to see like, am I wrong? Have I written a lot of reviews and I've only written one five star review.

[00:23:58] CHELSEY DONN: I probably sent some heated emails. So if it would make Matt feel better, like I can bring in one of my heated emails and read that, would that be helpful? 

[00:24:07] TREY GERRALD: I actually appreciate Matt lodging a complaint. against us. I think that I love that. I think that's fun. I know. I so I did a lot of digging in response to this voicemail prior to us recording today.

[00:24:21] TREY GERRALD: And in the first episode, I referenced that I left a review on delivery. com that I was so scared about that I changed all of my user information. Oh, that's yes. And the restaurant no longer exists. So is it your fault? Probably. But I went through 17 pages. of, uh, history in my delivery. com account. This is three houses ago, apartments ago.

[00:24:47] TREY GERRALD: I can't find it anywhere. I think I may have actually deleted it because I was so worried. So I have no record of that. Then I, I looked really long and hard for this and I'm really hoping that this is not going to be lost forever. But I worked at a outdoor summer stock theater. So Like 2005, and I had a really bad experience there.

[00:25:13] TREY GERRALD: And there used to be a website called Non-equity, which is a little inside baseball here, but it's a place where you could leave reviews as former hires of these summer acting jobs. And I left a horrifyingly scathing. Horrible review. Okay. The website no longer exists. It was purchased by another website called Audition Update, and that was purchased by Backstage.

[00:25:42] TREY GERRALD: And now none of it exists. So there is absolutely no record anywhere. And here, this is more history. I went back out of more fear several years later to see if anyone had ever replied to it. And there was like a horrifying, decimating of my character reply. Oh my god. Wait. Wait, where did you find 

[00:26:02] VOICEOVER: that? 

[00:26:02] TREY GERRALD: It was someone else that was like, I worked there and it was great.

[00:26:05] TREY GERRALD: And obviously this person like is not a cool person and like whatever, but I can't find it anywhere. And I'm really disappointed about that because I think it would be very cathartic, but I think it would be really funny to read and like mortifying. So I can't find it. I'm not giving up. I'm hoping that maybe I emailed it to myself.

[00:26:23] TREY GERRALD: I like logged into my old LiveJournal account, but I didn't have the right password. We did a lot of 

[00:26:28] CHELSEY DONN: research for Matt. 

[00:26:29] TREY GERRALD: I was really sleuthing because I love this idea. So Matt, thank you for calling in. We are going to take their criticism, the complaint and try to implement it in the future. 

[00:26:39] CHELSEY DONN: Yeah. And I also just want to take this opportunity to like say that, you know, there is a certain amount of bravery in posting online reviews.

[00:26:48] CHELSEY DONN: And even though we're kind of like picking fun of these people because it's a comedy podcast and we want to have fun, like, you know, I get it. Like it takes a little bit of chutzpah. To, uh, write a review and put it on the internet. 

[00:27:00] TREY GERRALD: That's true, and maybe, you know, I'll be more vocal and leave a negative review simply to read on the podcast.

[00:27:08] CHELSEY DONN: Yes. 

[00:27:08] TREY GERRALD: Um, all right, well, listeners, if you have something to say, like Kristen did, if you just want to give us a 10 out of 10, we'll take it. 

[00:27:16] VOICEOVER: Love her. 

[00:27:17] TREY GERRALD: We want to hear it. So, if you have a complaint to lodge, if there is a very special person in your life that you want to induct for My Royal Highness, then call us, leave us a voicemail at our voicemail box, the number is 1 850 REVIEW ZERO.

[00:27:31] TREY GERRALD: That's 

[00:27:32] CHELSEY DONN: 1 850 REVIEW ZERO, and operators are standing by, or not, but just leave us a message. We've reached the most regal portion of our show, which is who are you inducting, Trey, for? My 

[00:27:51] VOICEOVER: Royal Highness. All right, 

[00:27:52] TREY GERRALD: so this week, I have chosen to induct an organization that is very near and dear to my heart, that I've supported for many years, and it's called The Trevor Project.

[00:28:01] TREY GERRALD: So The Trevor Project is a nationwide organization that's Provide support for LGBTQ youth and they have a 24 7 lifeline phone number as well as a text number and an online chat for youth that are struggling, questioning, having suicidal ideation, anyone that just needs support. I want to give them a shout out because they have been around for a very long time, really making a huge impact in the world.

[00:28:30] TREY GERRALD: I want to And they also have amazing resources for parents. There's a whole resource page on the website with guides for how to be an ally for a transgender youth, gender non binary, as well as coming out guides for anyone that's questioning or, or curious. So if you or someone, you know, needs help, the Trevor Lifeline number is 1 866 488 HELP.

[00:28:53] TREY GERRALD: 7386, they're available 24 7, 365 days. If you want to text TrevorText, all you have to do is text START to 678 678. So I want to induct the Trevor Project for My Royal Highness this week. 

[00:29:14] CHELSEY DONN: Another very, very worthy induction and thank you for sharing all that information, that was great. 

[00:29:20] TREY GERRALD: All right. So every so often we like to feature one of our very own reviews from listeners like you 

[00:29:25] CHELSEY DONN: and that's right.

[00:29:26] CHELSEY DONN: But a review from one of our listeners isn't just any ordinary review. It's a royal review.

[00:29:41] TREY GERRALD: Imagine being such a good vocalist that you can riff in a funny way. I know. Not otherwise. All right. So, um, Today's Royal Review is from the user JoshKnowsFL on Apple Podcasts. Five stars. Obsessed. I'm so obsessed with this podcast. As a restaurant manager, I can fully relate to everything that is shared here.

[00:30:05] TREY GERRALD: As part of my job, I have to pay attention to online reviews. So to have a podcast that lets me make light of what is honestly one of the worst parts of my job is a treasure. The chemistry between the two of you is also totally on point and I can't for the next episode. 

[00:30:22] VOICEOVER: Oh, my God. Josh knows FL. Josh knows Florida.

[00:30:27] VOICEOVER: That was so sweet. Thank you. 

[00:30:29] TREY GERRALD: That's so amazing. And the statement of all statements that one of the worst parts of being a restaurant manager is looking for reviews. I mean, imagine all the complaints that you get as a restaurant manager. So many fires you have to It 

[00:30:42] CHELSEY DONN: just makes me feel good that like, I feel like Josh, not only does Josh know Florida, but like Josh knows the deal.

[00:30:48] CHELSEY DONN: Like Josh gets it. Josh understands the podcast and, and we're just trying to make light of something that can sometimes feel heavy and scary, like bad reviews on the internet. And we take everything so personally. And I totally, Understand what it must be like for Josh to have to read bad reviews of a restaurant that he manages and probably loves and adores or hopefully loves and adores.

[00:31:11] CHELSEY DONN: So thank you, Josh, for knowing us as well as you know, Florida. I hope it is, Lauren. I think it is. I'm sure it is. And if you want to be featured as one of our royal reviews, then make sure you leave us a review right now. 

[00:31:25] TREY GERRALD: We've made it super easy with a super cute hyperlink, lovethepodcast. com slash thereviewqueens.

[00:31:32] CHELSEY DONN: And there's also a one click link in the show description below. So, super easy. 

[00:31:37] TREY GERRALD: Well, well, here we are. We did it, Queen. Another round in the books. 

[00:31:42] CHELSEY DONN: Thank you guys so much for joining us today. If you like what you heard, please tell a friend. 

[00:31:47] TREY GERRALD: If you didn't like what you heard, please tell an enemy. If you want to be like Emily or Kristen or Matt, Then please hit up our voicemail, 1 8 5 0 review zero, 

[00:31:59] CHELSEY DONN: and you can also follow us on all the socials at the Review Queens.

[00:32:04] CHELSEY DONN: And I'm at Chelsea 

[00:32:06] TREY GERRALD: bd and I'm at Trey Gerald with two Rs. Become a member of our royal court by joining our Patreon at that review. You can also watch live clips from every recording session on YouTube. 

[00:32:21] CHELSEY DONN: And remember, be like Robert. Wait, is it Robert? It's Josh. I don't know who the hell Robert is.

[00:32:27] CHELSEY DONN: Okay. And remember, be like Josh, who knows everything. Ignore the haters. You're a queen. 

[00:32:37] TREY GERRALD: Gender non specific queen. Of 

[00:32:39] CHELSEY DONN: course. Bye. 

[00:32:40] TREY GERRALD: Bye. Thanks for listening to this very special Review episode of the show. We would love for you to leave us a five star rating on Apple Podcasts, on Spotify, whatever platform it is that you're listening on right now, and Why don't you go ahead and share the show?

[00:32:55] TREY GERRALD: It makes a giant impact for our reach. So, go ahead, post it in your story on Instagram, make a TikTok about it. No sharing is too big or too little. Love ya! Sign up directly on Apple Podcasts to hear our weekly members only after show. Unlock additional benefits when you become a Patreon slash patreon.

[00:33:18] TREY GERRALD: Follow us on all the socials at the review queens and join our mailing Our kvetch line is open 24 7 at 1 8 5 0 review zero. You never visit, you never write. Give us a call now.

Review That Review is an independent podcast. Certain names have been redacted or changed to protect the guilty. Executive produced by Trey Gerrald and Chelsey Donn with editing and sound designed by me with voiceover talents by Eva Kaminsky. Our cover art was designed by LogoVora and our theme song was written by Joe Kinosian and sung by Natalie Weiss.



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