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TRANSCRIPT of Episode 184: "RE-VIEW: Guest of Honor, Mac Mart (from Ep 112)"

Review That Review with Chelsey & Trey
Episode 184: "RE-VIEW: Guest of Honor, Mac Mart (from Ep 112)"


*Please pardon any and all spelling errors!

[00:00:00] CHELSEY DONN: Babies, it's time to review, Review That Review, episode 112, which originally aired on July 26th, 2023. This is one of my personal favorite guest episodes where we had the Mack Mart says to stars on who are two really great friends of mine doing amazing mac and cheese magic in Philadelphia and giving us insights into what it's like to be a restaurant owner and doing it all yourself in this very difficult world of opinions and reviews.  So please enjoy this episode. And as always, don't forget to give us five stars on Apple podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you listen.

[00:00:42] THEME SONG: Everybody's got an opinion.

Every Californian and Virginian.

It's so hard to tell who to trust and who to ignore.

Someone's gotta settle the score.

Trey and Chelsey will help you choose!

Whose views win, which ones lose.

Online haters are comin' for you!

Baby, it's time to Review That Review!

[00:01:12] TREY GERRALD: Oh, hello.

[00:01:13] TREY GERRALD: And welcome to Review That Review. We are the podcast that is dedicated to reviewing 

[00:01:20] CHELSEY DONN: Reviews! 

[00:01:22] TREY GERRALD: That is Chelsey Donn. 

[00:01:24] CHELSEY DONN: And that is Trey Gerald. 

[00:01:26] TREY GERRALD: And when we come together we form 

[00:01:29] CHELSEY DONN: the Review Queens. And we are extra happy and excited today because this week we have a very special guest of honor.

[00:01:46] TREY GERRALD: Yes. Oh my God. We're so thrilled. Every so often we love to invite on a special guest of honor to share some of their experiences dealing with Online reviews from their unique position. 

[00:01:59] CHELSEY DONN: With their expertise, we have them don their Review Queen crowns and help us inspect 

[00:02:06] VOICEOVER: an online review. 

[00:02:07] TREY GERRALD: And today, we have the Mac and Cheese Queens of Philadelphia, the renowned Mac Mart Sistas, Marty and Pamela.

[00:02:17] CHELSEY DONN: I've known the beautiful Pamela Jane since we were eight years old. I affectionately refer to her as PJ or Peej. You will likely hear me refer to her that way throughout this episode. PJ, Marty and I have always bonded over a love of good food. So, it's such a delight to see them both soar and make a career out of bringing comfort food to the masses.

[00:02:39] CHELSEY DONN: With Mac Mart, I could cavel over these two queens. Trey, can you let our listeners know a little bit more about the inspirational work of our gorgeous mac and cheese queens? 

[00:02:50] TREY GERRALD: It'd be an honor. Okay, so Mac Mart's tagline, Nacho Mama's Mac, is Philadelphia's first mac and cheesery. Mac Mart debuted on the streets of Drexel's campus in the winter of 2013.

[00:03:02] TREY GERRALD: But shortly after opening, Marty enlisted her sister, Pamela, Peej, and then her then boyfriend, now current husband, Garrett, to complete the Mac Mart team. Mac Mart's bright pink food truck found instant success, popping up at night markets, food festivals, and private affairs, catering for the likes of, excuse me, Forbes?

[00:03:24] TREY GERRALD: Star events, Philadelphia Eagles, Philadelphia 76ers, Wawa, we love sports, we love sport games, and many more. Now they've also appeared multiple times selling out on QVC with their famous Macaronis. 

[00:03:42] CHELSEY DONN: That's right, and then in 2016, Mac Mart opened its first flagship store located in Rittenhouse, which is one of the most popular neighborhoods in Center City, Philadelphia, if I do say so myself.

[00:03:53] CHELSEY DONN: Today, with a seven year old storefront and tens of thousands of social media followers, Mac Mart has just announced they are officially expanding with five stores. franchise locations nationwide you guys so get ready okay if your mouth is watering you might just have a mac mart near you soon yum yum yum at the time of this recording mac mart has 343 yelp reviews with an average rating of four and a half you Out of five stars, not too shabby, Trey.

[00:04:23] CHELSEY DONN: What do you think? 

[00:04:23] TREY GERRALD: Holy moly. All right. So that was a lot for the Mac Mart sisters to have to sit quietly and listen to their whole history. So without further ado, welcome the Mac Mart sisters, Marty and PJ. 

[00:04:37] CHELSEY DONN: We are so happy to have you guys. 

[00:04:39] MAC MART SISTERS: We're so excited.

[00:04:43] CHELSEY DONN: So we wanted to talk to you. We're so excited to have you here because we don't often get to speak with people that have restaurants and businesses that are directly affected by these online reviews. And so can you just tell us a little bit about how online reviews affect your business? 

[00:05:00] MAC MART SISTERS: I actually don't even know if they do any more.

[00:05:03] MAC MART SISTERS: Any more? Yeah, definitely. Definitely has much less of an effect. Yeah, we used to get really wrecked about them, like, really bad, and like, we'd call each other, Do me a favor, don't get on Yelp right now, um, this is also going back like close to ten years, because now, like, you can write a scathing review about me, personally, and I'll just be like, They're having a shitty day.

[00:05:27] MAC MART SISTERS: Yeah, someone doesn't like me, shocker. That's so 

[00:05:31] CHELSEY DONN: queenly and totally the right approach. And I think that that's true. I think it's because you guys have been around a while that you've like calloused yourself to this experience. I mean, I think that's the, that's how I've gotten even doing the podcast. I think I've like, I care less now because I get it.

[00:05:46] CHELSEY DONN: I see it for what it is. 

[00:05:48] MAC MART SISTERS: Right. 

[00:05:48] TREY GERRALD: Yeah. Do you remember the very first review you got? Like, do you remember that moment? 

[00:05:53] MAC MART SISTERS: We still know him. Yeah, we still know him. Really? Really? Yeah, we, I mean, we were lucky. Our first review was a great review and he was a Yelper back then. So it was like a three page, like there were paragraphs and there were, you know, smileys at the bottom, um, and he's still a great customer of ours.

[00:06:09] MAC MART SISTERS: We actually saw him last week. Yeah, just a week ago. Um, but soon after that, the shitty one started rolling. Yeah, it's definitely 

[00:06:17] TREY GERRALD: a ying and a yang. 

[00:06:18] MAC MART SISTERS: Yeah, 

[00:06:19] CHELSEY DONN: did you guys ever reply to a review and then regret the reply? 

[00:06:24] MAC MART SISTERS: No. So we don't respond to many, well first and foremost, we don't respond to Yelp. We've, I don't know if we've ever responded to Yelp, simply because we didn't have our login back then, like when we put this, Well like, and when we did, we also had a login as like a consumer side of things, So it would almost actually always get messed up.

[00:06:44] MAC MART SISTERS: So I don't know if, other than the first year we were ever open, if we responded to Yelp. Google, we respond to every review, but Fond with Truths. So even if we're responding to a negative review, it's always going to be respectful and truthful, which sometimes comes off catty, I guess, like, Um, not catty.

[00:07:05] MAC MART SISTERS: Marty has a, Marty has a certain tone, which is funny because Chelsey, who's known us forever, if she were ever around us, would kind of see that it's, It's switched, like, I'm now the nice sister, and, no, she, I'm 

[00:07:18] CHELSEY DONN: going by what people, Marty's a little bit more spicy now, Marty used to be the nice sister when we were little, 

[00:07:25] MAC MART SISTERS: Marty is a hardened, angry, business owner, but also like a brilliant business owner, but we've gotten past the dough, and we're like, At the center of the ew.

[00:07:39] MAC MART SISTERS: Yeah. And I'm on my second album where I get to do what I want. That's how I feel. 

[00:07:44] TREY GERRALD: Do you remember when that switch happened? 

[00:07:48] MAC MART SISTERS: Honestly, I would actually say a lot of help more so for my sister. My, I wouldn't even see the whole staff, but I would say my sister and, and, and some of my husband, I guess, because they would see how torn I would get and how personal and I would take things.

[00:08:02] MAC MART SISTERS: And so I think it was just them probably telling me so many times, like, this person's having a bad day or they don't even know how to write a review constructively, even if they are right. Like, So I think the thing, if I may say that is the most, again, like now I don't even care, but like the thing that used to be most frustrating, I think for Marty, a lot of it was people getting angry about things that weren't true, false information.

[00:08:25] MAC MART SISTERS: So if you are getting a container that is actually the same container that you used to get, but for whatever reason, your memory is giving you a whole different container. You write an entire review based on how close we didn't tell them about the containers in it. Smaller and it's more money and you're like, none of that's true.

[00:08:46] MAC MART SISTERS: And it's like, those are the ones that you can't really go back and forth. Cause then you just sound like a, you know, like a catty asshole when really it's like, yeah, she does. I was 

[00:08:56] CHELSEY DONN: going to say, I would respond if I were a business owner, that would definitely be one I would respond to. I would try, Trey and I always.

[00:09:03] CHELSEY DONN: We love a reply from owner. It's like the 

[00:09:06] TREY GERRALD: best part. 

[00:09:06] CHELSEY DONN: It's the best part. And we do think there's something so amazing about being able to skirt that line of being like, I'm going to educate other people that are reading this person's review that this information is false, but I'm going to do it in a way that is so sweet and kind.

[00:09:22] CHELSEY DONN: And thank you so much for taking the time out of your day. And gee, I do hope that you still come back and see us. But I just want to clear it up in case there was any sort of confusion. This is really what's going on here and when it's said in like such a calm way, it completely shifts the power of the whole review.

[00:09:39] CHELSEY DONN: It's a game changer. So anyway, Marty, keep on replying. Okay. 

[00:09:43] TREY GERRALD: Yeah, because we've found on the show many times the power The narrative shifts so quickly when the owner is able to just come in, in a very calm way and shift the narrative that almost makes negative reviews more impactful for the business, yeah, because you then are on the side of the business.

[00:10:04] CHELSEY DONN: 100 percent yeah and of course Trey and I are like always on the side of the business but we never know what the other person is going to bring in review wise and so there have been many times where Trey will read the review and I'll feel a certain way and then we hit that button there's a reply and all of a sudden my opinion is completely shifted and I do think that that's the experience of the reader as well for what it's worth 

[00:10:27] MAC MART SISTERS: we've had actually a lot of people reach out.

[00:10:29] MAC MART SISTERS: Because Marty's now taken to Instagram with these public service announcements. I have to say though, the responses that we get, I don't know if I've ever read A response from a follower or random person that wasn't in support of the business or what happened. Like, but you know why? It's very simple. If, if you follow these rules, if you're honest, you have nothing to hide.

[00:10:56] MAC MART SISTERS: Right. And listen, we're not idiots in terms of like how we speak to people. We're not going to write like you're a fucking idiot. You're a liar. That's not how you respond to someone who's spreading untruths about your hard work and your business. That's If someone writes, our containers switched here, here, here, here, I can, you know, I can very graciously and respectfully, right?

[00:11:16] CHELSEY DONN: Exactly. No, 

[00:11:17] MAC MART SISTERS: here's the thing. Here's all these examples. First of all, that are on our social media of what you're saying is untrue. And then also, like, we've used this company for 10 years. Our customers are very aware. Like, if you just support what you're saying with the facts and truths, like, we're never wrong.

[00:11:33] MAC MART SISTERS: Yeah, 

[00:11:34] TREY GERRALD: that's right. Great. Yeah. Wait, I want to have one more follow up here, though. And we may, this may circle in through the whole episode here, but Because you are business owners and you've created something that people truly love, how do you separate the emotion from like, that is not a true statement and you are being upset and I feel like I need to correct that for the mass public without being emotional?

[00:11:59] TREY GERRALD: Like, how do you do that? 

[00:12:01] MAC MART SISTERS: I mean, we are emotional. Like, yeah, but I think, I think because of, here's the thing, and we're both sensitive, we're, oh, we're, we're, we're like Jell O, like, we're, like, besides having a tough exterior, we're extremely sensitive, but I think we've, we've really been able to, because, here's the thing, and I'm not going to go on a tangent about it, but we always, always said from the jump, from the days on the truck, No matter who likes our food or who doesn't, they're going to have a good experience.

[00:12:28] MAC MART SISTERS: And that was always, literally, if someone were to ask us, like, one of the first five thoughts we had about constructing this business and structuring it or whatnot, It would've been, we're not chefs, and we're not restaurateurs, so no matter what, someone's gonna come in, And even if you hate the product, we're gonna kill you with kindness, we're gonna be cool, we're gonna play great music while you're in there, like, you're gonna enjoy it.

[00:12:49] MAC MART SISTERS: So at the end of the day, it's kind of like, if someone's that nasty on the other side of the screen, that's just them. We've kind of learned, like, I was in there when Joe Schmobek served his bowl and he's writing us the most aggressive review, like, I was in there, we were playing LL Cool J, we were jamming out, we were talking about how bacon's good on everything, like, no way, 

[00:13:11] VOICEOVER: He could be this 

[00:13:12] MAC MART SISTERS: miserable leaving a mac and cheese store.

[00:13:14] MAC MART SISTERS: So we just chalk it up really to like, the negativity is them. The constructive feedback we can take. But if you're gonna be a dick about it, 

[00:13:23] TREY GERRALD: that's on you, bro. That's really true. Because 

[00:13:25] MAC MART SISTERS: when I've been to businesses and I, it could be from food to anything else. And I've had a horrible experience with like, Really rude people.

[00:13:35] MAC MART SISTERS: One of the go-tos that I used to have was I wanted to let them know I was never coming back. I wanted to let them know that I already know their boss, which was never true . Like I know. Yeah, exactly. And then I, I would wanna be bitchy and then like, leave letting them know that I, I'm better than them.

[00:13:54] MAC MART SISTERS: Like in some, like, in some like reason of a fight. But here's the great thing about now working in a restaurant and dealing with that is that. I don't, I know, I haven't done that in like, close to 15, 20 years, because I know that as soon as I leave, they're either laughing, or we're like, like we give a shit, or like, oh, I don't like your taco, oh, I'm so sorry, you know, even if they were nice to me, like, that's what everybody does, So, I'm never leaving and having them go, Damn, you know what, I wish we got her number so we could call her and tell her she was right, like, that's what happens, so, I've learned that the people that are still doing what I used to do, they just don't get it.

[00:14:35] MAC MART SISTERS: I think they're idiots. They just don't know and they don't think from any perspective except for their own, which is normally the worst. 

[00:14:42] CHELSEY DONN: I agree. Yeah, that's, yeah, that's the whole premise of this podcast, I think, is like, just, you know, get people to see reviews that aren't, that don't have businesses in that way.

[00:14:52] CHELSEY DONN: Because my, my opinion has totally shifted and the way that I would leave reviews has also shifted. So I get that. 

[00:14:58] MAC MART SISTERS: Can I add one more thing without being in the way? I'm sorry. Yes, I don't, I don't think so. I usually know when we are, but I don't think this is random. Honest to God, I don't think any negative review would bother me, not that it does, but would bother me in the slightest back then, if everybody that was about to trash the suit, or trash the lighting, or we were too clean, too dirty, whatever it was, which by the way, we've been called too clean before, almost great, 

[00:15:28] CHELSEY DONN: but it started 

[00:15:28] MAC MART SISTERS: the review the way that I talk to people and act, which is.

[00:15:33] MAC MART SISTERS: Listen, I already know that this isn't for everybody, I wanted to give it a shot, I thought it was so disgusting, but I think that like, if you love gooey mac and cheese, you might love it. As opposed to people that are hungry, they're mad at you for not making macaroni and cheese that they like, and they want to rip you apart.

[00:15:52] MAC MART SISTERS: It's just like, it doesn't even need to be a very like, uh, refined critique. You can be like, dude, it made me want to vomit, but just right at the top or at the bottom before you leave that like. But that doesn't mean everybody will. Like, I'm not trying to tell you not to give this, not to patronize this business, I'm just telling you That I thought it was gross.

[00:16:12] MAC MART SISTERS: Do you know what I mean? Like, 

[00:16:13] CHELSEY DONN: yes, the compliment sandwich. I think every negative review should have a compliment sandwich. 

[00:16:19] MAC MART SISTERS: And 

[00:16:20] CHELSEY DONN: then I'm with you. And then I trust you, you know, I trust you. I trust that it wasn't your taste and maybe it won't be mine, but maybe it will. And I love that. Well, I'm going to read the review and together with the Mac Mart sisters, we will break it down, rate the impact of the review and rate it on a scale from zero to five crowns.

[00:16:41] CHELSEY DONN: It's a very regal process that we call, 

[00:16:45] VOICEOVER: Assess That 

[00:16:46] TREY GERRALD: Kvetch, Mac Mart sisters, let's buckle into our food trucks and Review That Review. 

[00:16:57] CHELSEY DONN: Okay, so today I have brought in a review that I'm pretty confident nobody here knows anything about. First of all, it's from a new source. Okay. We've never used this on the show before, Trey.

[00:17:12] CHELSEY DONN: It is goodness You Goodness. com, which is the home of all Nestle products. So like if you have something good or bad to say about a Nestle product, you can go to goodness. com and let the people over there know. So, I'm going to be reading a one star review for Lean Cuisine, Vermont, White Cheddar, Mac and Cheese, This is not your kid's macaroni and cheese, ha ha, Our Organic Cavatoppi Pasta, I don't know what that is, maybe you guys know, It's in Swivel 

[00:17:50] TREY GERRALD: It, 

[00:17:51] CHELSEY DONN: Okay, 

[00:17:51] TREY GERRALD: They knew, without even a blink of the eye, they both went, Swivel It?

[00:17:54] TREY GERRALD: Subs by 

[00:17:55] CHELSEY DONN: www. zeoranger. co. uk We're both like, what's going on? Okay. It's complimented with a rich Vermont white cheddar cheese sauce, One fork fill will have you believing in love at first bite, Feed your phenomenal with Vermont white cheddar mac and cheese from Linguazine. 

[00:18:13] MAC MART SISTERS: Okay, 

[00:18:14] CHELSEY DONN: Peach, Marty, we don't know anything about Linguazine, do 

[00:18:16] MAC MART SISTERS: we?

[00:18:17] MAC MART SISTERS: Um, yeah, actually, I mean, Not about the company. She's literally being facetious right now. 

[00:18:23] CHELSEY DONN: No, I'm, I'm being, I'm joking. Like we, we lived on linguisians. We leaned like, like when PJ and I first met, we were eight, but we were also on a diet. We were also on linguisians. Okay. Honestly, this is the protein variety and the ingredients were much cleaner than I thought.

[00:18:41] CHELSEY DONN: I, I think that Lean Cuisine has really like gotten back to the basics because it really is just cooked pasta, Vermont cheddar, skim milk, water, and then like 2 percent or less of rice starch, salt, butter, and spices. So that I was actually 

[00:18:57] MAC MART SISTERS: That's probably why it's gross. Maybe. Right. 

[00:19:01] CHELSEY DONN: Well, it is, it's Lean Cuisine.

[00:19:03] CHELSEY DONN: It's sort of like the opposite of Mac Mart. Alright, so this review was written by

[00:19:12] CHELSEY DONN: Lizzy224. As I mentioned, it is a one star review. The subject is ruined by broccoli. It was written two years ago. I used to buy this all the time until I couldn't find it anymore, Ironically, anything I take a liking to suddenly disappears off the shelves and either never comes back or comes back renewed and terrible, Whoever decided broccoli was a good add on obviously hates everyone but themselves, Because words cannot explain how terrible of a decision that was, Microwave broccoli is the absolute worst and it consumes everything, It is served with including this nice and sweet mac and cheese, I'm super disappointed that my all time favorite mac has been ruined by the addition of broccoli, If you wanted broccoli, just add it yourself, I don't recommend people add panko breadcrumbs, And Bacon Bits, to replicate Longhorn Mac and Cheese, I add it myself!

[00:20:39] CHELSEY DONN: The best thing is when it comes plain and you get to add whatever you want to it. I don't buy TV dinners to take away from it. It already came with just barely enough pasta, Now that they're broccoli, there's even less pasta, And it all tastes like broccoli, X, 

[00:21:04] VOICEOVER: no, I do not recommend this product.

[00:21:12] CHELSEY DONN: Thank you, Terrence. Woo, Lizzie. 

[00:21:15] TREY GERRALD: That was a beautiful reading, Chelsey. 

[00:21:17] CHELSEY DONN: Oh, thank you. 

[00:21:18] TREY GERRALD: Wait, did they say X? 

[00:21:20] CHELSEY DONN: No, I just read it that way, because it was like, at the bottom, you could X off, like, I, you know, I recommend or I don't recommend, but it, like, felt like it went with the review. Like, they really wanted us to see 

[00:21:30] MAC MART SISTERS: it.

[00:21:30] MAC MART SISTERS: Oh, I thought 

[00:21:30] CHELSEY DONN: she was, No. Okay. Yeah, like an X out. Oh no, no, it was like an X, like I checked that one. I like it. I do not recommend. 

[00:21:39] TREY GERRALD: Wait, will you read the title of this product one more time? Does it say broccoli? Lean Cuisine, Vermont cheddar. 

[00:21:46] CHELSEY DONN: Very good question, Trey. Very astute. No, it's protein kick, Vermont white cheddar mac and cheese.

[00:21:53] CHELSEY DONN: Does not say broccoli. I 

[00:21:54] MAC MART SISTERS: would feel like it would be fiber if Like, if we're talking 

[00:21:57] TREY GERRALD: protein, 

[00:21:58] MAC MART SISTERS: like, I 

[00:21:59] CHELSEY DONN: would need some 

[00:22:00] TREY GERRALD: chickpea flour. Well, it sounds like this is predominantly broccoli, and they don't have it listed. I mean, I guess there's an image. 

[00:22:07] CHELSEY DONN: There's no, there is an image and the image does not contain broccoli.

[00:22:12] MAC MART SISTERS: Wait, hold on, hold on. I'm about to be on her side. Yeah. Hold on. Okay. Did she buy a product that didn't mention it or show a picture of it? Like, did she open up a product? She is. 

[00:22:24] CHELSEY DONN: What Lizzie would like us to understand is that they have bought this product for years, They have an intimate relationship with it, They add their own panko, they add their own bacon, right?

[00:22:33] CHELSEY DONN: They, they have a system by which they eat this product, And then they all of a sudden got it, And it was ruined by broccoli, Which is not advertised. 

[00:22:46] MAC MART SISTERS: That's, I mean, that's, that's, that's all mean cuisine. 

[00:22:50] TREY GERRALD: Right? Wait, I have a question. Have you guys ever altered any of your recipes in the time that you've been preparing?

[00:22:59] MAC MART SISTERS: Yeah, but we're usually fairly open about it. We stay within the substitution round, like, yeah, oh, they're out of mozzarella this week, let's pick another mild cheese. Yeah, got it. Especially during COVID, we had to kind of work with what was available, but we also always write posts to make sure that no one does a review about it.

[00:23:17] MAC MART SISTERS: We cover our backs. 

[00:23:18] CHELSEY DONN: Right. Right. So this was written during COVID. This was written two years ago. So sort of at the height of COVID. I don't know if that had anything to do with it. Was there like a lack of pasta at one point? 

[00:23:29] TREY GERRALD: Well, it's Lean Cuisine. Don't you think in order to be like Lower on the calories, it has to be a smaller serving.

[00:23:36] TREY GERRALD: That was like what I was thinking. But I think 

[00:23:37] CHELSEY DONN: that what Lizzie's saying is like, it was already, you know, not a lot of pasta and now we added broccoli and now there's like two noodles and a broccoli. Like are they trying to bulk it up? I 

[00:23:49] MAC MART SISTERS: just don't understand the actual concept. Did she buy a box of like chicken, like broccoli alfredo, or did she buy just mac and cheese?

[00:23:58] MAC MART SISTERS: Uh, 

[00:23:59] CHELSEY DONN: well, that is a very good note. 

[00:24:01] MAC MART SISTERS: Like this one, I don't, we go to the store, I grab a Lean Cuisine out of the case and it's just a capellini with olive oil. I get home, I open it, there's meatball, there's shrimp, right, that's what it sounds like, nothing's making sense here, so I don't fully understand the heart of it, Lizzie's uh, review, Lizzie might have had COVID, she might have just been tasting things, yeah, 

[00:24:27] CHELSEY DONN: nope, right, but I hear that, I'm gonna quickly share my screen with you guys, can you see my screen, so this is the product that Lizzie wrote the review under, 

[00:24:37] MAC MART SISTERS: wait, and that's, Broccoli just showed up in, 

[00:24:41] TREY GERRALD: yeah, that's a glaring problem.

[00:24:42] TREY GERRALD: This 

[00:24:42] MAC MART SISTERS: is what 

[00:24:43] CHELSEY DONN: Lizzie is 

[00:24:43] MAC MART SISTERS: claiming, the pj. It says This meatless dish is delicious, deliciously cheesy, and has 18 grams of protein. Broccoli is not mentioned, ones here 

[00:24:51] TREY GERRALD: no nowhere, and not in the picture. 

[00:24:53] MAC MART SISTERS: There's no green even in the marketing landing 

[00:24:56] TREY GERRALD: anywhere. 

[00:24:57] MAC MART SISTERS: So here's my difference with Lizzie, is I would've gone on and left a review to Lean Cuisine about marketing and transparency with your customers.

[00:25:09] MAC MART SISTERS: And like, allergens. Yeah, like you're just, 

[00:25:12] CHELSEY DONN: But that's what Lizzie's doing, just to be clear, because this is goodness. Lean Cuisine is a Nestle product. 

[00:25:18] MAC MART SISTERS: I, I would be interested to know if she picked up a different box and, and cooked, like a different, there's, listen, there's Weight Watchers, there's Healthy Choice, there's Lean Cuisine, there's Lean Cuisine Protein Plus, there's, there's just cuisine, like, I think they just recently took away the lean.

[00:25:34] MAC MART SISTERS: The lean, yeah, there's like all these different things on, I'm like, you might have just picked up the wrong box. Yeah, I'm, I'm, 

[00:25:40] CHELSEY DONN: so that goes to the like, truthful, shady, I guess, or like, do we trust this person? Well, I 

[00:25:47] MAC MART SISTERS: would have also covered my ass as the reviewer and put up a picture of a pack of broccoli.

[00:25:51] MAC MART SISTERS: Yes, 

[00:25:52] TREY GERRALD: right. Thank you. Yes, I was gonna say that too. I wish there was a photo. I want to see how little noodles there are, how many pieces of broccoli. Wait, I have a little question here about Lizzie. Yeah. So Lizzie goes on to this whole thing about just adding things yourself. To me, I feel the opposite. I don't want to have to purchase fresh broccoli.

[00:26:13] TREY GERRALD: I don't want to have to Buy bacon, cook it, chop it up. I don't want to have a box of panko crust. Like, I want to buy the thing and heat it. Yeah. Yes. So that was surprising to me, but I cannot get over how it seems like there was no understanding there would be broccoli. We have broccoli here. There's broccoli.

[00:26:32] CHELSEY DONN: There's broccoli. That has to be jarring. So my question to you guys, cause I did, after I found this review, I went and I looked at the Mac Mart menu and I did notice that none of your dishes had broccoli. And I was wondering if that was intentional. Can you talk about that? 

[00:26:46] MAC MART SISTERS: Yes, it is very intentional.

[00:26:48] MAC MART SISTERS: Okay. It's because broccoli smells like a giant fart. 

[00:26:52] CHELSEY DONN: Yes. 

[00:26:53] MAC MART SISTERS: We cook it in our restaurant, which we did for the last year and a half for a school lunch program. 

[00:26:59] CHELSEY DONN: Okay. 

[00:27:00] MAC MART SISTERS: You have to see how Marty cooked this broccoli, a stalk of broccoli, a raw stalk, and right before, right after she passed the neck. Right before she littered it and put it out, you see her dunk it in hot water.

[00:27:16] MAC MART SISTERS: But here's the thing, I would burn it because I love broccoli. I could eat literally like a bouquet of broccoli. Like I'm good with garlic and olive oil and butter, but yeah, 

[00:27:28] CHELSEY DONN: but the 

[00:27:31] MAC MART SISTERS: thing is, is it's not. We used to have a Brock and Cheese, please. That was the bowl. Brock and cheese, really delicious broccoli cheddar thing.

[00:27:38] MAC MART SISTERS: But at the end of the day, you actually opened my eyes to it. Most, every time we would cook it for the school, whether we cooked it diligently or, or a really quick way. I like to do it smells like a fart. Your restaurants would just smell like someone's butthole. I just, my entire house smelled like a very true does.

[00:27:54] MAC MART SISTERS: Yeah. 

[00:27:54] TREY GERRALD: Wait, Chelsea, remember at the beginning of this you read the ingredients? It did not say broccoli. 

[00:27:59] MAC MART SISTERS: I know that's right. 

[00:28:04] TREY GERRALD: That's what I'm wondering, too. 

[00:28:05] MAC MART SISTERS: This is on Wednesday. My sister's Mariah. Yeah. We need to send her a fruit basket. With no broccoli, right? 

[00:28:13] CHELSEY DONN: With no broccoli. No 

[00:28:15] MAC MART SISTERS: broccoli. Cheese and fruit basket, sauce, broccoli.

[00:28:18] MAC MART SISTERS: Cheese, 

[00:28:18] CHELSEY DONN: everything on the side. Do we think that Lizzie is one of those people that when they like get dishes, like they need things to be separated, like they probably wouldn't like a ketchup swirl. That would be like, Whoa, it could infiltrate, you know? 

[00:28:32] MAC MART SISTERS: I don't understand those people. I think all food should be eaten together.

[00:28:36] MAC MART SISTERS: Better yet, put it in a bowl and mix it up. 

[00:28:39] CHELSEY DONN: Yes. 

[00:28:40] TREY GERRALD: Layer it. I have to mix everything. Yes, me too. Well, I 

[00:28:43] CHELSEY DONN: like to mix it so that I have, like, the crunch in the bite. I need all the bite. I need every flavor. 

[00:28:48] TREY GERRALD: Yes, yes. 

[00:28:49] CHELSEY DONN: The 

[00:28:49] MAC MART SISTERS: best example of that is, like, Thanksgiving dinner. You cannot take a bite of one thing without everything else on that dinner, on that plate.

[00:28:55] CHELSEY DONN: Exactly. I wonder 

[00:28:56] MAC MART SISTERS: what Lizzie says about Thanksgiving dinner. 

[00:28:58] CHELSEY DONN: The stuffing cannot touch the cranberry sauce, or else it tastes like cranberry. 

[00:29:05] TREY GERRALD: I mean, the value here for me, I feel like, is If you're gonna spell out the ingredients and if the literal box has a blown up image of the product, that better be what's inside.

[00:29:16] MAC MART SISTERS: So, 

[00:29:17] TREY GERRALD: I'm really sitting on either Lizzie has picked up the wrong box, because there's 800 varieties of lean cuisine, cuisine, protein, protein, whatever, whatever. I think the spelling grammar is pretty strong, right? 

[00:29:28] CHELSEY DONN: There were a couple mistakes in there. I really think Lizzie got ahead of herself. 

[00:29:33] MAC MART SISTERS: She was very 

[00:29:33] CHELSEY DONN: emotional.

[00:29:35] CHELSEY DONN: And so she almost, you know, stuck the landing. But in the end there, she she did have a couple grammatical errors, little words here and there. She got herself all kerfuffled. Maybe like an A minus. 

[00:29:48] TREY GERRALD: Yes. The only shady factor for me was this. There was a lot of real estate spent on Lizzie explaining the history of their life.

[00:29:56] TREY GERRALD: When they fall in love with something, it always disappears. And here I am yet again. Oh, thank you for bringing that up. It's so much drama, 

[00:30:04] MAC MART SISTERS: but like every man, every woman, she knows. 

[00:30:08] CHELSEY DONN: Yes! So thank you so much for bringing that up, Trey. I forgot to talk about that. Like, I love when reviewers give us a little, like, peek into their personal life.

[00:30:20] CHELSEY DONN: What do we think about Lizzie based on the fact that this is their philosophy of life? 

[00:30:26] MAC MART SISTERS: I think Lizzie has a lot more going on and that's probably why she took it out on the broccoli mac and cheese. 

[00:30:31] VOICEOVER: I Yeah, I 

[00:30:33] MAC MART SISTERS: think Lizzie couldn't leave her house to see her shrink and so decided to look inward and by doing so she took it out on dinner.

[00:30:41] VOICEOVER: That's right. I agree. 

[00:30:43] MAC MART SISTERS: Yeah, I know someone once that wrote a review, I think it was actually to Nabisco, about their box of cookies, this is years ago, about their box of cookies, how much they love them, they've been, they know, Ed told me this years ago, about how much they love these cookies. They've been at these parties, and these, and that parties, cookies, and then the last box was just sub par.

[00:31:05] MAC MART SISTERS: Cookies of the same, like, we're talking like Oreos, okay? Yeah, yeah. Right. Wrote that in. They've been sending him Oreos. All the time. So I'm kind of hoping that every time Lizzie gets back to her apartment by herself and she needs to feed her cat, she'll send him Oreos. She said, Why is there another box of macarons coming with me?

[00:31:26] MAC MART SISTERS: Guys, that's amazing how easy it is to be conscious of broccoli now. Oh my 

[00:31:31] CHELSEY DONN: god, maybe Lizzie has like an ulterior motive and she's just trying to get free 

[00:31:37] TREY GERRALD: limousine. 

[00:31:37] MAC MART SISTERS: Smart, that is smart. Well, all of 

[00:31:39] TREY GERRALD: that agita adds to the humor and entertainment of the review for me. Okay, so finally, here we go. So like, yeah, there's confusion here about was the product misleading or was Lizzie confused?

[00:31:51] TREY GERRALD: What? What do we think the impact of this review is for the product? Is there a deal breaking moment for you or not? 

[00:31:59] MAC MART SISTERS: I don't listen to anybody. Yeah, I don't listen to anybody. Because things that I find truly delicious, I already know as I'm making it, that it's going to grow someone else out. Like I want to take advantage of it.

[00:32:10] MAC MART SISTERS: Sit on my couch and dip them in ketchup. Some people hear that and they're like, And i'm like, put it in a chip, which is basically a cold french fry, so we can all calm down, but yeah, That's 

[00:32:22] TREY GERRALD: true, 

[00:32:23] MAC MART SISTERS: Ketchup, but like, so if I write a review about how amazing it is, 

[00:32:27] CHELSEY DONN: Right. 

[00:32:28] MAC MART SISTERS: Why, why listen to me? Who am I? Like, who is anybody?

[00:32:31] MAC MART SISTERS: I don't, I don't give a shit about your opinion unless I love you and I'm coming to you because I know maybe you specialize in something and you'll be able to give me a, a constructive review of what you had. Otherwise, right. Fair 

[00:32:44] CHELSEY DONN: game. Is there any part of you that feels like I'm impacted in the sense that I don't trust Ling cuisine?

[00:32:49] CHELSEY DONN: Maybe they're just gonna switch a recipe on me and pull a like wool over my eyes and I'm gonna be 

[00:32:54] MAC MART SISTERS: skin, milk, and mac and cheese and water, which is just another milk. I thought that I was just like keeping that. Yeah, listen, linguine served its purpose in a place and time in our lives. Yes. But now that we're adults that can make decisions for ourselves, like, linguine really has no space in my Do you, do you remember those, like, kind of commercials that it was like, in the era of the herbal essence, like, oh, like, you know?

[00:33:23] MAC MART SISTERS: Yeah, 

[00:33:23] CHELSEY DONN: the orgasm No, we wanted to 

[00:33:24] MAC MART SISTERS: watch with our parents, like, you were leaving the room and the shampoo was on. Either way, it was in the same era when The girls were in their towels and they were in the sauna and they were like, last night I had a tree cracker, four peas, one fig, and a glass of wine. And then the girls like, and I had chipotle ricotta laced with roasted vegetables and herb cream sauce with a marinara drizzle.

[00:33:49] MAC MART SISTERS: You like plastic chicken? You 

[00:33:52] CHELSEY DONN: like bad sauce. And then what was so funny about those commercials is the person that was like, and I, Asparagus with boiled air, you know, like that person would always look at the chicken piccata girl, like, whoa, Like, all like, judgy, like, ooh, okay, like with your chicken piccata.

[00:34:12] MAC MART SISTERS: Okay, freedom in the frozen isle.

[00:34:19] CHELSEY DONN: Oh my god, all right, well, I think we've given Lizzie a fair shake. Do we think we're ready to crown Lizzie? 

[00:34:25] TREY GERRALD: I could crown Lizzie. 

[00:34:26] CHELSEY DONN: All right. 

[00:34:28] TREY GERRALD: Okay, so, Chelsey, we'll see you. And Marty, and PJ and I all have our own set of zero to five crown cards. In an effort to be fair and not influenced by one another, we will simultaneously reveal our ratings.

[00:34:41] VOICEOVER: The queens are tabulating.

[00:34:47] MAC MART SISTERS: Total score? I'm gonna give Lizzie a five. You're making Lizzie a review 

[00:34:52] CHELSEY DONN: queen? 

[00:34:53] MAC MART SISTERS: Whoa, okay. Well, 

[00:34:54] CHELSEY DONN: it 

[00:34:55] MAC MART SISTERS: keeps us laughing. Technically, I originally gave her zero. Okay. She should not have access to the internet. 

[00:35:02] CHELSEY DONN: She 

[00:35:03] MAC MART SISTERS: doesn't have a text message. She's still looking for T9. Where are you? Yes. The fact that somebody, I find it truly hilarious how some people have an experience, like she ate the soup, right?

[00:35:17] MAC MART SISTERS: She was there, cooked it, she ate it. And then instead of like her being like, right, I got to shower. I got to like get together for tomorrow. What am I? Okay. She was like, well, now that I'm done, where's the computer?

[00:35:33] MAC MART SISTERS: It's like, I thank God sometimes for people like Lizzie. Cause I get to be like, wow. I was like really serious about whatever, whatever. And like, who gives a shit? Like look at Lizzie and her noodles, like. She's losing her mind right now and an entire like corporation that doesn't care, they don't care about Lizzie.

[00:35:55] MAC MART SISTERS: That's why Lizzie's review is still up next for the wrong product, 

[00:35:59] TREY GERRALD: but 

[00:36:00] MAC MART SISTERS: Lizzie really cares about her review and people say to you today that she stands by that review and she doesn't want to hear shit. From Lean Cuisine. But we need the Lizzie's of the world because they keep the normal people like us, that's with air quotes, laughing.

[00:36:19] CHELSEY DONN: I love that. I love that you're the Paula of the group, and I think that we're giving Lizzie credit for giving us entertainment. Maybe it's the fact that, like, you have, You're a mom and you're busy and you're like, you know what? Every once in a while, I need to hear from Lizzie. So I respect that five.

[00:36:34] CHELSEY DONN: Marty, why did you, why did you go with two crowns? This is 

[00:36:37] MAC MART SISTERS: why she's called the nice sister nowadays. 

[00:36:40] CHELSEY DONN: Exactly. 

[00:36:41] MAC MART SISTERS: Handful. First of all, I think it's ridiculous. I, I wish I had enough time to write a ridiculous, first of all, I wish I had enough time to make a link cuisine. Now, you have time to make a linguine, sit down and eat it, and then write a novel on why someone else should meet the wrong box of mac and cheese, everything in my life nowadays comes down to time, and I'm the biggest complainer that I have none, and yet I have so much, it's a weird, it's a very weird, it is, it is a weird, and it sometimes feels like False.

[00:37:18] MAC MART SISTERS: And if sometimes feels true, but my thing is, is like I don't have time for Dom anymore. I asked her to watch a scary movie with me a couple months ago. I was like, dude, it was so good. You're gonna love it. She turned to me without missing a beat and she's like, I don't have time to be scared. . I get 

[00:37:36] CHELSEY DONN: that.

[00:37:36] CHELSEY DONN: Marty, I'm with you. I don't have time to be scared. I can't be derailed by this movie. You know how many emotions it takes? Yes. Are you kidding? I got enough cortisol going through my veins at all times. I don't need 

[00:37:49] MAC MART SISTERS: that. I am already scared enough of this work. Yes, I'm scared enough of saying myself down.

[00:37:54] MAC MART SISTERS: Fair enough. Well, I'm 

[00:37:55] CHELSEY DONN: with you Marty and Trey is with you, pj, on that, on that front. I'm, yeah. So Trey, you went with one and a half crowns. I went with two crowns. Why did you do one and a half? 

[00:38:04] TREY GERRALD: Literally for what both of y'all have just said. Like to me, I think the only points go to the humor. I, I was entertained.

[00:38:10] TREY GERRALD: I think Lizzie is very funny. I would be curious to hear. Their takes on other things. But I think either Lizzie, I think Lizzie had to have made a mistake and picked up the wrong product because they would have to include any detail that there's broccoli. But it was funny and a great conversation. So I said one and a half.

[00:38:26] TREY GERRALD: Chelsea, why did you say two? 

[00:38:28] CHELSEY DONN: Very similar reasons. I mean, like I said, you know, we read so many reviews and so many are just like dull as a doorknob. So to have anyone that has any kind of personality, I gotta give like at least a couple crowns for that. But I agree with what everyone's saying. I think it's possible that Lizzie Wrote this review under the wrong category, and so I couldn't really give them more than that.

[00:38:48] CHELSEY DONN: They also weren't perfect in spelling, and they had a lot of personal issues going on that I think were outside of the realm of the Lean Cuisine and what they could offer Lizzie in terms of helping her with her issues. 

[00:39:02] MAC MART SISTERS: So that was before she even opened the box. 

[00:39:04] CHELSEY DONN: Exactly. Yes. So that was why I went with two crowns.

[00:39:10] TREY GERRALD: Funny review, Chelsey, good find. 

[00:39:12] CHELSEY DONN: Thank God we had you to know what, what was the kind of pasta called? Cavatappi. See, look at the way she says it with such confidence. 

[00:39:21] MAC MART SISTERS: You ready? Oh, our wrist sticks? You want to see our wrist sticks? 

[00:39:24] TREY GERRALD: Do you have them? 

[00:39:24] CHELSEY DONN: Oh yeah, that's right. You told me about your wrist sticks.

[00:39:26] CHELSEY DONN: So they have a macaroni, like just like one macaroni on their wrist and it does kind of look like a penis. 

[00:39:33] TREY GERRALD: Oh, it does. 

[00:39:35] CHELSEY DONN: But you know, There's a reply! There actually is a reply, which means that Nestle did take the time to get back to Lizzie. And this is what Nestle had to say. It is responded by a Lean Cuisine brand ambassador.

[00:39:54] CHELSEY DONN: We haven't added broccoli to this meal, so we'd like to learn more. Expect an email from us soon.

[00:40:08] MAC MART SISTERS: Here's what happened. We are like one year into COVID. Lizzie is high off of her air. She doesn't think she's ever leaving home. And she's just a little bit too stoned eating that bag of cheese. 

[00:40:23] CHELSEY DONN: Oh my god, PJ, does that change your opinion at all? Or is Lizzie still Review Queen? 

[00:40:29] MAC MART SISTERS: I gotta give Lizzie the Review Queen.

[00:40:31] MAC MART SISTERS: She needs to win, guys. Yeah, she needs 

[00:40:33] CHELSEY DONN: to win. You're right! 

[00:40:34] MAC MART SISTERS: You're right, she does need to 

[00:40:36] CHELSEY DONN: win. You're right, PJ, you might be breaking generations, just generation long cycles here by making Lizzie a Review Queen. What? What a mensch. She probably just left it under the wrong product, 

[00:40:48] TREY GERRALD: right? 

[00:40:51] CHELSEY DONN: 100%. Lizzie, I think, I like the high theory.

[00:40:53] CHELSEY DONN: I think that that could actually be accurate, 

[00:40:55] MAC MART SISTERS: Marty. Yeah. But also, I think that poor intern was told to respond to the interview. 

[00:41:02] CHELSEY DONN: Right, oh my god, that's right. I'm like 

[00:41:05] MAC MART SISTERS: moving up, like, I'm done getting salad. Alright, we did not end. 

[00:41:09] CHELSEY DONN: I thought like, but we're dying to know more. is there like if that happened, that's 

[00:41:17] MAC MART SISTERS: the company getting a little snark, and that's a little 

[00:41:20] CHELSEY DONN: smart, but it's the right level of start it's like email us, please, wow, that's like quite disturbing.

[00:41:27] CHELSEY DONN: If somehow in the factory, yeah, such an error was made, 

[00:41:31] MAC MART SISTERS: made it into, we need to, 

[00:41:32] CHELSEY DONN: we need to know Did you save the serial number, we might have to bring back the whole batch. Oh my goodness. Well, that was. That was so fun. for indulging us in being Review Queens. That 

[00:41:41] MAC MART SISTERS: was so fun. That was fun. 

[00:41:43] TREY GERRALD: Let's take a really quick break, and then when we come back, we can dish a little more.

[00:41:48] CHELSEY DONN: Nice segway try. Love it. BRB! 

[00:41:53] VOICEOVER: Hold your crown. We'll be right back.

[00:42:19] TREY GERRALD: It's game time! And today's game, made lovingly by Chelsey, is titled Can you make this whack mack slap?, Can you?, 

[00:42:33] CHELSEY DONN: Can you make that whack mack slap?, Okay, 

[00:42:38] MAC MART SISTERS: She went and you ran away, 

[00:42:40] CHELSEY DONN: With, here's the deal, with 30 seconds on the clock, PJ and Marty will take turns reinventing and Elevating various Whack Macs, if they successfully convince the Queens that their version of the Whack Mac slaps, they will get a point.

[00:43:00] CHELSEY DONN: If their version of the Mac still sounds whack, they will earn no points for the round and the other player has a chance to steal by activating their return of the Mac. Power. So the player with the most points wins the game. Marty and PJ, are you ready to make that Whack Mack Slap? 

[00:43:23] MAC MART SISTERS: I think so.

[00:43:27] CHELSEY DONN: Okay, you'll be great. 

[00:43:28] MAC MART SISTERS: Everything that we do at home with Wing Cuisines already. 

[00:43:31] CHELSEY DONN: Okay, great. Exactly. Exactly. 

[00:43:33] TREY GERRALD: All right. All right. So, Marty, we're first. You ready? 

[00:43:36] MAC MART SISTERS: Yes. 

[00:43:36] TREY GERRALD: Okay. I have prepared for you PB and J Mac and Cheese. 

[00:43:43] VOICEOVER: Three, two, 

[00:43:44] MAC MART SISTERS: one, go! So this is actually something that's being sold right now. I've been told about this.

[00:43:50] MAC MART SISTERS: They have this at Disney World. I actually don't know how we can eat it. But, gosh, this is terrible. If anything, maybe add brie to it. Then we're kind of tying in the fruit flavors. Look at you! Well, the only way I'm thinking is you have to save it. If you add brie or maybe like a creamy sour cream.

[00:44:11] MAC MART SISTERS: something to that. I don't know. Well, 

[00:44:16] CHELSEY DONN: this is a softball. It's going to get grosser, so prepare to get more creative. All right, try. Are we voting? Slaps. You think it slaps?! It's still wack. I think that three sounds good. All right. I did. I wanted to give you an A for effort, but I just feel like you're going to do better as you like, evolve through 

[00:44:33] VOICEOVER: the 

[00:44:34] TREY GERRALD: game.

[00:44:34] TREY GERRALD: Okay, so Marty gets one point. Okay, 

[00:44:36] CHELSEY DONN: great, Paige, this is us. I have prepared for you a mac shake. So, how can you make this whack mac 

[00:44:46] VOICEOVER: slap? 3, 2, 1, GO! So 

[00:44:50] MAC MART SISTERS: if I had a mac 

[00:44:51] VOICEOVER: shake, 

[00:44:52] MAC MART SISTERS: I would drink it. No, I wouldn't. Okay, so here's what I would do. I would actually, what would I do with a mac? Let me tell them the question of the day.

[00:45:01] MAC MART SISTERS: Okay. Blender? Oh, hold on. What? Oh my god, brilliant. We should be bad girls from the beginning. I would put it all in a blender, make it cheesy sauce, and then pour it over noodles. 

[00:45:14] VOICEOVER: Ooh. Wouldn't you be sweet? Three, two, one. One! I think that's a, that's, that's pretty 

[00:45:21] CHELSEY DONN: good. Slap! Slap! Swear to make lemonade out of lemons.

[00:45:26] CHELSEY DONN: That was really good. So that was a two points for PJ. Alright, this is now Marty's next turn. No redemption. 

[00:45:34] TREY GERRALD: Okay, so Marty. 

[00:45:35] CHELSEY DONN: I have prepared 

[00:45:36] TREY GERRALD: for you. A beat? Carrot and Ginger Mac and Cheese. 

[00:45:41] MAC MART SISTERS: Three, two, one, go! So I'm gonna just, I'm gonna go to the blender for a lot of these. I'm gonna blend it back up, and I'm gonna make a better sauce, and then I'm gonna pour it over.

[00:45:55] MAC MART SISTERS: So I would take the beets, the carrots, the gingers, I'm already kind of like Asian y, balsamic y, olive oily, I'd make some sort of sauce, I'd then throw in Loads of good cheez ins, melting down some heavy whipping cream, and then I'd pour it over some good noodles. 

[00:46:11] TREY GERRALD: 3, 2, 1. That's smart. 

[00:46:15] CHELSEY DONN: That sounds so gross.

[00:46:16] TREY GERRALD: I'm saying 

[00:46:17] CHELSEY DONN: slap. Here we go. I have prepared for you, Spam Sushi Mac. 

[00:46:24] VOICEOVER: 3, 2, 1. Okay, 

[00:46:28] MAC MART SISTERS: so I would first of all take off that seaweed, and I'd chop it up and mix it in with some parsley, and that would come in later on as a garnish. I would take all the mac and cheese, put it in a bowl, put lots of different cheese on the bottom, and put it on that.

[00:46:43] MAC MART SISTERS: And then I would take the spam, and go right into the deep fryer. And then I'd sprinkle some parsley weed on it. Parsley weed? Parsley weed. 

[00:46:53] VOICEOVER: One, 

[00:46:54] MAC MART SISTERS: two. 

[00:46:55] VOICEOVER: One. I think 

[00:46:58] MAC MART SISTERS: that's, 

[00:46:58] TREY GERRALD: I like, I like how creative that was. I'm gonna say slap too. That was good. 

[00:47:02] MAC MART SISTERS: We need like two to get into it. Yeah. I'm also kind of feeling like PJ's getting the easier ones.

[00:47:07] MAC MART SISTERS: Oh my God. And I love the last one. Oh really? 

[00:47:09] CHELSEY DONN: Okay. Well there's a bonus round if you wanna engage. We're only one, we're 

[00:47:13] TREY GERRALD: only one point behind Marty, so it's okay. You're only 

[00:47:16] CHELSEY DONN: one point behind at this point. 

[00:47:17] TREY GERRALD: Okay, here we go, Marty, 

[00:47:19] CHELSEY DONN: I have prepared 

[00:47:20] TREY GERRALD: for you, Mac and Cheese Oatmeal, 

[00:47:23] VOICEOVER: Three, 

[00:47:24] TREY GERRALD: Two, 

[00:47:25] VOICEOVER: One, Go! I thought I 

[00:47:27] MAC MART SISTERS: would do, I would make some sort of grit type thing out of this, I got a binder, I guess, maybe, but I think what I would do here is just make it a savory, Creamy grit thing again, we're just gonna keep adding heavy whipping cream, a lot of nutty salty cheeses, butter, butter eventually, and you know what?

[00:47:47] MAC MART SISTERS: We could even add bacon for like a protein, a little chewy salty fatty bite, eventually we're gonna get a consistency of like a gritty, tangy, 

[00:47:55] CHELSEY DONN: yeah, 

[00:47:56] MAC MART SISTERS: yeah, 

[00:47:56] TREY GERRALD: yeah, I actually, all right, actually, you made that sound good, 

[00:47:59] CHELSEY DONN: that slaps, I'd try that, I'd eat that, I'm not gonna lie, probably what's gonna be for dinner tonight.

[00:48:05] CHELSEY DONN: All right, let's go. We got to keep our win, Peach. I have prepared for you pineapple mac and cheese casserole.

[00:48:16] MAC MART SISTERS: So, I have to be honest, this all doesn't actually sound that gross to me to begin with. However, um, I think this is where I'd probably add something salty like a ham, um, or a bacon, although I'm Um, and I think I would chop up a bunch of ham, put it on top, put maybe like a little gruyere on top of that, mango breadcrumbs that have been pre fried and pop it in the oven.

[00:48:40] MAC MART SISTERS: Yeah. 

[00:48:41] VOICEOVER: Three, two, one. 

[00:48:47] TREY GERRALD: I'm gonna say slaps too, the ham, 

[00:48:49] MAC MART SISTERS: that was really good, I mean like side note on what she just created, yeah, she could also do like a really great way on like pineapple pizza, ooh, that's what I was 

[00:49:00] CHELSEY DONN: thinking when she was saying ham, ham, 

[00:49:02] MAC MART SISTERS: exactly, I would like cut that up into squares, I would remold it with some ham, I'd bread it and I'd fry that shit.

[00:49:09] MAC MART SISTERS: And you'd have like mac and cheese, pineapple pizza square. Yeah, 

[00:49:12] TREY GERRALD: that sounds good. 

[00:49:13] CHELSEY DONN: And especially if there was like a nice cheese in the middle that was going to give you that like gooey, gooey, gooey, like mozzarella stick moment. Yeah, I like that a 

[00:49:21] TREY GERRALD: lot. Okay, okay, 

[00:49:23] VOICEOVER: I have prepared 

[00:49:24] TREY GERRALD: for you, sun dried tomato, caper, raisin, and parsley mac and cheese, 

[00:49:31] CHELSEY DONN: Made Famous by Drake, Is this Famous by Drake?,

[00:49:34] CHELSEY DONN: Yes, this is, this is Drake's, there was, it split the internet, 3, 2, 1, Go!, 

[00:49:40] MAC MART SISTERS: You just really need Italian pasta dish, so we're gonna add like some tomato sauce, to like take out the mac and cheese factor of this because I actually don't see how those flavors can be that bad together And you just need to make it like in some fresh tomatoes.

[00:49:54] MAC MART SISTERS: We're gonna add a little sauce Maybe like a little roasted chicken and a little heavy cream and make like a vodka sauce out of all this And it's gonna be yummy. 

[00:50:05] TREY GERRALD: That sounds good. 

[00:50:06] MAC MART SISTERS: That's how that's the only way with all that stuff. It's the only way 

[00:50:12] TREY GERRALD: I'm gonna say slap. 

[00:50:13] CHELSEY DONN: I love that. That's slap. Alright, here we go.

[00:50:17] CHELSEY DONN: Next round. I have prepared for you. Blueberry Mac. PJ, can you make this slap? 3, 2, 

[00:50:26] VOICEOVER: 1, 

[00:50:27] CHELSEY DONN: GO! I'm gonna eat that. 

[00:50:28] MAC MART SISTERS: Like, that's the thing. Like, this already doesn't sound bad. Cause to me, I hear coke. I hear Kugel, I hear Kugel, I think knowing the way that we like to be super fat and like everything is like that, we probably add, probably add a can of condensed milk, sweetened condensed milk, which is just, you know, delicious, and Uh, some heavy cream, Pop it in the oven, make a custard, 

[00:50:52] TREY GERRALD: Ooh, oh 

[00:50:53] MAC MART SISTERS: my god, I'm like dancing in the 

[00:50:56] CHELSEY DONN: fridge, Slaps, 

[00:50:59] TREY GERRALD: yeah, that's a slap, I would 

[00:51:00] CHELSEY DONN: never, that I want to 

[00:51:01] TREY GERRALD: eat, Okay, this is the last round, 

[00:51:03] VOICEOVER: I have prepared for you, S'mores Max, Three, two, one, go!

[00:51:10] VOICEOVER: Oh yeah, 

[00:51:12] MAC MART SISTERS: I'm doing the same thing, I'm dumping it all in a big bowl, I'm adding sugar so that I'm taking that cheese sauce from savory to sweet, I'm probably adding a little evaporated milk, a little condensed milk, some whipped cream, and I'm re cooking it and I'm probably enjoying it, I have to be honest, yeah.

[00:51:34] MAC MART SISTERS: 3, 2, 

[00:51:36] VOICEOVER: 1, Yeah. 

[00:51:39] MAC MART SISTERS: There's not much. Yeah, there's not much you can do with some of these. 

[00:51:42] CHELSEY DONN: Okay, this is our last one, PJ. I got this though. All right, here we go. I have prepared 

[00:51:50] VOICEOVER: for you. 

[00:51:50] CHELSEY DONN: Cookies and cream mac and cheese. 

[00:51:53] VOICEOVER: So, 

[00:51:57] MAC MART SISTERS: I mean, if you're giving me the dish that you're literally showing me on the screen, which is a bowl of mac and cheese surrounded by Oreos, Yeah, um, literally, Literally.

[00:52:06] MAC MART SISTERS: I don't have to move between dinner and dessert, I'm gonna devour the insides of this, And then slowly sit back and just pick off all the cookies, Nothing else needed here, maybe a glass of milk, 

[00:52:22] VOICEOVER: Three, two, one, 

[00:52:27] CHELSEY DONN: Slaps of ingenuity, 

[00:52:29] TREY GERRALD: I think I'm gonna say I'm gonna say Whack, cuz I feel like it's just gross, I don't wanna combine them.

[00:52:34] TREY GERRALD: Okay, okay, 

[00:52:35] CHELSEY DONN: okay. So, what that means is we have a bonus round, where both of you guys are gonna have a chance to make this extra Whack Max lap to determine if there is, in fact, a winner. So, bonus round, we'll start with Marty. Yeah. What are you gonna do? I don't know. To make this Mac Whack Slap, Mac and Cheese Gelatin Cake Ring with Vienna Sausages and a Ketchup 

[00:53:02] MAC MART SISTERS: Swirl.

[00:53:02] MAC MART SISTERS: I'm 

[00:53:03] VOICEOVER: pulling it out, Chelsey. 3, 2, 1, GO! First of all, Gelatin 

[00:53:08] MAC MART SISTERS: Cake Ring. Can I see it? Can you scroll down a little? I think they pour gelatin on top of mac and cheese to form it into a mold. I'm feeding that to my worst enemy. That's how I feel. I'm gonna watch someone cry for his hand. Mrs. Trenchpole, that shit.

[00:53:26] MAC MART SISTERS: It's one ball at a time. There's no way I'm Three, two, 

[00:53:36] CHELSEY DONN: one. Okay, well that's fair. We could end it at a tie unless PJ you think that you can make a case for how to make this whack mack slap. This is the only chance to come out a winner, otherwise we're leaving this as a tie. Are you gonna do it? Should I start?

[00:53:52] CHELSEY DONN: Okay. Yeah. I'm gonna try. 

[00:53:54] TREY GERRALD: Yeah, here we go. 

[00:53:55] VOICEOVER: Three, two, one, go! I'm 

[00:53:58] MAC MART SISTERS: gonna take all the ketchup off the top. 

[00:54:01] VOICEOVER: I'm gonna put 

[00:54:01] MAC MART SISTERS: that entire disgusting blob in one big pot. I'm gonna melt it down until it's noodles and a whole lot of liquid. Drain the liquid, add cheese back in, and those Vienna sausages.

[00:54:20] TREY GERRALD: I 

[00:54:23] VOICEOVER: mean, 

[00:54:26] TREY GERRALD: I 

[00:54:28] CHELSEY DONN: think it's a 

[00:54:29] TREY GERRALD: clear tie. Really? 

[00:54:31] CHELSEY DONN: I sort of think that that slaps. I mean, like the idea, I know that PJ is my teammate, but I will say, let me just point out. That the idea of reducing it down, then draining out the gelatin liquid, rinsing it off and sort of like doing a start over, but maintaining the integrity of that ketchup, which is from the original product.

[00:54:52] CHELSEY DONN: I think if you were on like a cooking show, like that would totally be valid. And I think you might be with the right Mac Mart cheese mix. I don't know. I think PJ, that was pretty good. I think PJ wins. I'm sorry, Marty. You're gonna it on guys grocery games. . 

[00:55:08] TREY GERRALD: You know what? I think that both of you were really strong players in this game.

[00:55:12] TREY GERRALD: That's right. And I think together you're stronger as a team. That's right. Which is obviously why you are the McElroy sisters. 

[00:55:18] CHELSEY DONN: The mcar sisters. Honestly, so much better than I thought that was gonna be. You handle that like pros. Clearly you've been doing this a while. 

[00:55:24] TREY GERRALD: Well, this has been so much fun. And if you're listening and you cannot wait to get your mac and cheese on, then you must go check out at the Mac Mart on all of the socials, visit their Rittenhouse or Bethlehem PA locations, or hello, excuse me, blink, blink, kiss, kiss.

[00:55:42] TREY GERRALD: You could open up your own Mac Mart franchise to do so. Inquire at MacMart. com. Now, 

[00:55:50] CHELSEY DONN: before we jump over to our Patreon, one final question. What is one piece of advice you'd give on how to handle online haters? 

[00:56:00] MAC MART SISTERS: Don't. 

[00:56:01] CHELSEY DONN: Don't. 

[00:56:01] MAC MART SISTERS: Don't mind them. They're sad. Yeah. The internet is such a sad place nowadays. Give them a hug in your heart instead.

[00:56:10] MAC MART SISTERS: Aww. Or send them to Mac Mart so they can have some good food and get over it. Yeah. Yeah. 

[00:56:14] TREY GERRALD: I like that. 

[00:56:16] MAC MART SISTERS: Cut off their fucking fingers so they can't hear you. There she is!

[00:56:26] CHELSEY DONN: She came out. I love it. 

[00:56:28] MAC MART SISTERS: Hi, 

[00:56:28] CHELSEY DONN: I'm hungry. 

[00:56:29] TREY GERRALD: A sense of humor, obviously. Alright, well we did it Queens, that is another round on the RUARQ, Vienna Sausage, Finger Chopped Off, Hearts Hugging in the Love, World of Mac and Cheese with Oreos and Gelatin, Ferris Wheel. But 

[00:56:44] CHELSEY DONN: never Broccoli! 

[00:56:46] TREY GERRALD: Never Broccoli. Thank 

[00:56:47] CHELSEY DONN: you Mac Mart sisters for joining us today, Listener Queens, if you like what you heard, please tell a friend.

[00:56:53] TREY GERRALD: If you did not like what you heard, please tell an enemy. 

[00:56:57] CHELSEY DONN: To support the production of our show, visit ReviewThatReview. com slash donate. 

[00:57:02] TREY GERRALD: Hit up our voicemail box. Tell us your Mac recipes at 1 850 REVIEW 0. 

[00:57:07] CHELSEY DONN: Join our mailing list at ReviewThatReview. com. 

[00:57:11] TREY GERRALD: You can follow us on all of the socials at The Review Queens.

[00:57:14] CHELSEY DONN: You can follow the Mac Mart sisters at The Mac Mart. You can follow me at Chelsey BD. 

[00:57:22] TREY GERRALD: And I am at Trey Gerald. On this week's after show pod, we're going to be diving a little bit deeper with the Mac Mart sisters as we rate and review a one star Yelp review for Mac Mart. We will decide on the after show, who's going to go head to head with Chelsey in an extra cheesy spin on the Meryl Go Round.

[00:57:43] CHELSEY DONN: So to find out what made the Mac Mart sisters say, 

[00:57:48] MAC MART SISTERS: it's so stupid, I'll let a little tiny of this slide because it's 2016. But if it was 2023 and we got this review, you might have to like give me drugs. 

[00:58:01] TREY GERRALD: Then become a member of our Patreon over at reviewthatreview. com slash patreon so that you can hear our weekly after show companion podcast.

[00:58:10] TREY GERRALD: In the meantime, you must remember. 

[00:58:12] CHELSEY DONN: Ignore the haters, like the Mac Mart sisters said, you're a queen, 

[00:58:17] TREY GERRALD: gender non specific queen, that's right, stay cheesy, 

[00:58:21] CHELSEY DONN: bye,

[00:58:24] CHELSEY DONN: thank you so much for listening to that review, we hope you enjoyed it and as we've mentioned at the top of the show, it really helps us if you could please share the podcast, leave a review, get us up in the algorithms, do all the magic and help us out so that when we come back after this hiatus, we can come back to Bigger and better than ever.

[00:58:43] CHELSEY DONN: Baby, we love you. Sign up directly on Apple Podcast to hear our weekly members only after show. Unlock additional benefits when you become a Patreon slash patreon. Follow us on all the socials at the review queens and join our mailing Arc vetch line is open 24 7 at 1 8 5 0 review zero.

[00:59:06] CHELSEY DONN: Don't be a ogana. Call the kvetch line today.

Review That Review is an independent podcast. Certain names have been redacted or changed to protect the guilty. Executive produced by Trey Gerrald and Chelsey Donn with editing and sound designed by me with voiceover talents by Eva Kaminsky. Our cover art was designed by LogoVora and our theme song was written by Joe Kinosian and sung by Natalie Weiss.



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