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TRANSCRIPT of Episode 191: "Chocolate Shoppe - 2 Star Review"

Review That Review with Chelsey & Trey 
Episode 191: "Chocolate Shoppe - 2 Star Review"


*Please pardon any and all spelling errors!

[00:00:00] THEME SONG: Everybody's got an opinion.

Every Californian and Virginian.

It's so hard to tell who to trust and who to ignore.

Someone's gotta settle the score.

Trey and Chelsey will help you choose!

Whose views win, which ones lose.

Online haters are comin' for you!

Baby, it's time to Review That Review!

[00:00:29] CHELSEY DONN: Hello, 

[00:00:30] TREY GERRALD: oh, hello,

[00:00:34] TREY GERRALD: And welcome back, listeners, to Review That Review. We are the podcast that is dedicated to reviewing 

[00:00:43] CHELSEY DONN: reviews. 

[00:00:48] TREY GERRALD: That is Chelsey Donn. 

[00:00:49] CHELSEY DONN: And that is Trey Gerald. 

[00:00:52] TREY GERRALD: But you can just call us 

[00:00:54] VOICEOVER: the Review Queens. 

[00:00:58] TREY GERRALD: Oh, Chelsey, you're looking mighty fine today. 

[00:01:00] CHELSEY DONN: Thank you. 

[00:01:02] TREY GERRALD: What about me? 

[00:01:03] CHELSEY DONN: You're looking amazing. You're looking starry eyed and just starry, starry night over there.

[00:01:10] TREY GERRALD: Oh, stop complimenting me. I want to know, Chelsey, is there anything that you need to? 

[00:01:15] VOICEOVER: Lodge a complaint. 

[00:01:16] TREY GERRALD: About today? 

[00:01:16] CHELSEY DONN: Yes, Trey, good gerb with that transition. Thinker. All right, Trey, I love you, but, 

[00:01:23] okay, that's my complaint. 

[00:01:25] CHELSEY DONN: You can't say When you 

[00:01:26] huffer, uh uh. 

[00:01:29] CHELSEY DONN: I love you, but can you stop doing that? I love you, but every single time you come home, you just, like, leave your shoes at the door and it's really annoying.

[00:01:38] CHELSEY DONN: I love you, but can you please stop saying, like, every two seconds? I lo Don't preface it with the I love you. It makes it so much worse. Even if you said, can I be honest with you? Can I be honest with you? It's better. I'm sorry. It's better. Can I be honest with you? When I come home and your shoes are always in the doorway, I have, like, a thought that crosses through my head that I'm like, ugh, these fucking shoes, and I just don't want to have that thought, like, and be, like, resenting you for leaving your shoes in the hallway, so just gonna say that, just so you know, that I would prefer than, I love you, but blah, blah, blah, there's something that's, like, so aggressive about that.

[00:02:22] CHELSEY DONN: You know what I'm saying? 

[00:02:23] TREY GERRALD: It's funny to me because even the intonation of your voice when you were doing it. Yeah. Well, when you first said it, like my heart dropped. I was like, Oh God, here comes like a backhanded compliment because that's what it feels like. It feels disingenuous. It's like, and you know what it is, I think?

[00:02:40] CHELSEY DONN: What? 

[00:02:41] TREY GERRALD: It's because it's an open faced sandwich. It's not a compliment sandwich. Oh, you're 

[00:02:44] VOICEOVER: right. 

[00:02:45] TREY GERRALD: Like, you're not couching it. And it's also sort of like, it's like the, um, it's like an exhale before you're inhaling. It's like, I don't actually mean that I love you. I'm just sort of like trying to soften the blow because I'm about to like obliterate you.

[00:02:57] TREY GERRALD: Right. With like something that's bothering me. Exactly. I hate that too. I 

[00:03:01] CHELSEY DONN: hate it. It's so off putting. 

[00:03:05] TREY GERRALD: Is there someone in your life that does this? 

[00:03:08] CHELSEY DONN: I don't know. I was just like thinking about it recently. I, I, I'm, I, I'm sure I hear it at least a few times a week, even like with like my boss and like, you know, her family.

[00:03:19] CHELSEY DONN: Like, you know, the kids will say it to each other or whatever, and it's like it's, you're not winning any favors. Mm-Hmm. by that buffer. You're literally, it's just, you might as well say fuck you and also fuck you. Right. 

[00:03:32] TREY GERRALD: Well, that's like the southernism of Bless your heart. 

[00:03:36] CHELSEY DONN: Right. 

[00:03:37] TREY GERRALD: It's like a, it's condescending.

[00:03:39] TREY GERRALD: It's like, it's so 

[00:03:40] CHELSEY DONN: condescending. 

[00:03:41] TREY GERRALD: Yeah. 

[00:03:41] CHELSEY DONN: I love you, but I hate that you say I love you, but 

[00:03:45] TREY GERRALD: Well, it's passive aggressive. You said aggressive. I think it's like transparently. Passive aggressive. Passive aggressive. Yeah. No, I hear that. I'm 

[00:03:53] CHELSEY DONN: juste. Yeah, it's a 

[00:03:54] TREY GERRALD: good complaint. I'm putting it in the ledger. Thanks.

[00:03:56] TREY GERRALD: Um, and I also wanna say I love you, but, um, , I don't have anything. Love complaint. Thank you. Well, Chelsea. 

[00:04:05] CHELSEY DONN: Yeah. Should we jump into an online review? Oh my god, Trey, there's nothing in the world I'd rather do. Let's do it! Review That Review.

[00:04:21] CHELSEY DONN: All right, we are your trusty review queens. You know what that means. We bring in reviews from the internet that we feel need to be inspected. 

[00:04:30] TREY GERRALD: We read you a review, we break it down, and then rate the impact of that review on a scale from 0 to 5 crowns. It's a really regal process that we call 

[00:04:41] CHELSEY DONN: Assess That Kvetch.

[00:04:43] CHELSEY DONN: That's right, and Trey, it is your turn this week. What have you brought in for us? 

[00:04:49] TREY GERRALD: So, ironically, I actually have today a Repeat Offenders. And this is a very special repeat offender that I wanted to hear more from, which is how I found this, and I know you want to hear more from. Is it Santino? It's not Santino.

[00:05:09] TREY GERRALD: Okay. But since we've been doing those best ofs, they, we did do theirs, and it was one that you were adamant that we include. 

[00:05:20] CHELSEY DONN: Troy Dabia? 

[00:05:22] TREY GERRALD: No close. Do you remember Lin Z. A.? You might not remember the name. 

[00:05:28] CHELSEY DONN: Lin Z. A. Not Lin Z. Which is when we did like if like a few weeks or several weeks back. 

[00:05:35] TREY GERRALD: No, alright, let me tell you.

[00:05:36] TREY GERRALD: So I have this two star. Splash 

[00:05:38] CHELSEY DONN: the Dr No, no, no. Sorry. No, no, no, no, no. Okay, sorry. 

[00:05:42] TREY GERRALD: Okay, so we're gonna review this two star Yelp review. From Lindsay A. for a chocolatier that's called Macri Chocolos. Or as my Southern people would say, Macris Chocolates. Okay. Um, all right. So this was written about a year and a half ago and.

[00:06:08] TREY GERRALD: I'm gonna tell you the backstory once we um, read the review. So you're not 

[00:06:13] CHELSEY DONN: gonna remind me who, what review Lindsay wrote? 

[00:06:16] TREY GERRALD: I wanna see if you'll v If I'll figure it out. I wanna see if you'll figure it out. 

[00:06:20] CHELSEY DONN: Okay, 

[00:06:21] okay. Okay, 

[00:06:21] TREY GERRALD: okay, okay. Alright, okay. Here we go. Chocolates are delicious. The inside is beautiful.

[00:06:32] TREY GERRALD: However, my two star review comes from the most ignorant, unfriendly staff I've ever encountered. I walked in today and neither of the two people said hi, not even a peep. Complete silence. I'm browsing over the little chocolates and the girl behind the counter just turns and stares at me. Again, no words, not quote, can I get you anything?

[00:07:17] TREY GERRALD: Just stares at me. I work in customer service and this place is horridly ignorant. Oh man, okay. So Lindsay A., previously on our show, twice now, reviewed a restaurant. Do you remember in the past 

[00:07:44] any reviewers who reviewed a restaurant and how they were also chefs? Oh my God. Do you remember 

[00:07:54] TREY GERRALD: a certain buffet?

[00:07:55] Oh my God. 

[00:07:58] CHELSEY DONN: The soup? 

[00:07:59] TREY GERRALD: Yes. 

[00:08:00] CHELSEY DONN: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Blue Mountain Family. Blue Mountain. Blue Mountain Family Restaurant. Oh my God. She ate the soup even though it looked like glue. 

[00:08:07] TREY GERRALD: So we found this on that same drive when we found the Blue Mountain Family Restaurant Review. That was classic. Guys go back and listen to that.

[00:08:16] TREY GERRALD: Um, so we were like, this is, this woman's such a character. So here we are. This is Lindsay's other review for this chocolatier. 

[00:08:25] Okay. Interesting. What's there for 

[00:08:28] TREY GERRALD: you? 

[00:08:29] CHELSEY DONN: Okay. So immediately what I guess I'm struck with is like for a chocolate restaurant, we're starting, it's a two star, right? That's right.

[00:08:37] CHELSEY DONN: We're starting by talking about how great the chocolate is. I understand that the customer service is important, but I don't know. I feel like the chocolate being good is most important. 

[00:08:50] Uh huh. 

[00:08:51] CHELSEY DONN: I feel like I would ding off, like I would maybe give this a three star. If it was that terrible of customer service, but I feel like when we're dealing with like a food item and we're saying off the bat, That the food item is great and delicious and beautiful, 

[00:09:09] Right?

[00:09:10] I don't 

[00:09:10] CHELSEY DONN: know. I don't feel like that's a two star. That's like what I'm immediately struck with the top. 

[00:09:16] TREY GERRALD: Okay. So it's very interesting to me because as we've discussed before, I don't like to be addressed, communicated with, spoken to. I like to pretend like I'm not existing. That comes from my childhood trauma.

[00:09:32] TREY GERRALD: So this would actually be, well, I don't know. Cuz you know, you go to Sephora and those people are like, Hi, how are you? Can I help you? It's like when you go to a department store, like the old adage of working for commission where it's like, Hi, I see you browsing. Can I get you a spritz? And you're like, Oh my God, stop spritzing me.

[00:09:50] TREY GERRALD: I'm good. Thanks. Like, I think Lindsay really wants that level of customer service, which is Lindsay's right. Yes, but that is not my personal style. So, so just in contrast to Lindsay, my rating would be different. But I can also share that I hear the point because if I did want a little assistance, is the onus on me to have to request it rather than the person that's working there to just say, Hi, welcome.

[00:10:19] TREY GERRALD: Let me know if you have any questions, right? Because that's not intrusive, right? 

[00:10:24] CHELSEY DONN: Yeah, I guess, like, maybe it's a verbiage thing. I just, like, I wish that Lindsay was more like, I really wanted to love this place because the product is good, but I literally cannot walk in there because the service is so bad that the energy of the place is off and I just can't even.

[00:10:39] CHELSEY DONN: But it's not that. It's like, it's delicious, beautiful. Also the worst customer service I've ever experienced in my life. Like, I don't know. There's something about ignorant. 

[00:10:53] Um, yeah, like, uh, is that ignorant staring at me? Would you say that they're ignorant twice? Ignorant and then horribly 

[00:11:04] CHELSEY DONN: ignorant. 

[00:11:06] TREY GERRALD: Yeah.

[00:11:06] TREY GERRALD: What's ignorant there? That you're working in sales and you're not trying to make a sale? I guess that's kind of ignorant. 

[00:11:11] CHELSEY DONN: I guess. But that's sort of like. And I don't know, there's something like, um, self grandizing about that, because it's like, you're like, it's like big mistake, big, huge. If you would only have addressed me, I would have bought the whole store.

[00:11:29] CHELSEY DONN: I don't know. There's something in, you know, that feels like that to me. 

[00:11:32] TREY GERRALD: Well, that's what's laughable about this to me is like, they didn't say hi to you, right? And like, you're, you feel so entitled to a hi, but then I'm sort of like. But is that insane, like, 

[00:11:45] CHELSEY DONN: I guess, like, what it comes down to in terms of like, like going through the talking points of truthful shadiness.

[00:11:52] CHELSEY DONN: Do we and I think we've like talked about this before, do we trust Lindsey 

[00:11:57] as a narrator?

[00:12:05] I, you know what, because they 

[00:12:07] TREY GERRALD: break down like, Unfriendly, I think is a little bit of a shady spin, but they do say they, they stared at me. There wasn't a peep. It was complete silence. Again, they just stare again, no words. They don't even say, can I get you anything? They just stare. They say it in enough different ways that I kind of believed that that probably is true.

[00:12:30] TREY GERRALD: And for some reason, describing the worker as a girl, Makes me think they were younger. It's like, this is maybe someone that's working through high school. Like, this is just what I'm picturing. Yeah, so I do recognize that like, you know, Generationally, these kids that have grown up with phones in their hands.

[00:12:48] TREY GERRALD: Sure. They're less adept at speaking because they don't want to talk on the phone. They'll text you or they'll snap you or tick tock you. So it is sort of like I can see a reality in where like the person is just kind of like looking at me and and Doesn't have the social grace. 

[00:13:02] CHELSEY DONN: Is that valuable to know going in, because maybe if I know that the chocolates are good, now it's valuable because I know I'm not going to expect good service?

[00:13:15] TREY GERRALD: I don't, I mean, it's not like you got punched in the face, or it's not like you were like called a slur, they just didn't say anything. Like, it feels like the emotion is disproportionate to the circumstance, in my opinion. But I'm someone that doesn't like really talking a lot, but right. And then I know we talked about this with Lindsay last time.

[00:13:34] TREY GERRALD: They really want you to know that they work in the industry, right? 

[00:13:37] CHELSEY DONN: What did they say the last time at the slash of the I mean, at the Green Blue Mountain? 

[00:13:44] TREY GERRALD: I don't remember. 

[00:13:45] CHELSEY DONN: But they definitely mentioned 

[00:13:47] TREY GERRALD: being a chef. Yes. 

[00:13:49] CHELSEY DONN: Okay. 

[00:13:50] TREY GERRALD: Cause they talked about the carrots and stuff like we're probably supposed to be on.

[00:13:54] TREY GERRALD: Right. Yes. Yes. But your question is like, do I, do I find the narrator truthful or shady? I think it's shady more than it is probably. I believe it's both, which is ironic. I just think it's. Is this worth two stars? I don't think so. 

[00:14:09] CHELSEY DONN: I don't think so. That was my initial feeling. I was like, again, maybe it's just because when it comes, like, maybe it's also because we've lived in New York and like, it's like the soup Nazi of it all.

[00:14:20] CHELSEY DONN: You know what I mean? Like sometimes you're going to go somewhere and the food is going to be so good that you're going to be abused. And that's just what it is. And at the end of the day, I care more about if the chocolate is delicious. 

[00:14:34] TREY GERRALD: Well, at the end, I mean, speaking of the locale of it all, I've never personally been to France, I know that France has a similar stereotype to New Yorkers, that they're a little, they're not as like, lovely and kind, they're a little more gruff and off putting, so like, maybe they're, these employees are just playing the character, because it's Macri.

[00:14:56] CHELSEY DONN: Cha loss. Right, exactly. 

[00:14:58] TREY GERRALD: and Amali. Amali was a bitch. She, there was nothing nice about Amali, 

[00:15:02] CHELSEY DONN: right? 

[00:15:03] TREY GERRALD: No. I don't know. I don't, that's not true. Um, sha she was not nice. I know. It's a st it's a stereotype. That's the 

[00:15:10] CHELSEY DONN: point is I hear you. It's like it's not the friendliest, like it doesn't need to be the friendliest vibe.

[00:15:17] CHELSEY DONN: In order for me personally to still enjoy the chocolate. I think, and this is, I don't wanna completely negate. Bad customer service experience, right? 

[00:15:28] TREY GERRALD: But that's another thing is like, this is that, this is that mother syndrome where it's like, you never call me. It's like the phone works two ways. 

[00:15:36] VOICEOVER: It's also like, 

[00:15:37] TREY GERRALD: if this person's just staring at you, like, then can you just give the grace of being like, hi, hi, you can say that in a shady tone, 

[00:15:46] CHELSEY DONN: right?

[00:15:47] TREY GERRALD: But you're just going to like, I love you. 

[00:15:49] CHELSEY DONN: I love you. I love you. But 

[00:15:51] TREY GERRALD: are you going to say hi? Right? Um, so, I mean, I don't know. Like, the spelling grammar is fine here. Humor, I just think it's funny to be so upset that they didn't say hi. Right. Um, common fluke, typical. I mean, I'm sure there's more than one girl that works here.

[00:16:07] TREY GERRALD: Do you think they're all like this? 

[00:16:09] CHELSEY DONN: I'm sure, like, maybe, and I'm sure this is probably, I kind of do believe that this is probably the vibe. 

[00:16:15] TREY GERRALD: I kind of think it might be the 

[00:16:16] vibe, too. Yeah. 

[00:16:19] TREY GERRALD: Also, I wonder, like, how busy it is. Like, this isn't, like, This isn't like, um, like if you go to like Sprinkles Cupcakes, like that's a culture and a vibe, like, Totally.

[00:16:30] TREY GERRALD: I feel like this might just be like a mom and pop where they're like really good at being chocolatiers and like maybe the customer service could be ratcheted up. I don't know. 

[00:16:37] CHELSEY DONN: Yeah. 

[00:16:39] TREY GERRALD: Okay, so 

[00:16:40] CHELSEY DONN: And then the ultimate impact, like, I'm still going. 

[00:16:43] TREY GERRALD: I think I would still go too, especially because I don't need to be spoken to.

[00:16:48] TREY GERRALD: Agree, same. I also am just the person to be like, Hi, like, if I'm uncomfortable in the silence, I'm going to break the silence. I'm not going to, like, cross my arms and be indignant. And if the 

[00:16:57] CHELSEY DONN: attitude is not enough to make the food taste bad, I'm in. 

[00:17:02] TREY GERRALD: Good point. I mean, I think I could crown Lindsay. How do you feel?

[00:17:06] CHELSEY DONN: Yes, let's do it. 

[00:17:07] TREY GERRALD: Okay, so, Chelsey and I each have our own set of 0 5 crown cards, and in an effort to be fair and not influenced by one another, we're going to play a game. We're going to simultaneously reveal our ratings. 

[00:17:20] The Queens are tabulating. Time for school. 

[00:17:27] CHELSEY DONN: Okay, interesting. I'm holding up two crowns, Trey's holding up one crown.

[00:17:33] CHELSEY DONN: Maybe I was a little too generous with my two crowns, but I'm going to stick with it. I mean, I think like the spelling and grammar was good. It wasn't too long. It had definitely had a clear point of view in terms of this narrative about customer service. That's where the two crowns are coming from. They didn't give it one star.

[00:17:50] CHELSEY DONN: They gave it two stars. So I throw them a little bit of more of a bone for that. But, I don't know that it's the most valuable review at the end of the day, uh, I don't think it's gonna keep me from going, which typically a two star, one star would, so for that reason, I could only give Lindsay two crowns, plus, are we, like, gonna keep bragging about working in the food industry, I don't know, doesn't need to always apply, so that was why I gave it two crowns, why did you give Lindsay's review one crown?

[00:18:22] TREY GERRALD: Well, I wanted to give two crowns since Lindsay gave two stars, but I actually think it's less valuable than that. Like there's nothing about the chocolates that I don't know if they're homemade chocolates. I don't know if they're Belgian chocolates. I don't know if they're like macaroons. I don't like, there's nothing about the store or the product.

[00:18:40] TREY GERRALD: They just say that they're delicious, which is like, I love you, but I mean, this is literally an I love you, but review, it's so random. Also, it doesn't land as much of a big deal to me as it does to Lindsey, but, you know, it's a valid opinion for Lindsey. I just don't, like, I don't think there's much meat on this bone, and, Even to like push back on my original point, like, I understand why you would say I work in customer service, so I understand what it is to like give good customer service and this like so misses the mark, but they don't even really go into that detail.

[00:19:17] TREY GERRALD: They just sort of randomly say it and it's sort of like, okay, so you want me to know you're an expert, but like, I don't feel like I just I don't think that I don't find the worker to be ignorant like I mean I guess but like I don't know I think it's kind of silly I think it is very funny to me that Lindsay took the time to write a review on this mom and pop chocolate shop that like if they really love them and they keep going if they do go back like I know that Macri is gonna know who Lindsay A is and be like you left me a two star review like I'm gonna spit on your chocolate I mean I'm not gonna say that Macri does that because I'm sure Macri is innocent here but sure you Yeah, there could always be a little more kindness.

[00:19:56] TREY GERRALD: We're more and more aware of that every day that we're all alive in this world. Yeah. Um, so one crown, two crown, it's just chocolate and chocolate is good. Chocolate gives you endorphins and endorphins make you happy and happy people don't kill people. 

[00:20:13] CHELSEY DONN: That's right. Miscongeniality. 

[00:20:16] TREY GERRALD: Well, all right, my queen, we've done it.

[00:20:20] TREY GERRALD: We have reached the most regal portion of our show. Chelsey, Who are you inducting today, or 

[00:20:28] CHELSEY DONN: My Royal Highness? Thank you so much for asking, Trey. So I think we're in the clear because this episode is going to definitely air after my mom's birthday, but my mom has a big birthday coming up. And I had shout out to Aaron Schroeder, who was incredible.

[00:20:45] CHELSEY DONN: Also like many Royal Highness. Within the Royal Highness who designed these beautiful, um, She'll have a beautiful t shirt design for my mom's special birthday. And I want to give a special shout out, Royal Highness, to Alex at LADTG. He is so incredible. He did such a good job printing the shirts, took so much care, spoke with me on the phone, ran me through the entire process of exactly what he does, how he gets things to really pop and look good.

[00:21:15] CHELSEY DONN: He's just someone that really cares about his business, and you don't find that all the time, and I had such a great time interacting with him, I finally met him yesterday when I went to pick up the shirt, And I told him I'd give him a shout out on the podcast because it's not often that you have such incredible customer service in this day and age.

[00:21:32] CHELSEY DONN: So if you have printing needs for sweatshirts, shirts, bags, anything like that, and you live in the L. A. area and possibly even if you don't live in the L. A. area, I would definitely recommend you give Alex a call over at LADTG. He is fantastic and I had to nominate you, Alex. Thank you so much. You are officially my Royal Highness, thank you.

[00:21:57] TREY GERRALD: LA, Los Angeles, DTG, Direct to Garment. It's a type 

[00:22:05] CHELSEY DONN: of, it's like instead of silk screening you can do direct to garment. Um, a lot of our merch, shout out to our merch if you haven't looked over on our merch, uh, now is the time. I actually do like a lot of embroidery because sometimes DTG, it's like, it can fade or, you know, it's not like, you can't quality control as much.

[00:22:24] CHELSEY DONN: Subs So that was why for me, I really wanted to find a place that I could trust really knew what they were doing. And when I spoke with Alex and he ran me through the whole process over the phone of the integrity that he has for this DTG process, I was like, I'm sold 

[00:22:40] TREY GERRALD: that reminds me of like going to the beach as a little kid and like those iron on exactly for a shirt.

[00:22:45] TREY GERRALD: How far we've come. 

[00:22:46] CHELSEY DONN: Yeah, exactly. Right. Yeah. Great induction. 

[00:22:52] TREY GERRALD: Wonderful work, Alex. 

[00:22:53] CHELSEY DONN: Great work, Alex. So appreciate you. 

[00:22:55] TREY GERRALD: L A D T G. That's fun to say. 

[00:22:57] CHELSEY DONN: Yeah, right? 

[00:22:59] TREY GERRALD: We did it, Queen. That is another round on the R U A R Q Ferris Wheel of Ignorance. 

[00:23:07] CHELSEY DONN: I love you, but. 

[00:23:08] TREY GERRALD: I love you, but. Thank you. I love you, but. Hello. 

[00:23:12] CHELSEY DONN: Hello.

[00:23:14] CHELSEY DONN: Um, thank you for joining us today. If you like what you heard, please, Trey and I have said it before, we will say it again. It helps the show tremendously if you can share it with a friend, share it with your loved ones, rate, review us, do all the things on all of the platforms. We would really, really appreciate it.

[00:23:30] TREY GERRALD: And if you did not like what you heard, please do all of that mishegoss that Chelsey just said, but do it with an enemy. 

[00:23:38] CHELSEY DONN: Yes, sure. Because you're probably not a great person. 

[00:23:43] And your enemies are my friends. Okay, 

[00:23:47] CHELSEY DONN: on this week's after show, you guys, we are rating and reviewing a four star review for an Amazon product.

[00:24:01] CHELSEY DONN: M Scan, face paint, one ounce white, what? You're going to find out Trey, it's going to be good, and also Patreon, if you're listening to this, you're definitely going to want to take the time to watch this review, and that's all I'm going to say about it, and yeah, tune in. 

[00:24:26] TREY GERRALD: I have some, I have some face paint stories I can't wait to talk about on the next show.

[00:24:30] TREY GERRALD: Well, but in the meantime, boy, oh boy, am I wondering why this was said. Have I not talked about this before? I feel like I've told this story before. I don't think so. But all six of us that were like the dancers had to share, had to shower in a communal shower that had six shower heads. And it was like all together.

[00:24:51] TREY GERRALD: Me too. But please, everyone, it's imperative. Because we love you, but, make sure that you remember, 

[00:25:01] CHELSEY DONN: Ignore the haters, you're a queen, no buts about it, 

[00:25:06] TREY GERRALD: gender nonspecific queen, 

[00:25:08] CHELSEY DONN: no buts about it, bye. Sign up directly on Apple podcast to hear our weekly members only after show, unlock additional benefits when you become a Patreon member at ReviewThatReview.

[00:25:22] CHELSEY DONN: com slash Patreon. Follow us on all the socials at the review queens and join our mailing Arc vetch line is open 24 7 at 1 8 5 0 review zero. Don't be a ogana. Call the kvetch line today.

[00:25:40] TREY GERRALD: I do feel like it is like something Regina George would say, like, I could, I could. I love you. It's, but. Sweetie, I love you, but bangs went out ten years ago. 

[00:25:52] CHELSEY DONN: Well, it's like when she's like, I love your skirt. Where'd you get it? That's the ugliest effing 

[00:25:57] TREY GERRALD: skirt I've ever seen. That's the 

[00:25:59] CHELSEY DONN: ugliest effing skirt I've 

[00:26:00] ever seen in my life.

[00:26:01] TREY GERRALD: Um, 

[00:26:04] yeah. Yeah. Just don't do that. If you're doing that, cut it. 

[00:26:09] CHELSEY DONN: No. 

[00:26:10] Yeah, it's not, it's no one wants to know. It's not helping. It's like 

[00:26:13] CHELSEY DONN: literally, if your intention is to soften the blow, It's not. It's like a rev up. 

[00:26:19] TREY GERRALD: If someone says I have good news and bad news, which do you want to hear first? How do you answer that?

[00:26:27] CHELSEY DONN: Probably bad news. 

[00:26:28] TREY GERRALD: I want to hear the bad news first too. 

[00:26:30] CHELSEY DONN: Because I can't focus on the good news if I'm thinking about the bad news. 

[00:26:34] TREY GERRALD: Right. It's because I'm always waiting for the other shoe to drop, something I'm trying to get over. So I'm like, if you tell me the good news first, I'm just going to be like worrying about what 

[00:26:43] CHELSEY DONN: What the bad 

[00:26:43] TREY GERRALD: news is.

[00:26:44] TREY GERRALD: Agreed. All right, Queens, we'll see you Friday. Love ya. See you 

[00:26:47] CHELSEY DONN: Friday! ReviewThatReview. com slash patreon. Bye! Bye!

[00:26:59] TREY GERRALD: Thanks for watching, Queens! Click here to subscribe and click here for more 

[00:27:02] videos!

Review That Review is an independent podcast. Certain names have been redacted or changed to protect the guilty. Executive produced by Trey Gerrald and Chelsey Donn with editing and sound designed by me with voiceover talents by Eva Kaminsky. Our cover art was designed by LogoVora and our theme song was written by Joe Kinosian and sung by Natalie Weiss.



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