Review That Review with Chelsey & Trey
Episode 189: "11 Pound Cheese Wheel - 2 Star Review"
*Please pardon any and all spelling errors!
[00:00:00] THEME SONG: Everybody's got an opinion.
Every Californian and Virginian.
It's so hard to tell who to trust and who to ignore.
Someone's gotta settle the score.
Trey and Chelsey will help you choose!
Whose views win, which ones lose.
Online haters are comin' for you!
Baby, it's time to Review That Review!
[00:00:33] TREY GERRALD: Hi, and hello there. Welcome to Review That Review. We are the podcast that is dedicated to reviewing
[00:00:40] CHELSEY DONN: reviews.
[00:00:44] TREY GERRALD: That is Chelsey Donn
[00:00:46] CHELSEY DONN: and that is Trey Gerald,
[00:00:49] TREY GERRALD: but you can just call us the Review Queens.
[00:00:55] CHELSEY DONN: That's right. But first, Trey, I'm dying to know, I can only imagine you might have. A plethora of things you might want to complain about, but is there one particular complaint you would like to bring to the table?
[00:01:09] CHELSEY DONN: Trey, would you like to? Ledge a complaint.
[00:01:13] TREY GERRALD: Why yes, I would. Now, Chelsey, this might, um, seem like a joke to you. But I do have written down, my complaint is two factor auth, auth, what is the word? Authentication? Authentification? Authentification. Two factor authentification.
[00:01:32] CHELSEY DONN: No, it's not. You liar.
[00:01:34] TREY GERRALD: No, it's literally written here on my paper.
[00:01:38] TREY GERRALD: So, okay, behind the scenes. Subs Uh, it's now an hour and 21 minutes later, um, we have been trying to record this episode and, you know, pulling out, I hate constantly being asked for two factor authentication. I hate it. I hate it. Who do you think wants to get into my Gmail? Because I sign up for like, uh, I don't know, like, uh, Greenpeace, and then all of a sudden, like, my email gets sent to everyone in the world, I get all these spam emails, like, no one's two factor authentication ing that, but like, the minute I try to get into this app, it's like, hold up.
[00:02:23] TREY GERRALD: We gotta pull out all the Russian stops here to make sure that you can, um, send me a text, I need to know that this is going to your email, you gotta remember this six digit code, then I also need to make sure you're not a robot, and we gotta do the, gotta click all the spots that have the bicycle in it, but sometimes, like, the handlebar is in its own box, so I don't know if that's gonna count, and then I, like, then I don't remember, and then it times you out, and it's like, too many attempts, you're, you can't try again for 24 hours, What is all the security for?
[00:02:53] TREY GERRALD: Like, I don't know. I don't have anything interesting for anyone that wants to steal or look at anything. You're barking up the wrong tree. I don't need the two factor. And now, like, my bank is like, you have to have two factor. It's like, required. You don't get the choice anymore. But like, my face, like, what if someone stole my phone and had a picture of me?
[00:03:15] TREY GERRALD: Like, could that just be my face? With the face ID with the map, I'm all over the map. I hate the two factor crap. I hate it. I hate it. I'm sure that it's protecting me in some sense, but I don't think it is because I sign up for, you know, TMU, and then they send my email to every person in the world. And then, like, you know, all these spam companies are calling me and it's like, I don't have a student loan.
[00:03:37] TREY GERRALD: I paid it off, thankfully. So you're not going to get me. You're not going to get me, but they get me with the two factor, Chelsey. That's my complaint. I know you feel it.
[00:03:46] CHELSEY DONN: You know, I feel it. I mean, just scan my retina already. Okay.
[00:03:51] TREY GERRALD: We're almost there, girl. I mean, can we just be there?
[00:03:54] CHELSEY DONN: Like, just like here it is.
[00:03:55] CHELSEY DONN: This might clearly it's me. When you go to the airport now, they like take a picture of your face so they don't need to rely on the TSA agent. We got to just do the same thing. It's clearly me. I'm trying to get into my email. There's going to be a variable on most of my emails. Weeks of a 10 to 15 pound difference.
[00:04:13] CHELSEY DONN: Other than that, this is me, folks. It's annoying. I hear you. Added to the ledger.
[00:04:20] TREY GERRALD: Do you think we're going to reach a point where the two factor isn't enough and it's going to be three?
[00:04:25] CHELSEY DONN: Oh my God. God forbid, Trey. I just hope we can reach the point where it's like, you just know it's me. Like, boom, boom, boom.
[00:04:32] CHELSEY DONN: You see me, it's me. And then like, if you're trying to get into my email, then like, that could be a separate thing where I have to two factor you in. Okay.
[00:04:41] TREY GERRALD: But you know how the phones are so smart now that they know which app you're going to be used based on the location and the time? Like, all of my game apps pop up as suggested apps.
[00:04:50] TREY GERRALD: Oh, it's like, I think that
[00:04:51] CHELSEY DONN: you want to do this now, yeah.
[00:04:53] TREY GERRALD: Yeah, because it's 1030 at night and it knows I'm going to be taking a bath and I'm going to play solitaire, so it knows. So how does it know that and does it need two factor authentication for that? I can't even say it, I'm so mad.
[00:05:06] CHELSEY DONN: I get it. I get it.
[00:05:08] CHELSEY DONN: I'm mad for you. I'm mad with you. Let's move on.
[00:05:10] TREY GERRALD: I'm so mad.
[00:05:12] CHELSEY DONN: Let's exhale that. I need a crystal. I need something. Okay, here. Just bring all the good energy into the room. Okay? Do you want to do the show? Trey Palosanto? Let's do the show. Let's move it. Let's move into some online reviews. Let's do it. Review That Review.
[00:05:32] CHELSEY DONN: As your trusty review queens, we bring in reviews from the internet. That we feel need to be inspected,
[00:05:39] TREY GERRALD: We read you a review, we break it down, and rate the impact of that review on a scale from zero to five crowns, It's a really regal process that we call, Assess That Kvetch, and Chelsey, I'm dying to know, You What have you got for us today?
[00:05:56] CHELSEY DONN: Well, not to get all cheesy on you, Trey, but let's go back. I love cheese. I love cheese, too. All right, we're gonna head on over to good old Amazon and this is gonna be a two star review for the brand is For The Gourmet Sharp Provolone Picante Cheese whole wheel approximately approximately 11 pounds. Any guesses on price?
[00:06:30] TREY GERRALD: Okay, an 11 pound wheel of provolone cheese. I don't know that provolone is expensive. Provolone makes me think of, um, Subway, but 11 pounds and then shipping. Although people ship computers and cars. I don't know. I'm going to say an 11 pound wheel. It's probably like 68?
[00:06:51] CHELSEY DONN: 157. 61. Wow,
[00:06:56] TREY GERRALD: the picante is pricey.
[00:07:01] CHELSEY DONN: It must be the picante.
[00:07:03] CHELSEY DONN: Alright, so this review is written by Russell S., two star review, subject is, Competition Disaster. In parenthesis, Oval, okay, you're about to find out,
[00:07:20] TREY GERRALD: here we go, oh no,
[00:07:24] CHELSEY DONN: I am still recovering from this weekend when I was the laughing stock of the entire Mariposa County cheese rolling roll a palooza, I purchased this cheese wheel, As a last minute replacement for my trusty 75 pound Pecorino wheel, which got defaced by local youths.
[00:07:50] CHELSEY DONN: Still, I was looking forward to chasing a lighter wheel down the hill. This would give me more dynamic control. Over the direction of the role. On the morning of the competition, imagine my distress when dressed proudly in my regional colors and nearly new cleats, I unwrapped the package to what turns out to be an OVAL SHAPED CHEESE!
[00:08:18] CHELSEY DONN: This is NOT A WHEEL! Repeat, not a wheel, it is oval, needless to say, you can imagine the rest, which was broadcast live on local TV and one internet channel, note, the comments below the video are disgusting, And defamatory, so why the two stars?, As I bundled downhill behind the bouncing oval, Arch rivals roaring past in mirth, Some chunks dislodged, And the cheese itself was creamy and ripe, This is not a competition, she's a void, If anyone wants it, I abandoned it in rage, At the bottom of Greeley Hill, Mariposa County, On Sunday afternoon, From the 49 North, take the 132 East, It should still be okay.
[00:09:29] TREY GERRALD: Okay, so like, it took me like 0. 8 seconds after the subject to realize, is this gonna be like a rolling cheese competition? Which I don't even know if I've ever even seen that existed in the world, but somehow inside of my head, I thought, do people roll cheese around?
[00:09:49] CHELSEY DONN: Absolutely. I think I did talk about a documentary that I saw a while ago about the cheese rollers.
[00:09:55] TREY GERRALD: Tell me, I don't know.
[00:09:57] CHELSEY DONN: This is just a sport that people do in various areas of the world where they roll cheese down a fucking hill. I don't really get it.
[00:10:07] TREY GERRALD: Is sport the right word?
[00:10:12] CHELSEY DONN: Are we the right people to be dissecting whether or not something is sport, Trey? I don't know. I mean,
[00:10:17] TREY GERRALD: I guess that makes me But you have to run.
[00:10:20] CHELSEY DONN: You have to run. You have to have
[00:10:22] TREY GERRALD: balance. I noted that. That's how like stupid people are like, Oh, cheerleading isn't a sport. Right. Have you watched cheer? Have you watched the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders American Sweethearts documentary? Because they are. Okay. Those are athletes. Let me not be that. No, I wrote like chasing the wheel.
[00:10:42] TREY GERRALD: Now, you've watched the documentary. You're very, you're a bon vovant. When it comes to cheese sports, um, do you push it with a stick or do you have to be like on that cheese the whole time it's going?
[00:10:58] CHELSEY DONN: If my recollection serves, you're on the cheese the whole time, you're rolling it and I don't think you can like, you don't want to lose contact with the
[00:11:08] TREY GERRALD: cheese.
[00:11:09] TREY GERRALD: Because I feel like couldn't it like wobble over?
[00:11:12] CHELSEY DONN: Well, certainly if it was an oval.
[00:11:16] TREY GERRALD: You know, I don't know why this keeps coming to my mind, but I remember when we moved to the Upper West Side, I really wanted an oval. dining table. Something called an oval dining table is so much more elegant than a circle or a rectangle.
[00:11:31] TREY GERRALD: The problem is when you are on those corners, you don't get the same, you don't get the same table setting. It's like real fucked up.
[00:11:39] CHELSEY DONN: Yeah. Oh yeah. That's a real disadvantage. And also it, it doesn't roll an oval, a circular, like a wheel, right? Rolls. We all know this. We all know this. We all know this.
[00:11:55] CHELSEY DONN: Everybody knows.
[00:11:56] TREY GERRALD: Every child gets an experience with a wheel. Yes. Whether it's a little car, a bicycle, um,
[00:12:03] CHELSEY DONN: Imagine trying to roll an oval, like rolling an egg, an egg shaped. Couldn't do it. Couldn't do it.
[00:12:09] TREY GERRALD: I mean, I guess you could roll it.
[00:12:11] CHELSEY DONN: If it was, if it was an 11 pound egg.
[00:12:14] TREY GERRALD: But the distinction here is that wheels or ovals of cheese are like, they're three dimensional, but they're like, It's not uniform.
[00:12:23] TREY GERRALD: An egg is like, I want to say it's three dimensional. That I feel like you could roll it on the long side, but the dimensions of a wheel in quotes of cheese is going to be such that one side is going to be flat because it's not a, it's not a circle. How, what is happening? It's not a sphere. It's not a sphere.
[00:12:48] TREY GERRALD: It's not a sphere. Okay, we okay. We get it. We get it, we get it. There is a distinction between wheel and oval, but I've never heard an oval of cheese.
[00:12:59] CHELSEY DONN: I don't think I've ever heard of an oval of cheese. So a barrel bucket, a bucket of cheese. Sure. Why not?
[00:13:06] TREY GERRALD: A barrel of laughs. Barrel of laughs. Um,
[00:13:10] CHELSEY DONN: yes. I wonder if this is, if she's round, she shaved cheese.
[00:13:14] TREY GERRALD: Oh my god. Do you know those baby bells? Yes,
[00:13:17] CHELSEY DONN: I mean, I like them too, but is that cheese? What is that? You
[00:13:22] TREY GERRALD: know, do you think this is false advertising
[00:13:26] CHELSEY DONN: for the Mariposa Cheese Festival?
[00:13:27] TREY GERRALD: For the Gourmet? I
[00:13:33] CHELSEY DONN: mean, nowhere in the subject, in the title, in the description, does it say competition worthy?
[00:13:40] TREY GERRALD: Fair, but my question is, is it false advertising to call it a wheel if it's actually an oval?
[00:13:46] TREY GERRALD: I don't know.
[00:13:50] CHELSEY DONN: Right, because it does say whole wheel.
[00:13:53] TREY GERRALD: Also, what good would it be in an oval? Because don't you have to cut it? But I guess if you're buying the whole shebang, it doesn't matter what shape it is. Because I'm just thinking like, anytime you buy cheese for like a dinner party, it's like little pizza shapes.
[00:14:08] TREY GERRALD: But
[00:14:09] CHELSEY DONN: I mean, I would imagine you're buying this if you like have a restaurant where you're making like, I don't know, like Philly cheesesteaks, you need a lot of provolone.
[00:14:18] TREY GERRALD: That's my first thing. Hold on, we got to back up. Who's buyin who's buyin this much cheese from Amazon? Is it Amazon, like, fresh? Or is this just Amazon that's been sittin in some factory?
[00:14:29] TREY GERRALD: This is
[00:14:29] CHELSEY DONN: straight up duckin Amazon.
[00:14:32] TREY GERRALD: I guess that cheese is mold. Like aged cheese, but not provolone. Provolone seems so fake to me. I don't know cheese. I don't know what I'm trying to get. I don't
[00:14:42] VOICEOVER: know cheese.
[00:14:43] TREY GERRALD: I want to talk here about the value. Okay. Um, there, I think your point here, there's a big distinction because this is not purchased for consumption.
[00:14:54] TREY GERRALD: And I would imagine the majority of cheese that's purchased is for consumption. Not competitive sporting.
[00:15:02] CHELSEY DONN: Do you eat it after the sport? Like if it's covered in wax?
[00:15:06] TREY GERRALD: I gotta throw Russell under the bus once again here because they really lost me at the end. Now, I don't know how long shipping took because they didn't go into that, but you didn't open this until the day of the competition.
[00:15:18] TREY GERRALD: That's on you, boo. That's on you. Because I would have, I would have opened it, I would have like investigated, I would have practiced a little, I would have looked at the rolling ability,
[00:15:30] CHELSEY DONN: True,
[00:15:31] TREY GERRALD: I mean the picture
[00:15:33] CHELSEY DONN: definitely doesn't look like a whole barrel, like the picture looks like a half oval, like I don't know, I can't describe it, but it doesn't look like a wheel, it does say wheel.
[00:15:48] TREY GERRALD: I know, but regardless, why didn't you open it when you, when it arrived? To make sure it wasn't broken or something.
[00:15:54] CHELSEY DONN: I don't know. I feel like most of the cheese in the cheese bowl competition have like that hard wax over it. You're not just rolling raw cheese.
[00:16:02] TREY GERRALD: Yeah, but wouldn't the wax be in the shape of the oval?
[00:16:04] TREY GERRALD: You would know instantly. You're right. Okay, so
[00:16:08] CHELSEY DONN: I think that this comes back to the truthful shadiness of it all. Now I was like going back and forth on whether or not I think this is a real review or not I believe them when they talked about the like TV and the
[00:16:24] TREY GERRALD: One internet channel?
[00:16:25] CHELSEY DONN: One internet channel?
[00:16:26] CHELSEY DONN: Like live broadcasting? I was like, okay, maybe this is real. But then when they like got to the point of like, some of it fell off and I was tasting it. And if you want it, it's like, take the 49 North to 132 East. Like, I don't know, this feels like a planted review.
[00:16:44] TREY GERRALD: That lost me a little bit too, because don't you know that any function And I would certainly guarantee that, uh, sponsored cheese rolling competition, There's gonna be protocol that you can't be littering, Otherwise, you won't be allowed back in the Mariposa thing, Like, they'll be like, No, you leave, your contestants leave cheese everywhere,
[00:17:04] CHELSEY DONN: The Mariposa County Cheese Rolling Rallapalooza, They don't want to feed
[00:17:08] TREY GERRALD: the Mariposa raccoons,
[00:17:11] CHELSEY DONN: No, clean up after yourself,
[00:17:15] TREY GERRALD: I don't
[00:17:15] CHELSEY DONN: know if I,
[00:17:16] TREY GERRALD: It didn't seem fake to me, The But now I feel very unsure.
[00:17:21] TREY GERRALD: I love the description of proudly dressed. I don't think I've been proudly dressed today in my life. Like, yeah,
[00:17:29] CHELSEY DONN: I think they really want us to know or think that they take this very seriously, which I will attest from watching the documentary. That people do take this very seriously.
[00:17:41] TREY GERRALD: But see that, I think, undermines it once again to where I don't know that it's real because if you took it that seriously, that you had almost new cleats, but you had proudly dressed attire, you were ready to go.
[00:17:53] TREY GERRALD: Why would you not test out the
[00:17:55] CHELSEY DONN: wheel?
[00:17:56] TREY GERRALD: Right. And why are you, like, if I'm playing football, God forbid, like, I'm gonna, I'm gonna have the football, like, but then I don't know. Like. Well, okay, but hold on, it keeps going back to like, But it does say it was a last
[00:18:12] CHELSEY DONN: minute replacement for their trusty 75 pound Pecorino wheel, which got defaced by local youths.
[00:18:19] TREY GERRALD: But I don't know anything, but what's then, see that? I mean, How did it get defiled? How did that happen? Where was it? It wasn't in your house? Was it in your house? 11 pound versus 75 pound? Also, we all know Provolone is smooshier than Pecorino. Pecorino's a
[00:18:34] CHELSEY DONN: nice, taut, tired, Hard cheese. I don't know.
[00:18:39] CHELSEY DONN: Something feels odd here.
[00:18:41] TREY GERRALD: And wait, but my point here is like your first distinction here is that consumption versus versus competition. Like, is this common use for this purchase of the cheese? I
[00:18:52] CHELSEY DONN: don't think so.
[00:18:53] TREY GERRALD: Should we hold that against the vendor?
[00:18:56] CHELSEY DONN: I don't think so. Because again, it does say wheel, which I think that's a good point.
[00:19:01] CHELSEY DONN: But it doesn't say competition wheel.
[00:19:04] TREY GERRALD: Correct.
[00:19:05] CHELSEY DONN: I don't know if any of them really do. Okay.
[00:19:07] TREY GERRALD: But it also, it also doesn't say oval. What about spelling grammar?
[00:19:10] CHELSEY DONN: Spelling and grammar was good. We obviously used some capital letters when we felt like particularly, particularly emphatic.
[00:19:20] TREY GERRALD: I mean, it is unique information.
[00:19:21] TREY GERRALD: I don't know how valuable it is and I can't distinguish the truthfulness. It kind of feels like I can't tell if it's true or shady.
[00:19:30] CHELSEY DONN: Right. I think it's funny.
[00:19:33] TREY GERRALD: Oh, my God. Very funny. And I was highly entertained. I was entertained.
[00:19:39] CHELSEY DONN: Any thoughts on the
[00:19:40] TREY GERRALD: keep from buying it? Mm. Well, if I wanted, if I was gonna enter a rolling competition, I would have an impact.
[00:19:49] CHELSEY DONN: I definitely would not be buying this after reading this review if I decided to join the Mepo Mera Zaza Rola Rola Palooza. That's a mouthful. That's like, that's worth than that worth. That's worse than red leather, yellow leather.
[00:20:08] TREY GERRALD: I mean, in Russell's verbiage,
[00:20:10] CHELSEY DONN: za Rola Palooza.
[00:20:12] TREY GERRALD: And Russell's verbiage, it did bring me mirth.
[00:20:15] CHELSEY DONN: Mm hmm.
[00:20:17] TREY GERRALD: I think I can crown Russell. I can crown Russell. All right, so Chelsey and I each have our own set of zero to five crown cards. In an effort to be fair and not influenced by one another, we will simultaneously reveal our rating.
[00:20:32] VOICEOVER: The queens are tabulating. Time
[00:20:38] for school.
[00:20:39] CHELSEY DONN: Okay, I'm holding up two crowns, Trey's holding up two and a half crowns.
[00:20:43] CHELSEY DONN: Trey, you go first, by two and a half crowns for Russell.
[00:20:48] TREY GERRALD: I don't know. I feel like, is it really unique? Yes. So get some points there. Entertaining? Yes. Humorous? Absolutely. Impact on either side of the scenario? Yes, there's impact. Because I can't tell if it's real or not. And I also have some personal questions about the integrity that Russell might have when it comes to his Career of rolling cheese and actions I wouldn't have taken.
[00:21:14] TREY GERRALD: I'm saying two and a half because I don't know that If you're really entering these competitions, I would hope you would have, even as a last minute backup, you need to have something better than Amazon, because we all know that if you just put all of your eggs in that basket, the dairy's gonna be soured.
[00:21:30] TREY GERRALD: I don't know what metaphor this is. Two and a half, Russell, I'm sorry, I'm sorry you were made fun of in the comments section, it's never easy, but um, two and a half, because I would need to read other reviews if I was looking for an 11 pound wheel oval of provolone. Why did you do half a crown less at two crowns?
[00:21:48] CHELSEY DONN: Mostly because I don't know if Russell is being truthful, I gave him the two crowns for humor, um, and I'm That it was sort of like a funny review to come across. Other than that, I can't really give them points because I don't think that they're convincing me to purchase or not to purchase. I think if I were purchasing, I personally would probably be purchasing for a different reason, like cooking.
[00:22:12] CHELSEY DONN: Um, and so, go figure. And so for that reason, I can't really give them more than two crowns, but I am entertained and I want to go back and watch that documentary again. And find out more about these competitors.
[00:22:28] TREY GERRALD: Yeah, I hear that. Two
[00:22:29] CHELSEY DONN: crowns, Russell.
[00:22:31] TREY GERRALD: Where did you find this? Okay,
[00:22:32] CHELSEY DONN: so, I almost asked you this before, but, Any idea on how many likes Russell's review has?
[00:22:39] CHELSEY DONN: I found it on Reddit.
[00:22:41] TREY GERRALD: I imagine it has a lot. 2, 400.
[00:22:45] CHELSEY DONN: Not that many. 336 people found this helpful.
[00:22:51] TREY GERRALD: Love it.
[00:22:52] CHELSEY DONN: Great.
[00:22:53] TREY GERRALD: Good old Reddit.
[00:22:54] CHELSEY DONN: Good old Reddit. Good old Russell. Well, thanks, Russell, for that. Funny
[00:22:57] TREY GERRALD: review. Thank you, Chelsey. Funny
[00:22:58] CHELSEY DONN: review. Appreciate you supplying that for us. And Trey, I think we've officially reached the most regal portion of our show, and I'm dying to know, Queen, who are you inducting for?
[00:23:14] CHELSEY DONN: My Royal Highness.
[00:23:16] TREY GERRALD: Okay, I am very excited about today. I'm going to speak in general terms, but there is someone whose name starts with a D that Chelsey and I both know about. But today, I must induct hiring a professional. Now, I'm going to keep it broad because we all can relate, but I think it's time that we put on a pedestal, we move the spotlight, we finally upstand standing ovation, we applaud five stars for hiring a professional.
[00:23:52] TREY GERRALD: You know, I am someone who I like, I like, I like tinkering, I like doing crafts, I like putting things together. I'm very creative and sometimes I'm more creative than my scope of knowledge and I think there's, I think true intelligence comes from knowing when to hand the reins over and there's nothing more comforting than knowing, like, I need help and asking for it and then compensating a professional for a job well done.
[00:24:25] TREY GERRALD: I must have you all stand with me. Subs Let's induct hiring a professional. There's nothing like, I mean, it's just like people who are committed to something for their lives that care about it. Just let them do it. Don't, don't pooh pooh around. Don't pooh
[00:24:43] pooh.
[00:24:43] TREY GERRALD: Don't pooh pooh. Don't
[00:24:45] pooh pooh.
[00:24:46] TREY GERRALD: So for that reason today, I must induct hiring a professional for the needs that require it.
[00:24:52] TREY GERRALD: Okay. You can, you can get by for as long as you can, but just, just hire the people that do it. Okay. And for that reason, hiring a professional is My Royal Highness this week.
[00:25:04] CHELSEY DONN: I love that. Yay! Round of applause for the professionals in the room. Okay. If you're listening and you're a professional at something, just thank you for being a professional.
[00:25:15] CHELSEY DONN: We applaud you because it's like Trey was alluding to. We could be a little bit of control freaks, you know, but sometimes you got to stay in your lane and sometimes having support from other people really makes all the difference. Who, Trey and I know, and all the professionals out there, Thank you, I love it.
[00:25:35] TREY GERRALD: Well, we did it, Queen. That is another round. That's another oval on the R U A R Q Ferris wheel of being proudly dressed.
[00:25:46] CHELSEY DONN: That's right. Thank you for joining us today. If you like what you heard, please tell a friend.
[00:25:52] TREY GERRALD: If you did not like what you heard, please tell an enemy. Everyone, this is very exciting. On today's after show pod that you can get exclusively at our Patreon, Chelsey and I are going to be rating a one star Google review for an Arizona lawyer.
[00:26:15] TREY GERRALD: Things are going to get legal,
[00:26:18] CHELSEY DONN: litigious,
[00:26:20] TREY GERRALD: so litigious. I have a story about the word litigious. Um, so that's what we're doing on the after show.
[00:26:27] CHELSEY DONN: I love that. So to find out why this Okay, so he's like, I feel like it should be like this. Like we'll come in and we'll start playing like a little jazz music while like people trickle in.
[00:26:43] CHELSEY DONN: There's no trickle. We're here. We're here. Oh, wow. I wonder. I wonder why this was said.
[00:26:51] TREY GERRALD: Hmm, I wonder too. Well, the only way to find out is to go over to ReviewThatReview. com slash Patreon. Now remember, Queens.
[00:27:02] CHELSEY DONN: Ignore the haters.
[00:27:03] TREY GERRALD: You're a queen! Gender non specific queen.
[00:27:07] CHELSEY DONN: No cheesing around.
[00:27:09] TREY GERRALD: Hi. Sign up directly on Apple Podcast to hear our weekly members only after show.
[00:27:16] TREY GERRALD: Unlock additional benefits when you become a Patreon slash patreon. Follow us on all the socials at the review queens and join our mailing Our kvetch line is open 24 7 at 1 8 5 0 review zero. You never visit, you never write. Give us a koal. No. Wow.
[00:27:36] TREY GERRALD: Oh my
[00:27:36] CHELSEY DONN: goodness.
[00:27:38] TREY GERRALD: Poor Russell.
[00:27:39] CHELSEY DONN: Poor Russell. Did he ever show his face in Mariposa again?
[00:27:45] TREY GERRALD: You know, now I'm really questioning if, if Russell was true or not. I really question that.
[00:27:50] CHELSEY DONN: Maybe Russell saw the same documentary that I saw and then was like, I know.
[00:27:56] TREY GERRALD: He thought he would get crafty.
[00:27:59] CHELSEY DONN: He thought he'd get crafty because now I'm noticing actually, you mentioned this on the show.
[00:28:03] CHELSEY DONN: I did get it crafty, like craft cheese.
[00:28:05] TREY GERRALD: K R A F T.
[00:28:07] CHELSEY DONN: It doesn't say verified purchase.
[00:28:11] TREY GERRALD: Gag. We'll see you Friday, Queen. We'll see you on Friday, Queen.
[00:28:14] Bye!
[00:28:22] TREY GERRALD: Thanks for watching, Queens. Click here to subscribe and click here for more videos!
Review That Review is an independent podcast. Certain names have been redacted or changed to protect the guilty. Executive produced by Trey Gerrald and Chelsey Donn with voiceover talents by Eva Kaminsky. Our cover art was designed by LogoVora and our theme song was written by Joe Kinosian and sung by Natalie Weiss.
Photo by Girl with red hat on Unsplash