Review That Review with Chelsey & Trey
Episode 190, Part 2: "YouTube: 1 vs 5 Stars"
*Please pardon any and all spelling errors!
[00:00:00] THEME SONG: Everybody's got an opinion.
Every Californian and Virginian.
It's so hard to tell who to trust and who to ignore.
Someone's gotta settle the score.
Trey and Chelsey will help you choose!
Whose views win, which ones lose.
Online haters are comin' for you!
Baby, it's time to Review That Review!
[00:00:31] CHELSEY DONN: Hello. Hello.
[00:00:32] CHELSEY DONN: Hello. Welcome back listeners. Welcome back, Royal Squad. We're here. We told you we'd be here and here we are.
[00:00:41] TREY GERRALD: Yes, indeed. Welcome back to our coverage of the Apple App Store reviews for YouTube. So in part one, we heard Chelsea's five star review from Namaste Scott.
[00:00:53] Namaste. But
[00:00:55] TREY GERRALD: before we get started, We cover that opposite end of the spectrum.
[00:01:00] TREY GERRALD: It's game time! And Chelsey, it's time for us to take a little spin on the Meryl Go Round.
[00:01:09] CHELSEY DONN: I don't feel the days I feel like I can't. That's with an A. Okay, here's the deal. Trey and I have each picked a rotten, scathing, pithy One Star Zinger. And with 30 seconds on the clock, we'll take turns trying to recite the zinger in as many genres as possible.
[00:01:32] TREY GERRALD: Just like Queen Meryl Streep, who does it all?
[00:01:34] CHELSEY DONN: Before the clock runs out. All right, Trey, you're gonna, you're gonna go first.
[00:01:39] TREY GERRALD: Okay. So I just stayed on theme and I found a another one star review on the Apple App Store for good old YouTube. Now this one is written by a user named The Gamer Has. Mm. Okay. And, um, the subject here is Instagram better and TikTok is better.
[00:02:04] TREY GERRALD: Mm. And the one star zinger is Dash. Now, that is not spelled out. It's not d it's just a,
[00:02:19] CHELSEY DONN: it's just literally a dash mark. And that's the whole review. , I'm gonna expect so much theatrics from you, Trey, I'm just warning you. Alright. I'm gonna strap you in. To a dash. Why not? Um, Stacey Dash, don't, don't take my name anywhere.
[00:02:35] CHELSEY DONN: No, that was Stacey's mom to Stacey Dash. Stacy's mom, I'm gonna just drive you into Stacey's mom, okay? Okay. Um, our, she's
[00:02:43] TREY GERRALD: a lovely woman.
[00:02:44] CHELSEY DONN: She's a lovely woman. She's got it going on. Okay, are you ready, Queen?
[00:02:50] TREY GERRALD: I'm ready. Are you? Because this might go fast.
[00:02:53] CHELSEY DONN: I'm ready. I got my fingers ready.
[00:02:56] TREY GERRALD: Not saying anything, but I'm just saying.
[00:02:57] TREY GERRALD: Okay. Yeah, here we go.
[00:02:58] CHELSEY DONN: Yeah, sure. Here we go.
[00:03:04] Shakespeare, Dasha, adult film, Dasha, PLC reality, Dasha, disaster, Dasha,
[00:03:18] TREY GERRALD: televangelist, Dasha,
[00:03:20] Disney, Oh, gosh! Magic Show, Horror, Breaking News,
[00:03:32] CHELSEY DONN: Dash, Melodrama, That has got to be a show first. That has got to be a show. That's insane. Two. Ten. Ten, Trey. That is definitely a show first. We've never done ten. Have we?
[00:03:47] CHELSEY DONN: We've never done ten. I feel like we've never done seven. We've done eight. I think we've done eight.
[00:03:52] TREY GERRALD: Oh, yeah.
[00:03:53] CHELSEY DONN: I think I've done eight, but never ten. Well,
[00:03:55] TREY GERRALD: Quinn,
[00:03:56] CHELSEY DONN: you've really set me up
[00:03:58] TREY GERRALD: here. Here we go. Let's see. Let's see how we do. Chelsey. What is your zinger for today?
[00:04:03] CHELSEY DONN: Okay, so my zinger for today, I also, of course, went in a similar vein, but I, I chose instead to do Making YouTube Videos for Dummies Junior Edition, Starring Your Own Videos.
[00:04:16] CHELSEY DONN: This is a one star review written by Scarlet Kitchen. The title of the review is Useless, Save Your Money and Wing It. And Scarlet's review is Didn't Use It All All.
[00:04:30] TREY GERRALD: Okay. That's it. Well, I am gonna strap you into a blender since it's Scarlet Kitchen. No! Don't blend
[00:04:39] me up! Please! Please, leave me.
[00:04:42] TREY GERRALD: Okay. You feel ready?
[00:04:44] I'm ready.
[00:04:45] TREY GERRALD: Here we go.
[00:04:50] TREY GERRALD: Opera Diva, Didn't use it all, True Crime Documentary,
[00:04:55] CHELSEY DONN: Didn't use it all, all,
[00:04:57] TREY GERRALD: Yankee, Didn't
[00:04:58] CHELSEY DONN: use it
[00:04:59] TREY GERRALD: all, all, Magic Show, Didn't use it all,
[00:05:03] all,
[00:05:04] TREY GERRALD: Melodrama,
[00:05:05] Didn't use it all, all,
[00:05:08] TREY GERRALD: Disc Jockey, Didn't use it all, all, let's see.
[00:05:12] Didn't use it all,
[00:05:14] VOICEOVER: all, didn't use it all, all, didn't use it
[00:05:20] all, all, that's all,
[00:05:21] CHELSEY DONN: that's
[00:05:22] VOICEOVER: all,
[00:05:23] all,
[00:05:23] CHELSEY DONN: that's
[00:05:24] all, all, okay, I'm proud of that, that was, that was a decent performance,
[00:05:32] wait, two, four,
[00:05:34] TREY GERRALD: six, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen,
[00:05:36] CHELSEY DONN: Nine. Nine. I was going very fast.
[00:05:43] TREY GERRALD: Six, seven, eight, nine. Yeah. Wow,
[00:05:45] CHELSEY DONN: Trey, we're just breaking records all over the place here.
[00:05:49] TREY GERRALD: Wow, we're meant to be in front of the cameras. Look at us.
[00:05:51] CHELSEY DONN: I don't know if my life, my lifetime is a little bit of a cheat. I don't feel like I fully committed, but I'll take it.
[00:05:57] CHELSEY DONN: All right, Trey, you're
[00:05:58] TREY GERRALD: the winner. Committed on lifetime.
[00:06:00] CHELSEY DONN: I don't feel like I fully committed on lifetime. I don't know what I could have done differently. You think
[00:06:04] TREY GERRALD: they're fully committed on lifetime.
[00:06:06] CHELSEY DONN: So maybe I did it right by virtue of doing it wrong. Okay. Great. Thanks.
[00:06:10] TREY GERRALD: Should we jump back into YouTube?
[00:06:12] CHELSEY DONN: Let's do
[00:06:12] TREY GERRALD: it. Okay. All right. So this one is interesting. So today I have a one star app store review for YouTube written by, I'm going to say their whole username, cause it's not their name. It's Nate space click, which makes me think of like click,
[00:06:32] CHELSEY DONN: click,
[00:06:32] TREY GERRALD: click,
[00:06:33] CHELSEY DONN: click that Adam Sandler movie. Click.
[00:06:37] TREY GERRALD: I'm thinking of like mouse clicks, but yes, Adam Sandler too.
[00:06:40] TREY GERRALD: Okay, here we go. So, subject is, I'm out, parentheses, update. Here we go. I don't see any reason to return until competition either eliminates this app or makes this app better. Why open an app I don't enjoy? Better yet, why open a catalog of information that has NOTHING to do with interests? Am I really giving up this much data just to see your horrendous child oriented content?
[00:07:22] TREY GERRALD: Neil Mohan has destroyed this app, and I am confident in saying This empire is slowly collapsing, asterisk update, asterisk, I'm feeling better without this app in my life, but can't help to reflect and wonder why this app had to go downhill to begin with. What a shame, still waiting for the next alternative to take over mainstream, Asterisk, asterisk, update, update, asterisk, asterisk, An extremely small amount of the positive reviews for YouTube are fake, dot, dot, An overwhelming majority of the negative reviews are real, Dot, dot, dot.
[00:08:15] TREY GERRALD: This is why this app is going to ultimately fail. You can't hide the truth forever. Asterick, asterick, asterick. Updated, update, update. Asterick, asterick, asterick. Isn't it funny? All of the real reviews are talking about me. How bad the ads are, It shouldn't be too much to ask for, To be able to put the phone down and listen to a video, Without having to worry about every couple minutes, Getting a four minute long, Parentheses, or longer, Who remembers those?
[00:08:56] TREY GERRALD: Multi hour long ads that were meant to take advantage of people who aren't physically able to skip the ad?, question mark, question mark, question mark, question mark, end parenthesis, dot, dot, dot. Goodbye, YouTube. You screwed up when you made Neil CEO. Wow, this person
[00:09:19] CHELSEY DONN: really
[00:09:19] TREY GERRALD: does not like Neil. Right? Who even knows who the CEO of YouTube is.
[00:09:25] TREY GERRALD: I don't
[00:09:26] CHELSEY DONN: know what's going on. Also. Okay. So here's my, here are my feelings. First of all, update, update, update, update, update, update, update, update, update.
[00:09:34] TREY GERRALD: And the updates match the amount of asterisks that he cushioned it inside of.
[00:09:38] CHELSEY DONN: I mean,
[00:09:39] TREY GERRALD: out of control,
[00:09:40] CHELSEY DONN: out of control, too many updates. We get the point. We get the point, Nate.
[00:09:44] CHELSEY DONN: Click, click away. Okay. Nate Click, you called yourself Nate Click, you can't click? Click off? Yep. Why'd you, why'd you make that your name? That's kind of weird for someone that is not wanting to click, Nate
[00:09:56] TREY GERRALD: Click. Move on.
[00:09:58] CHELSEY DONN: Right? Your name should be Nate Don't Wanna Click.
[00:10:03] TREY GERRALD: Yeah, it's interesting to me that the first update is like, you know, I'm feeling better without this app in my life.
[00:10:08] TREY GERRALD: And then we have two more updates about how it's terrible. I'm like, wait, what?
[00:10:13] CHELSEY DONN: It's a little bit unhinged. Okay, so The first part of the review confused me a little bit because it was talking about like a lack of catalog, which I find laughable because as you mentioned at the top of the show, there are so many videos on this platform and there's literally a video on YouTube for everyone in every genre you could possibly imagine.
[00:10:39] CHELSEY DONN: If you want You're, I can guarantee you will find something that fits your personal algorithm. So I originally found that suspicious as a complaint because I was like, what do you mean like you're not finding content? On the app or it's just for kids. I don't think that that's true. I think that there are things for kids, but I don't think it's all, you know, just for kids or I don't know.
[00:11:03] CHELSEY DONN: That was kind of weird to me. That made me immediately start to not trust Neil. Then we started getting into the plethora of update and we really started to hone in on the ad complaint.
[00:11:19] TREY GERRALD: Which is an overwhelming conversation.
[00:11:22] CHELSEY DONN: An overwhelming conversation. Like I said, there were even five star reviews that had five star quote unquote experiences that still mention the ads.
[00:11:32] CHELSEY DONN: I don't know how I feel about it. Like, aren't, aren't we at a place in life, correct me if you disagree, where if we're getting free content, we kind of expect ads at this point. Like we used to have cable shows where we would have to watch commercials. Don't we expect that we should have to watch some sort of ad, like you can pay to get ad free.
[00:11:59] TREY GERRALD: But that's a big sticking point in the one star reviews is that they're forcing our hand by making us pay because there's this monopoly.
[00:12:08] CHELSEY DONN: I mean, but somebody, I guess, like has to, I don't know. I don't know if I disagree with the ad model. I mean, yes, I think it's annoying when you watch a video and it used to be like, oh, it's three seconds and now they have these long ones if you don't press skip.
[00:12:22] And I
[00:12:22] CHELSEY DONN: do think that that's annoying. But I also kind of get it. Like I'm not paying for this service. It's something that I'm doing for free. If it bothers me that much,
[00:12:31] TREY GERRALD: there's an alternative option.
[00:12:32] CHELSEY DONN: There is an option for me. So I don't know.
[00:12:36] TREY GERRALD: I mean, I think that that's something that's very common in this unhinged one star is that clearly if you just go and scroll at the most critical reviews, It is overwhelming.
[00:12:49] TREY GERRALD: There's a lot of feeling about too much reviews. Too many of them. They last too long. They occur too often. So there's like, that's a typical experience.
[00:13:02] TREY GERRALD: It's so like, what? We're reading a one star review about YouTube. What? Like, it kind of raises this, like, are you a disgruntled employee that got fired? Why do you know so much about this? Why CEO? Yeah,
[00:13:16] CHELSEY DONN: you're right. I don't know, I can't tell if this person's just unhinged or if it's an inside job, but I don't know.
[00:13:22] TREY GERRALD: But a lot of these one stars do mention, like, why is there not, like, why has there not been a big competitor, which is interesting, right? Like, well, hello, Shark Tank. Um, Spelling grammar here also I just want to quickly say is like generally it's okay but there are some instances where like they aren't doing capitals like it's neither here nor there you get the point you can read it but um I feel like they're like kind of shady I think it's shady too it's just a little like oh to your point originally about the content like you Isn't that just your algorithm?
[00:13:56] TREY GERRALD: Like you have to train your algorithm a little bit. Like does, does like a niece or nephew or like, does Neil, Nate have kids? Like, is there someone else watching stuff on their account? Therefore you're getting all these kid oriented things. Like
[00:14:07] CHELSEY DONN: engaging
[00:14:10] TREY GERRALD: with the app and you'll get the catalog of stuff you want to say.
[00:14:13] TREY GERRALD: Like
[00:14:14] CHELSEY DONN: who hurt you? I don't understand. Something, something's like a little off.
[00:14:18] TREY GERRALD: And the whole, like, there is a lot of Doth protesting too much about, Goodbye, YouTube, I'm leaving YouTube, I'm feeling much better without YouTube. And then it's like, Hello
[00:14:26] CHELSEY DONN: again, here I am.
[00:14:28] TREY GERRALD: And even if you did delete YouTube and you're not using it, Then get off of the App Store and leave reviews for it.
[00:14:35] TREY GERRALD: Like, if you're gonna leave it, leave it.
[00:14:36] CHELSEY DONN: Like an extra, like, why are you so obsessed with me? Like,
[00:14:40] TREY GERRALD: why are you
[00:14:40] CHELSEY DONN: so obsessed with me? You're only
[00:14:42] TREY GERRALD: hurting yourself, baby.
[00:14:43] CHELSEY DONN: Exactly. Babe, let it go. We don't need the update. This would have been fine without the additional updates. We didn't need it. It didn't add anything.
[00:14:52] TREY GERRALD: Well, so like there, so like, what's the value here?
[00:14:55] CHELSEY DONN: I mean, I don't think that there is that much value other than like what you can read in any other review in the app store, which is that they're ads. Okay, great. Moving on.
[00:15:04] TREY GERRALD: And then what about all these claims about, like, the fake reviews?
[00:15:07] CHELSEY DONN: Weird, and like, I don't, I don't even understand what they're saying, because the statistics are very odd.
[00:15:12] CHELSEY DONN: It was like, thank you for bringing that up, it said a very small amount of five star reviews, extremely small amount of the five star reviews are fake. Okay, who cares? It's not like they said the vast majority of five star reviews are fake. A very small amount? That's, that's marginal. Who cares? Who cares?
[00:15:34] TREY GERRALD: I'm just, I'm like, I'm not following. I feel like, I feel like something else is going on for Nate. I think
[00:15:40] CHELSEY DONN: something's happening for Nate. I'm getting like a vibe of like, I don't want to like make, minimize it, but that there's, there's a problem in Nate's life and they're taking it out on YouTube. Not literally like by putting a vlog, but they're taking it out on the app store.
[00:15:54] TREY GERRALD: Which, like, the impact here, like, is this going to keep me from downloading it, and No. No? And I don't even understand there are a lot of ads, and like, if there are fake reviews, like, maybe that is happening, but like, they don't really support the claim in any impactful way. And also, they're just
[00:16:11] CHELSEY DONN: hurting themselves.
[00:16:12] TREY GERRALD: It feels, yeah, like, if it's bad for you, then leave. Yeah, I agree. You want to crown Nate? I can crown Nate. All right, let's do it.
[00:16:21] The queens are tabulating.
[00:16:27] Total score.
[00:16:28] CHELSEY DONN: Okay, I'm holding up a half crown. Trey's holding up one crown. I'll go first. I threw them a half crown for the ads comment. I really think that most of what else, whatever else is in here on the updates, the updates and the information about the reviews that was very strange and the connection to the CEO is sort of neither here nor there.
[00:16:47] CHELSEY DONN: It's not really giving me any value as we stated. So half crown. Why did you go for the full crown?
[00:16:52] TREY GERRALD: Literally the same reasons I just said a full crown. I could have said half as well. I just, even the subject is I'm out, but you're leaving the review. Like, so then I'm just sort of like, it's a full crown for me because I, the points that are sprinkled on there, I actually understand and I get them, but I do feel like, what?
[00:17:14] TREY GERRALD: Like, It's a little incoherent, and like, all over the place, so like, this is not more than a crown for me, no.
[00:17:24] CHELSEY DONN: Yeah, I agree. It is kind of funny though, it is, it's funny, with like all of the updates. Because it's unhinged,
[00:17:29] TREY GERRALD: yeah. And
[00:17:30] CHELSEY DONN: the fact that you're right, that the subject is, I'm out, and then it's, I'm out, updated, like even that as a title, is kind of funny.
[00:17:37] TREY GERRALD: It is kind of funny.
[00:17:38] CHELSEY DONN: Yeah.
[00:17:39] TREY GERRALD: Alright, so then here, right here at the end of part two, based on Namaste Scott and Nate Click, where, what are you, where are you in comparing the two ends?
[00:17:52] CHELSEY DONN: I think that like it's probably not a full five star experience in the sense of the ads are there, but I would say my overall for like a YouTube score is probably like four and a half crowns, nearly a queen, if not a queen on most days, like I've been there where I'm just doing laundry in the background and I don't want to press skip and that is annoying.
[00:18:13] CHELSEY DONN: So I want to just give that to, I just want to give that to Nate. Subs But other than that, I really, like, would much rather sit down and have a green juice or something very healthy with Namaste
[00:18:27] TREY GERRALD: Scott.
[00:18:28] CHELSEY DONN: Wow, my brain. I'd rather have a green juice with Namaste Scott and hang out with him and be, like, healthy and go for a walk than, than hang out with Nate Click any day.
[00:18:39] TREY GERRALD: Yeah, I mean, I'm very biased here because I only consume YouTube. We don't pay for cable anymore. I barely watch Netflix. I can't be bothered. Everything is YouTube. I've still not purchased premium, even though I kind of want to, and I also kind of want to get YouTube TV. Subs Based on these two reviews, there's dark energy around Nate.
[00:18:59] TREY GERRALD: There's very positive energy around Scott. So
[00:19:04] CHELSEY DONN: it is interesting how we went so polar opposite there with the namaste and the good vibes and the, the cloud. I'm out. That is Nate. I'm out. Updated. Um, I
[00:19:16] TREY GERRALD: think it just highlights, like you get from the world what, what you put into it. And, um, I think like it's diverse enough to have either impact, but like, I would still be interested in trying it.
[00:19:31] CHELSEY DONN: I mean, trying it. We're on it, baby. Here we are. All right, listeners. All right, Royal Squad. If you agree, if you disagree, please leave a comment down below. Let us know what you think of Namaste Scott. What you think of BuzzkillNateClick. Let us know if you agree with us. Let us know if you beat Trey in the game in part one.
[00:19:51] CHELSEY DONN: All the things. Thank you for being here today, listen, subscribe, comment, review us, do all the things, we appreciate you. All the
[00:20:00] TREY GERRALD: things. And if you want more and you want more exclusive content, just a reminder, go over, join our Patreon. You can do that at reviewthatreview. com slash Patreon. We love you guys.
[00:20:09] TREY GERRALD: Love you. Stay queenly. Until Bye. Queens next week, Ky.
[00:20:15] CHELSEY DONN: See you
[00:20:16] TREY GERRALD: later. Later. Keep
[00:20:17] CHELSEY DONN: your crowns up. Keep your crowns up. Queens love you.
[00:20:23] VOICEOVER: Sign up directly on Apple Podcast to hear our weekly members only after show. Unlock additional benefits when you become a Patreon slash patreon. Follow us on all the socials at the review queens and join our mailing Arc vetch line is open 24 7 at 1 8 5 0 review zero.
[00:20:43] VOICEOVER: Don't be a ana. Call the kvetch line today. Hey.
[00:20:48] CHELSEY DONN: Oh my goodness. Trey Hat. Hat on. Hat on hat. Talk about a hat. On a hat. Betcha. Buy our merch.
[00:20:56] TREY GERRALD: Buy our merch and um, go buy YouTube premium and give me your password, . Just kidding, I didn't say that.
[00:21:02] CHELSEY DONN: Love you.
[00:21:03] TREY GERRALD: Love you guys, bye.
[00:21:03] CHELSEY DONN: Bye!
Review That Review is an independent podcast. Certain names have been redacted or changed to protect the guilty. Executive produced by Trey Gerrald and Chelsey Donn with editing and sound designed by me with voiceover talents by Eva Kaminsky. Our cover art was designed by LogoVora and our theme song was written by Joe Kinosian and sung by Natalie Weiss.
Photo by Girl with red hat on Unsplash