Review That Review with Chelsey Donn & Trey Gerrald
Episode 34: "Child Acting Schools with Marc Tumminelli"
*Please Pardon any spelling errors!
THEME SONG: [00:00:00] Everybody's got an opinion.
Every Californian and Virginian.
It's so hard to tell who to trust and who to ignore.
Someone's gotta settle the score.
Trey and Chelsey will help you choose!
Whose views win, which ones lose.
Online haters are comin' for you!
Baby, it's time to Review That Review!
[00:00:30] Chelsey Donn: Hello.
[00:00:33] Trey Gerrald: Hi everyone. Welcome to Review That. Review the podcast dedicated to reviewing...
[00:00:38] Chelsey Donn: Reviews! We're just like Siskel and Ebert only instead of reviewing cinematic, masterpieces, we rate and review those hilarious scathing and sometimes suspicious online reviews.
[00:00:49] Trey Gerrald: that's Chelsey Donn,
[00:00:51] Chelsey Donn: and that's @TreyGerrald.
[00:00:52] Trey Gerrald: and together we are.
[00:00:54] VOICEOVER: The Review Queens
[00:00:58] Trey Gerrald: And if you want to support the show while getting bonus and exclusive content, including a members only after show podcast, visit our Patreon Page at
[00:01:11] Chelsey Donn: Oh Oh, my God, so much content. And we are so excited today.
[00:01:15] Guest Of Honor!
[00:01:15] Chelsey Donn: You guys, I like I can barely contain myself. Okay. Cause we have a very, very special
[00:01:21] VOICEOVER: Guest of honor.
[00:01:32] Trey Gerrald: OMG!
[00:01:33] Chelsey Donn: It's it's Like Disneyland, you guys. Oh my God. So exciting
[00:01:37] Trey Gerrald: Alright. So every so often we like to invite a special guest of honor on to share some of their experiences dealing with online reviews, from their unique position.
[00:01:48] Chelsey Donn: with our experience in their field, we have them Dawn, their Review Queen crown and help us inspect some Review!.
[00:01:57] Trey Gerrald: And today we have got the renowned
[00:01:59] Chelsey Donn: Oh My God.
[00:02:00] Trey Gerrald: legendary talents of Mr. Marc Tumminelli. Woo.
[00:02:08] Trey Gerrald: Hi Marc!
[00:02:08] Marc Tumminelli: Wow! Hi! Hi Trey. Hi Chelsey. Thank you for having me.
[00:02:13] Chelsey Donn: Oh, my God. It our honor.
[00:02:14] Chelsey Donn: It is honor.
[00:02:15] Marc Tumminelli: I am particularly raspy today.
[00:02:17] Trey Gerrald: Ooh.
[00:02:18] Marc Tumminelli: enjoy.
[00:02:19] Chelsey Donn: Yay, me too,
[00:02:20] Trey Gerrald: You know, I'm feeling a little postnasal Adelaide. Alright. Let me tell you bit about Marc Tumminelli. Marc is the founder of Broadway Workshop, New York's top training program for young artists.
[00:02:35] Marc Tumminelli: say
[00:02:35] Trey Gerrald: Yeah, I would too. In fact, I just did. Marc is also considered one of the top acting coaches in New York with over 60 of his students, appearing in major Broadway musicals and plays as well as on TV and film. Marc also serves as an onset acting coach for Walt Disney pictures. Excuse me.
[00:02:55] Chelsey Donn: What?
[00:02:56] Trey Gerrald: Additionally, Marc has become one of the go tos to adapt musicals for their licensable school edition versions, including titles like Spamalot, and The Addams Family 23 others, Marc's also a genius director, recovering actor, host of the fabulous podcast: Little Me: Growing Up Broadway, dog dad to the goodest boy, Max.
[00:03:19] Chelsey Donn: my God.
[00:03:19] Marc Tumminelli: ...Oh I love 'Goodest Boy, Max.' That's very sweet. Well, Trey, you know, I love you and Chelsey, I feel like we're old friends,
[00:03:27] Chelsey Donn: I feel the same way.
[00:03:29] Marc Tumminelli: I listen to you guys every week. It's so great to be here!
[00:03:32] Chelsey Donn: Marc Tumminelli. We are so excited to have you here today. I mean, I didn't know that you adapted musicals for the shorter, like school versions. That's so cool. So does that mean like when I was at camp and I was doing Guys and Dolls, but like the shorter version, I have someone like you to thank for that.
[00:03:49] Marc Tumminelli: yes. In short!
[00:03:51] Chelsey Donn: my How cool is that?
[00:03:53] Marc Tumminelli: basically I just look at the show and be like, this song sucks we and get rid it.
[00:03:58] Chelsey Donn: I always just love when they're doing like Rent for kids or something, you know? Like what do we
[00:04:03] Chelsey Donn: do?
[00:04:03] Marc Tumminelli: Yeah. I haven't worked on, well, that one I didn't do, but, um,
[00:04:06] Chelsey Donn: I know.
[00:04:06] Marc Tumminelli: They two things out of it. They
[00:04:09] Chelsey Donn: Oh my goodness.
[00:04:10] Marc Tumminelli: They don't get bronchitis instead of HIV.
[00:04:13] Chelsey Donn: Right, right.
[00:04:15] Marc Tumminelli: the high school versions are very tame, but these middle school, junior, what we call young at part it at theatrical rights, worldwide, and, JV, I probably licensing.
[00:04:25] Marc Tumminelli: They're just like these kind of fun, easy to put together hour long versions of shows that you love. one of my favorite things I get to do. So thanks for bringing it up.
[00:04:35] Trey Gerrald: I've had the privilege of seeing many of the presentations that Marc has worked on
[00:04:40] Chelsey Donn: Oh yeah.
[00:04:41] Trey Gerrald: the requirements vary. Sometimes there'll be trimming songs here and there. And sometimes it's actually like doing a lot of script doctoring. Right?
[00:04:51] Marc Tumminelli: Yeah, I do a lot of rewriting. It depends. What the project is sometimes it's just very easy cuts, spamalot was the world's easiest one because they're all vignettes. So you can just cut a full vignette or rewrite a slight joke. But you know, other shows like We Will Rock You get really tricky to cut. Curtains the musical was the hardest one I've ever done. Cause
[00:05:10] Chelsey Donn: Wow.
[00:05:10] Marc Tumminelli: like a murder going on. So as soon as you get rid of a character, the whole thing falls apart, but it is super creative and fun to do.
[00:05:18] Chelsey Donn: That's amazing.
[00:05:18] Trey Gerrald: Can you share a little bit about your company Broadway Workshop?
[00:05:22] Marc Tumminelli: Yeah, I founded Broadway Workshop in, um, 2007, right before the 2008, uh, real estate, uh, crash.
[00:05:30] Chelsey Donn: time.
[00:05:31] Marc Tumminelli: and we, uh, it was a great time to start a small business and actually it was actually was a very good time to start a business. because no one was expecting anything
[00:05:39] Chelsey Donn: Yes.
[00:05:40] Marc Tumminelli: but, uh, basically we do classes, workshops, camps, and productions for kids generally in the tri-state area. But since COVID, we have moved to everything virtually. So not only are we doing classes and things in the studio, we also offer tons of zoom workshops with various Broadway superstars and casting directors. And it just gives kids with an elevated interest in the performing arts, an opportunity to train in a very safe, fun, environment. Where we can kick your butt a little bit, get you to the next level. But we also remember that this is your after-school activity, and there are kids that are there just for that and other kids that are there that will do nothing else for their entire life, but musical theater and acting. And so it's about finding this perfect balance between those two things.
[00:06:25] Marc Tumminelli: I think we have really found that with, the kids that are attracted to Broadway Workshop and I'm very proud of the work we've done and we continue to do, lo these many, 15 or 14 years later.
[00:06:37] Chelsey Donn: Oh, my God. That's amazing. When you're first starting, like how do you feel like you started to grow an audience of people that wanted to go to your classes? Cause that's such a like ambitious thing to do,
[00:06:48] Marc Tumminelli: well, honestly, that is the work that never stops because every year I have kids that essentially graduate out of my program. So I'm never, it's not like, oh, we've developed this product and we could just keep doing it.
[00:07:01] Chelsey Donn: right.
[00:07:01] Marc Tumminelli: are constantly having to engage new kids. And when I started, it was all word of mouth and it continues really to be, but one parent tells another parent at Ripley Greer in the waiting room, oh, you're doing this crappy class.
[00:07:14] Marc Tumminelli: do probably workshop instead. that is how it really grows. and then, you know, it's like some Facebook and Instagram Marketing and that continues to be the thing, but it's really always been word of mouth and I've always really made sure that our classes, and the student's experience, is paramount
[00:07:31] Chelsey Donn: Yeah.
[00:07:32] Marc Tumminelli: And it's not ever money because I can certainly produce things cheaper.
[00:07:36] Marc Tumminelli: I can get teachers who might have a lower rate,
[00:07:39] Chelsey Donn: Sure.
[00:07:39] Marc Tumminelli: But aren't as good. and so everything is always a bit about creating the best possible product and hoping that people will fall in line. And I think that is what you all are doing over at Review That Review, because I think your product is like so good and it's
[00:07:54] Marc Tumminelli: Thank
[00:07:54] Chelsey Donn: you.
[00:07:55] Marc Tumminelli: beautifully marketed and your episodes are so good.
[00:07:57] Marc Tumminelli: you're just building the thing. You're just pushing the wheel up the hill every week, a little more and more so
[00:08:03] Chelsey Donn: Yeah. I mean, I think thank you. You're so sweet to turn, like, what was basically like a kvell about you into a compliment for us, which I think says a lot about you. And I
[00:08:12] Chelsey Donn: think I oh, but I think you're talking about like the passion of it. Like that's, what's so exciting. Like obviously you're very passionate with helping these kids and I think that that's what brings people to you.
[00:08:26] Marc Tumminelli: for
[00:08:26] Marc Tumminelli: sure.
[00:08:27] Trey Gerrald: mentioned the power of the word of mouth,
[00:08:30] Marc Tumminelli: Yeah.
[00:08:31] Trey Gerrald: is what we are so obsessed with over here. Personally, Marc, how impacted are you in your decision-making by online reviews?
[00:08:40] Marc Tumminelli: my God. I am a Review! reader. If I am buying anything over the price of $50,
[00:08:47] Chelsey Donn: Yes.
[00:08:48] Marc Tumminelli: reading like 10 different reviews. I'm a researcher. It took me like two months to buy a mattress I needed to read every review. I needed to go sit on every, but I can't trust Raymour and Flanigan because a lot of people have already sat on that
[00:09:00] Chelsey Donn: Exactly.
[00:09:01] Marc Tumminelli: example. Like
[00:09:02] Chelsey Donn: Yeah.
[00:09:03] Marc Tumminelli: it fresh out the box.
[00:09:05] Chelsey Donn: yeah,
[00:09:05] Marc Tumminelli: yeah, I'm a Review! person for bigger purchases. I
[00:09:09] Chelsey Donn: uh, so gray.
[00:09:10] Trey Gerrald: uh, listeners will remember that our Splash at the Boathouse Review! was actually curated by Marc Tumminelli.
[00:09:17] Chelsey Donn: Oh my God. That that's right. I love that Review. That was such a good review because it was the perfect example of how these lower
[00:09:25] Chelsey Donn: reviews can't!'. Well, yeah, but also yeah, as that, but also like how, not every one star review that's really dragging down that overall score is valid, which is obviously the whole point of the show and
[00:09:38] Marc Tumminelli: well, you got to look at many reviews because you have to figure that there's going to be like one negative review about everybody. So it's like, I do a lot of restaurants. I will say. I look at a lot of restaurant reviews.
[00:09:48] Chelsey Donn: Yeah. Do you ever like, worry about that? Like being in the public eye, like, like, oh, people can just write a review about me like that. Do you ever think about it?
[00:09:56] Marc Tumminelli: do. I do think about it quite a bit. So if I'm having like about with a parent about something
[00:10:03] Chelsey Donn: Yeah.
[00:10:03] Marc Tumminelli: refund or something that I know, and I'm a very ethical person. So if I, if I do say so myself, but if I'm like, no, you're not getting, you just didn't show up for that class because you got the date wrong.
[00:10:15] Marc Tumminelli: I'm not refunding you. Like
[00:10:16] Chelsey Donn: Right.
[00:10:17] Marc Tumminelli: that space to another,
[00:10:18] Chelsey Donn: Okay.
[00:10:18] Marc Tumminelli: but it's sometimes it's like, true. The squeaky wheel gets the grease. It's like sometimes easier just to be like, I don't want to deal with you.
[00:10:25] Chelsey Donn: Yeah.
[00:10:26] Marc Tumminelli: you to go to and write a negative review. Just easier to like, just let's walk away from this, which kind of sucks for the parents who like get in and be like, oh, I miss the class.
[00:10:35] Marc Tumminelli: And sometimes the same thing it's like, I miss the classes are mistake. Let's figure out what we can do here.
[00:10:40] Chelsey Donn: Right, right.
[00:10:41] Marc Tumminelli: I will say that sometimes it just makes the most sense. I've worked in customer service, for very big ticketing company. you know, I dealt with a lot of people calling and screaming and it's just like, how do we get this person to like, chill for a second?
[00:10:57] Trey Gerrald: Right.
[00:10:57] Marc Tumminelli: and you get so much more and we all know this. If like, you're really nice to somebody versus like cursing somebody out. I've been, been on the wrong side of that a few
[00:11:06] Chelsey Donn: Yes. I'm sure we all have.
[00:11:08] Marc Tumminelli: it's nice to be kill people with kindness. a lot,
[00:11:11] Chelsey Donn: love it.
[00:11:12] Marc Tumminelli: a Review!. I love to read a review. I write a review
[00:11:14] Chelsey Donn: I was going to say, have you ever written like a one-star review of something?
[00:11:18] Marc Tumminelli: Oh yeah. Oh certainly. I, I sh I probably, I think I have in the, oh, I have in the last like month,
[00:11:24] Trey Gerrald: I actually, yeah, your husband sent it to me.
[00:11:26] Marc Tumminelli: what was it for? I like don't even remember it. Wasn't the.
[00:11:29] Trey Gerrald: like the appliance.
[00:11:31] Marc Tumminelli: my God, that's it. She called me be like, why would you write that? Review!
[00:11:37] Chelsey Donn: my God.
[00:11:38] Marc Tumminelli: the Review!. She's like, I gave you everything back that you asked for.
[00:11:42] Marc Tumminelli: I said, but is anything in my review? A lie? Like, did I
[00:11:45] Chelsey Donn: Yeah.
[00:11:46] Marc Tumminelli: Where am I lying about anything? She's like, no, I was like, well, then
[00:11:50] Chelsey Donn: then the public deserves to know
[00:11:53] Trey Gerrald: that's ballsy of them to
[00:11:56] Chelsey Donn: to call it yeah. To call you and be like, why would you do that? How about calling and saying, I saw that you wrote the serve you, I wanted to like, you know, make sure that you know, that we really do care and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Maybe you would have taken it down.
[00:12:07] Marc Tumminelli: I would have hundred percent taken it
[00:12:09] Chelsey Donn: Exactly. I mean, that's the whole point full circle. You win more flies with honey. You know what I
[00:12:14] Chelsey Donn: mean? There we go.
[00:12:16] Lodge A Complaint!
[00:12:16] Trey Gerrald: Alright. So, Marc, you obviously know this because you are a listener and we love you for
[00:12:22] Trey Gerrald: as a warmup, we like to show our diversity as RQs, by sharing how we also have things to complain about.
[00:12:28] Chelsey Donn: So many.
[00:12:30] Trey Gerrald: judging. Marc, I have a big ask for you. you like to join us as we,
[00:12:37] VOICEOVER: Lodge A Complaint.
[00:12:39] Marc Tumminelli: Yes.
[00:12:39] Chelsey Donn: oh my God, Yay. Okay, great. Thank God. He said, yes,
[00:12:43] Chelsey Donn: God. I was worried.
[00:12:45] Trey Gerrald: Okay So I today really need to lodge a complaint against power cords that are just too short.
[00:12:52] Chelsey Donn: Yes.
[00:12:53] Trey Gerrald: experience like you're laying in bed and you're trying to charge your iPhone and it's just like, you could use like an additional six inches I don't want to say that it's the dirty Jack. You could just see as like
[00:13:06] Trey Gerrald: an
[00:13:06] Marc Tumminelli: Trey. You better leave
[00:13:08] Chelsey Donn: You better leave that.
[00:13:10] Trey Gerrald: and it's just it's it's like, Two, then you have to like roll on one side and you're like half hanging off the bed. It's just, it's awful. I don't understand who came up with the actual lengths for which power cords standard
[00:13:23] Chelsey Donn: Yeah. I was going to say like, do you think that there's like a focus group where they're like, is this long enough, like.
[00:13:29] Trey Gerrald: I know with apple, you can buy a, um, they have to, they do have a longer version, but it's like more than $10 more,
[00:13:35] Chelsey Donn: I know ridiculous.
[00:13:38] Trey Gerrald: just, I'm lodging a complaint against power cords that are too short because life is too short for me to be dealing with a short cord.
[00:13:45] Marc Tumminelli: you thought matter how long it would be would never be long enough.
[00:13:50] Trey Gerrald: Yes. I have actually thought about that. I mean, that's very true to life, right.
[00:13:54] Chelsey Donn: Yeah. What a metaphor.
[00:13:55] Trey Gerrald: that's my complaint. I'm lodging it. Please. Someone help us another shark tank idea.
[00:14:00] Chelsey Donn: Oh my God. Adding it to the ledger. Totally agree. I personally just wish that all power cords were like retractable, you know, like a retractable leash. Like
[00:14:11] Trey Gerrald: on iron irons
[00:14:12] Chelsey Donn: I want it as long as exactly. I want to, as long as I want it when I want it that long, you know what I mean?
[00:14:18] Chelsey Donn: And then if I just want it short, I can make it short. Like I would pay more for the product. Why is it not, I don't know.
[00:14:25] Marc Tumminelli: Trey just said he wouldn't pay $10 extra for the long cord.
[00:14:29] Trey Gerrald: I have as the problem,
[00:14:31] Chelsey Donn: you pay for retractable though? A retractable cord. I mean, who wouldn't
[00:14:35] Chelsey Donn: pay for that?
[00:14:37] Trey Gerrald: Alright Marc, what about you? Is there something you would like to complain
[00:14:40] Marc Tumminelli: Yeah. I want to complain about the company Quip and their toothbrushes.
[00:14:45] Chelsey Donn: Oh no. Are they bad? Tell me
[00:14:49] Marc Tumminelli: I'm very obsessed with teeth. So the Quip company is actually fabulous. I, I just, switched to equip this year.
[00:14:57] Chelsey Donn: Okay.
[00:14:58] Marc Tumminelli: And within like a couple of weeks, like it wouldn't do the full three-minute brush with like stop after 30 seconds.
[00:15:04] Chelsey Donn: Okay.
[00:15:05] Marc Tumminelli: the battery. Same thing was happening. I emailed them, they responded immediately and they
[00:15:09] Chelsey Donn: Great.
[00:15:10] Marc Tumminelli: something wrong here. We'll send you a fresh one new one coming in the mail. I'm like, oh, that's so nice. They're like, just throw out your old one and like, whatever. So I throw out the old one, got the new one it's happening again.
[00:15:21] Chelsey Donn: no.
[00:15:22] Marc Tumminelli: now here's, there's two things. I brushed my teeth more than a normal person. I
[00:15:26] Chelsey Donn: You're really putting this to the test,
[00:15:29] Chelsey Donn: the full test.
[00:15:30] Marc Tumminelli: a battery life. So it's fine. I can change my own battery. The problem is it is so hard to get
[00:15:35] Chelsey Donn: Um,
[00:15:37] Marc Tumminelli: out of the
[00:15:37] Chelsey Donn: you have a tail.
[00:15:39] Marc Tumminelli: that
[00:15:39] Marc Tumminelli: like,
[00:15:40] Trey Gerrald: clap
[00:15:40] Chelsey Donn: Oh,
[00:15:41] Marc Tumminelli: cannot separate these two things. And now I'm only sitting there thinking what is going to happen when I'm older, when
[00:15:48] Chelsey Donn: oh yeah.
[00:15:49] Marc Tumminelli: there's no way these are the things that I think about all day
[00:15:52] Chelsey Donn: Oh God.
[00:15:53] Marc Tumminelli: able to do this in my seventies, late seventies,
[00:15:55] Chelsey Donn: I can barely Do it now. Yeah.
[00:15:59] Marc Tumminelli: So my issue with Quip is like, there needs to come a better way. Maybe you can turn it to the left and something needs to happen, but you can not get, the other thing is you cannot buy just the brush head,
[00:16:09] Chelsey Donn: She has to order online or
[00:16:10] Chelsey Donn: what?
[00:16:12] Marc Tumminelli: Well, when you
[00:16:12] Chelsey Donn: months.
[00:16:13] Marc Tumminelli: comes with a toothpaste it comes with the floss. I don't want their toothpaste
[00:16:17] Chelsey Donn: Oh,
[00:16:18] Marc Tumminelli: own toothpaste. I just want extra heads because I'm going to change it
[00:16:22] Chelsey Donn: oh, that's ridiculous. This is like all sounding very wasteful to me. You know, throw the old toothbrush.
[00:16:29] Marc Tumminelli: months, it's just, got to say, I think I'm looking at some regular old back to
[00:16:35] Chelsey Donn: I going to say, go back to the Sonicare man. I
[00:16:38] Chelsey Donn: have the Sonicare. like it's great. I know it's a lot. Me too. I
[00:16:44] Chelsey Donn: hate that part.
[00:16:45] Trey Gerrald: So good
[00:16:46] Chelsey Donn: Wow.
[00:16:47] Trey Gerrald: Quip, but that it is exceedingly difficult to pull it apart. I've.
[00:16:51] Marc Tumminelli: But I do love the product. It's very good. And the customer service is excellent. So lodging, a complaint
[00:16:56] Chelsey Donn: Yeah,
[00:16:57] Marc Tumminelli: easier to remove.
[00:16:58] Chelsey Donn: they should really listen to this and change these things about their products. Cause it seems like they're doing a lot, right.
[00:17:04] Marc Tumminelli: Please tag them in the show
[00:17:05] Marc Tumminelli: notes.
[00:17:06] Trey Gerrald: sure.
[00:17:09] Chelsey Donn: I just want to talk a little bit, cause I feel like this was a big topic back in the day and we haven't talked about it as much, but like pop-ups of any kind that come up on a website and especially the kinds of popups that come up.
[00:17:20] Chelsey Donn: Like if I'm reading like a New York times article or something, and then all of a sudden you pop up at me, like I need to subscribe in order to finish the frigging article. Like just stop it, I can't stand it. It's really annoying. Or the popups that like move with you. So you're trying to like do some sort of like, I don't know, online Jenga situation in order to finish reading the article, I cannot, what is this?
[00:17:44] Chelsey Donn: What is this?
[00:17:46] Marc Tumminelli: particularly bad. If you're a theater lover and you check out, is the worst pop-up situation. New York times is pretty bad
[00:17:53] Chelsey Donn: A'..
[00:17:54] Marc Tumminelli: it's a it's rough stuff.
[00:17:56] Chelsey Donn: It's like, yeah. Get out of here. And then sometimes there's like a hidden ex you got to find the fucking hidden necks.
[00:18:03] Marc Tumminelli: or the X is there and you hit it and it takes you to the
[00:18:05] Chelsey Donn: Oh yes. Well, cause you didn't hit the X, right? You hit the X a little bit to the right of the X and now you're at an ad landing page. It's ridiculous.
[00:18:15] Marc Tumminelli: feel your Chelsey.
[00:18:16] Chelsey Donn: Thank
[00:18:16] Chelsey Donn: you.
[00:18:17] Trey Gerrald: feel you too. That, that is like a thing. It's like a constant aggravator as you're just trying to seek knowledge
[00:18:23] Chelsey Donn: Yeah. Just trying to read an article, learn some things, you know?
[00:18:28] Barbizon Modeling and Acting School One Star Review
[00:18:28] Trey Gerrald: we go. So, Marc, since you coach for youth. Today, brought it in a Review! that we're really gonna need your expertise on. Okay.
[00:18:37] Chelsey Donn: Yes.
[00:18:38] Trey Gerrald: have one star Yelp review for...
[00:18:42] Trey Gerrald: I'm nervous to say the company name.
[00:18:46] Trey Gerrald: I'm going to just say the company. Okay. So I have a one-star Yelp review for Barbizon youth acting and modeling
[00:18:54] Marc Tumminelli: great.
[00:18:55] Trey Gerrald: California, that I feel really needs to be inspected.
[00:19:01] Trey Gerrald: So how it works here is I'm going to read the review. We're going to break it down together. all three of us will rate the impact on a scale from one to five crowns.
[00:19:09] Trey Gerrald: And this is a very Regal process that we like to call.
[00:19:12] VOICEOVER: Assess that Kvetch!
[00:19:14] Chelsey Donn: And it's your turn Marc to embody your Review Queen ness and help us crown trays. Our view. Are you ready for the challenge
[00:19:21] Marc Tumminelli: am ready.
[00:19:24] VOICEOVER: Review That Review.
[00:19:28] Trey Gerrald: Okay. So today I have a one-star review from Dolores L
[00:19:34] Chelsey Donn: Delores L.
[00:19:35] Trey Gerrald: from Yelp. This is for Barbizon acting and modeling. And here we go. Honestly, I was really excited and interested in this, but just wait. Me and my mom got approached by an older guy in Walmart telling us that there was an audition for Disney. He said that it was a short line I had to say, and that it was going to be at the Marriott hotel. He gave us an invitation that seemed legit.
[00:20:05] Trey Gerrald: The next day I went there and about 25 kids there. We all went up and said our line. After that we walked down the stage went to this table. And all they said was, if we like you, we will call you within the week. About a week later, they gave us a address to a acting school. We went there and waited a long time. The girl came finally late about an hour and called us in and said, sorry, her grandpa died. And she lost track of time. Really all a con.
[00:20:42] Trey Gerrald: She told me to stand in the corner, T H E E and say my line, I did, parenthesis, honestly, I did horrible. I was really nervous and still asleep. Oh! I forgot. There was another kid there waiting as well. I noticed her from the audition. Not to be mean, but she was not good at all. She looked down the whole time and whispered her line and wouldn't stop shaking her leg. They said that they only picked three out of everyone that was there. Ummm... pretty weird.
[00:21:19] Trey Gerrald: Anyways I was really bad in the audition in the corner and she smiled really big. It kind of scared me and clapped and said, "amazing!" She told us the whole procedure then told us the cost $3,000 for the whole six months. My mom was willing to do whatever made me happy. The girl told me I can pay now. Or in six months I was going to do the six months thing.
[00:21:44] Trey Gerrald: I told my friend about it. She told me they came up to her about four years ago in a mall and told her and her sister the same thing! They auditioned and everything. They both made it. Their cost was $10,000 for both of them. Their mom did it for them. They went through with everything. Then on the last part, the final audition with a bunch of agents in the front row.
[00:22:10] Trey Gerrald: They both did it and a bunch of agents went up to her sister telling her that she was amazing told her they were going to call her within the week. They never called her, and her mom wasted $10,000 for nothing. think God for my friend, because luckily my mom didn't waste her money too. All caps.
[00:22:34] Trey Gerrald: This is just a huge money hungry scam. Don't go here. Please. And it's also weird that for all the reviews, I've read all the money prices is different.
[00:22:50] Chelsey Donn: Delores Delores, Delores. How old do we think Dolores is?
[00:22:56] Marc Tumminelli: I think she's like 14, maybe 13.
[00:22:59] Trey Gerrald: I think Dolores has an early teen, sorry. I had a hard time reading that because it really is like, there's maybe five periods in this. It's all run on sentences with no capitalizations, but I, something about my heart, like breaks that Dolores is like trying to like Delores is the object of the scam.
[00:23:18] Trey Gerrald: And she's like, everyone be careful.
[00:23:21] Chelsey Donn: Yeah
[00:23:22] Marc Tumminelli: is looking out for Dolores.
[00:23:24] Chelsey Donn: guys. I mean, I know it's not the most important thing about the serve you, but I just feel like Dolores is such an old name and I just feel like Dolores is the mom and then the daughter's writing on the mom's account and coming up Dolores. Okay. I mean, I know it's at the, well, so call her Dolores for the sake of this assessment, but so many things, Marc, first off, what are your initial thoughts here?
[00:23:50] Marc Tumminelli: Well, this is something I tell the parents about all the time. This is like a very real scam that happens with lot of different companies like this. And John Robert Powers, there used to be something called the star network and they're all. Basically scams, where they go up to people in malls, they go out to people at targets.
[00:24:07] Marc Tumminelli: They say, you want to be an actor?
[00:24:09] Chelsey Donn: Yeah.
[00:24:09] Marc Tumminelli: this open Disney call where they say Disney call they'll post it. You can go to their websites. And then it's always at a hotel.
[00:24:16] Chelsey Donn: my God. it's, shady.
[00:24:18] Marc Tumminelli: it's so shady. And normally it's jeez, Dolores, our friend saying there's only 25 kids. There it's normally like hundred kids there.
[00:24:26] Chelsey Donn: I was going to say I was shocked that it was so little,
[00:24:28] Marc Tumminelli: Um, it was probably a bad day at Barbara's on. So um, they, they give the kids like a commercial to read. And then a lot of times what they do is they give them a sticker that says they're going into the next round. That like you've made it past round one. they, they make it feel like the whole time you're auditioning until they sit you down at the end offer you bells and whistles and wagons and Santa and, and fame and fortune.
[00:24:58] Marc Tumminelli: And it only costs $1,100.
[00:25:00] Chelsey Donn: right, right, right.
[00:25:02] Chelsey Donn: Wow.
[00:25:03] Marc Tumminelli: the, do you know the famous bait and switch of, you know, selling now you need the headshots, like that would have been the start of it. If they bought the thousand dollar package,
[00:25:11] Chelsey Donn: So they're eliminating people presumably, right. Or like,
[00:25:15] Marc Tumminelli: I don't think they're, they're not eliminating anyone.
[00:25:18] Trey Gerrald: Yeah. I think they're telling that to add the pressure,
[00:25:22] Chelsey Donn: okay.
[00:25:23] Trey Gerrald: three people
[00:25:24] Chelsey Donn: Oh, got it. But they're really saying that to everybody. Ugh. That's so gross.
[00:25:31] Chelsey Donn: Poor Dolores,
[00:25:32] Marc Tumminelli: they want to hear their kid's a star they want,
[00:25:36] Chelsey Donn: right?
[00:25:37] Marc Tumminelli: thinks their kid is gorgeous and talented and has
[00:25:39] Chelsey Donn: Sure. Of course.
[00:25:40] Marc Tumminelli: and then there are kids who actually do have talent in something special and they're sometimes paying casting directors, things like that to be at these So they are legitimate. They are getting in
[00:25:52] Chelsey Donn: Well,
[00:25:53] Marc Tumminelli: of these people,
[00:25:54] Chelsey Donn: yeah.
[00:25:55] Marc Tumminelli: what cost. Yeah.
[00:25:56] Chelsey Donn: Well, I was wondering about that because when they talked about the friend that had done it and the sister got in her, got in front of all the agents and like, are those real agents at that point,
[00:26:08] Chelsey Donn: do think
[00:26:09] Marc Tumminelli: and the things that I
[00:26:10] Chelsey Donn: Or like assistance or something?
[00:26:12] Marc Tumminelli: And yeah, there assistance there,
[00:26:13] Chelsey Donn: Yeah.
[00:26:14] Marc Tumminelli: and the chances are, even if someone's really talented, they're like really Marcetable, they're
[00:26:21] Chelsey Donn: Right,
[00:26:22] Marc Tumminelli: a call. We used to do an industry, showcase a free showcase every year and we'll do it again next fall.
[00:26:27] Marc Tumminelli: we'd have like 300 kids audition. We'd put 40 showcase kids in the showcase and it was completely free to be in it. They didn't have
[00:26:34] Chelsey Donn: right.
[00:26:36] Marc Tumminelli: Um, and we were doing that so that we could meet new kids. We'd have like
[00:26:39] Chelsey Donn: Yeah.
[00:26:40] Marc Tumminelli: new kids we met. But out of those 40 that we thought were really Marcetable, maybe 15 got callbacks.
[00:26:48] Chelsey Donn: Right.
[00:26:48] Marc Tumminelli: you know what I mean? It's like, even if you have it and you're great, doesn't mean that an agent is looking for that and they might already have that.
[00:26:56] Chelsey Donn: Right,
[00:26:57] Marc Tumminelli: it's, or they really just want really tiny kids. Yeah.
[00:27:00] Marc Tumminelli: like that.
[00:27:01] Trey Gerrald: it's interesting to me because I have a very close friend who was an on-staff improv teacher.
[00:27:08] Chelsey Donn: Okay.
[00:27:09] Trey Gerrald: on. they actually do teach, it is all inside of this huge financial commitment that's required.
[00:27:19] Trey Gerrald: But because Dolores is presumably young, I mean,
[00:27:24] Trey Gerrald: they were the one that was scouted.
[00:27:26] Chelsey Donn: Right.
[00:27:27] Trey Gerrald: perspective here because we have our own personal opinions of what Barb is on is what this business model is. But from Dolores, his point of view and this Review! we think that the information is valuable?
[00:27:41] Chelsey Donn: Yeah. Very.
[00:27:43] Marc Tumminelli: think about it. If your parent, is the other thing, why it's so great that we have and this way is it like you got approach it, the mall, it's very Googleable to find out. Is this a real thing. I always tell parents who probably works out cause we have a lot of kids come from all over, over the world, really in the summer.
[00:28:03] Marc Tumminelli: And the last day I do this whole thing about you're ever asked to pay money, to get an agent that is a scam.
[00:28:10] Chelsey Donn: Red flag.
[00:28:11] Marc Tumminelli: good to be true, it is too good
[00:28:12] Chelsey Donn: Yeah.
[00:28:13] Marc Tumminelli: And if you have a question, email me and I will let you know. So
[00:28:16] Chelsey Donn: Right,
[00:28:17] Marc Tumminelli: get emails randomly, like, Hey, I got stopped to do this thing.
[00:28:20] Marc Tumminelli: I'm like, yeah, this is just a community theater.
[00:28:22] Chelsey Donn: right. Yeah,
[00:28:23] Marc Tumminelli: a $200 fee to be in the show like,
[00:28:26] Chelsey Donn: sure. Oh, gross.
[00:28:28] Marc Tumminelli: star and it costs $800 a month. And I'm gonna put your picture in this book, that was like a big thing in the eighties
[00:28:35] Chelsey Donn: yeah.
[00:28:36] Marc Tumminelli: of like coming up, um, it was faces international was the big
[00:28:40] Chelsey Donn: Yeah. Was that the one that was like at like reproductions? Like they would have like those books, I think in the waiting rooms till,
[00:28:47] Chelsey Donn: yeah.
[00:28:47] Marc Tumminelli: this huge book and you paid $250 or $500 if you wanted a full page. And
[00:28:53] Chelsey Donn: Oh my God.
[00:28:54] Marc Tumminelli: the agents and casting, my dad took me in to faces international and you meet with the model and they're like,
[00:29:00] Chelsey Donn: my God.
[00:29:01] Marc Tumminelli: Like you meet with all the people, but they're like, but for $500, you can have a quarter page in the book and they
[00:29:08] Chelsey Donn: Wow.
[00:29:09] Marc Tumminelli: And then of course it all got
[00:29:11] Chelsey Donn: So gross.
[00:29:12] Marc Tumminelli: Elliot Gould was on the commercials.
[00:29:15] Chelsey Donn: Oh my God.
[00:29:16] Marc Tumminelli: as international commercial, put it on the Patreon
[00:29:18] Chelsey Donn: Oh yes. I just think it's so sad. There's something, you know, obviously there are acting programs that are out there that are taking advantage of like actors that are older, like myself, but there's something that's even more evil about using children
[00:29:33] Chelsey Donn: then a parents. And then a parent's love for the child
[00:29:38] Chelsey Donn: just feels so
[00:29:39] Chelsey Donn: gross to me. Yeah.
[00:29:41] Marc Tumminelli: think she's very good. And she knows she's like, I am suck. I just was along for the
[00:29:48] Marc Tumminelli: ride.
[00:29:49] Chelsey Donn: I wanted to talk to you about that So like, do you think that it's possible to say like, I was really bad, like to know.
[00:29:58] Marc Tumminelli: I think it's like a kid who just doing it for fun.
[00:30:01] Trey Gerrald: Yeah.
[00:30:02] Marc Tumminelli: oh, it was really bad. Like they do the school play and they're like, well, my God, it was so embarrassing. It was like so bad. I was great.
[00:30:09] Chelsey Donn: be good. I feel like sometimes the kids that are like, oh my God, I'm so bad end up being good because they like, they care less. And the kids that like really care and like really want to be great are really trying. They just look not natural and good, but if you're like onstage and like, this is ridiculous, I'm really bad.
[00:30:28] Chelsey Donn: This is dumb. Maybe that actually looks real. So I wonder if Dolores is being a little bit harsh on herself here.
[00:30:36] Marc Tumminelli: Well, like as much as they say they want like real kids, they don't, they want
[00:30:40] Chelsey Donn: Okay.
[00:30:41] Marc Tumminelli: that look real and are not annoying, but are good actors,
[00:30:46] Chelsey Donn: Right, right,
[00:30:47] Marc Tumminelli: gritty, real kids. I'm like, yeah, but you need them to present. Well,
[00:30:51] Chelsey Donn: right, right.
[00:30:52] Marc Tumminelli: kids. So
[00:30:53] Chelsey Donn: True.
[00:30:54] Marc Tumminelli: seems to me like salt of the earth.
[00:30:56] Marc Tumminelli: She's a real kid. sure she's working at a
[00:30:59] Chelsey Donn: For sure. Yes.
[00:31:00] Trey Gerrald: it reminds me of how Audrey Hepburn famously said that every single day on sat, she thought she was going to be fired. But I
[00:31:07] Chelsey Donn: Right. That's not what's happening here.
[00:31:10] Trey Gerrald: that's one line of dialogue that they had to act was.
[00:31:13] Chelsey Donn: Oh my God.
[00:31:15] Marc Tumminelli: it would probably is like, my stomach always hurts. But now with your children's Tylenol, my stomach feels great. It's like, it's always, it's always problem and a solution.
[00:31:25] Chelsey Donn: Right.
[00:31:26] Marc Tumminelli: a worst lunch, but now with new Lunchables, lunch is
[00:31:29] Chelsey Donn: Oh my God.
[00:31:30] Marc Tumminelli: It's like, someone's always bad at something. And then they get real good at it.
[00:31:35] Chelsey Donn: That's
[00:31:35] Chelsey Donn: hilarious. Yes.
[00:31:37] Chelsey Donn: Dr. Dolores.
[00:31:38] Trey Gerrald: atrocious. I
[00:31:39] Chelsey Donn: Awful.
[00:31:40] Trey Gerrald: their mom's iPhone, typing it in, like, this is insane. This girl, like she's really bad not to be mean.
[00:31:46] Chelsey Donn: Yes,
[00:31:47] Trey Gerrald: I do think that Delores is being truthful
[00:31:51] Chelsey Donn: do tail.
[00:31:52] Trey Gerrald: Marc was alluding to doesn't sound like Dolores has a lot, a lot in the game here.
[00:31:57] Trey Gerrald: I think Dolores was like, this could be fun for Saturday like, oh, but I'm like a bad actor.
[00:32:02] Chelsey Donn: Right, right, right.
[00:32:03] Trey Gerrald: this is bad this is a lot of money. So for that reason, it sounds to me like Delores is being very truthful.
[00:32:11] Chelsey Donn: I do think Dolores has. Yeah. I think we could try. I just wonder, like, if we're writing this as an assay, why the first point of con was that the grandfather was sick or had died. that was
[00:32:26] Chelsey Donn: like
[00:32:27] Trey Gerrald: a weird part.
[00:32:28] Chelsey Donn: right
[00:32:29] Chelsey Donn: thing.
[00:32:30] Trey Gerrald: AF okay. It says, came finally late about an hour and called us in and said, sorry, her grandpa died. And she lost track of time. Really? All a con,
[00:32:40] Chelsey Donn: all con so like why, like, why like, is that the first piece of evidence? Like there's so many other
[00:32:47] Marc Tumminelli: she doesn't believe that she was late because her grandfather died. She thought she was
[00:32:50] Chelsey Donn: that
[00:32:51] Marc Tumminelli: some other BS.
[00:32:52] Chelsey Donn: that's
[00:32:52] Chelsey Donn: the con that's
[00:32:54] Marc Tumminelli: with a Starbucks.
[00:32:55] Chelsey Donn: right. like, I don't
[00:32:57] Chelsey Donn: believe your grandfather died.
[00:32:59] Trey Gerrald: mourning a grandpa looks like.
[00:33:01] Chelsey Donn: know. I just thought that
[00:33:03] Chelsey Donn: was So funny.
[00:33:04] Trey Gerrald: humor on the Review!. How do we feel? I think it's incidentally humorous.
[00:33:08] Chelsey Donn: Yeah. Anecdotal
[00:33:10] Chelsey Donn: again. Yeah.
[00:33:12] Trey Gerrald: So ultimately before we go into crowning, what do you think? Like, would you find this to be a deal breaker for you? Like if you were a parent?
[00:33:21] Trey Gerrald: Yeah, I would
[00:33:23] Trey Gerrald: why I love that. Dolores is like not an angry mom.
[00:33:27] Chelsey Donn: Right. Love.
[00:33:29] Trey Gerrald: it's like, this is a scam.
[00:33:31] Chelsey Donn: Yeah. I mean, when I heard the name Delores and one SAR, I just assumed that this was going to be a mother that was going to be giving us a high rate. And I love that it was from the kid's perspective. Yeah.
[00:33:41] Trey Gerrald: All right. So I think I'm ready to cry now. How do
[00:33:44] Chelsey Donn: I'm ready to crown.
[00:33:45] Marc Tumminelli: Yeah, sure.
[00:33:46] Trey Gerrald: Alright. on a scale from one to five crowns, we will simultaneously reveal
[00:33:54] VOICEOVER: Queens are Tabulating.
[00:34:08] Trey Gerrald: whoa.
[00:34:10] Chelsey Donn: wow. That's first
[00:34:14] Marc Tumminelli: I w
[00:34:14] Chelsey Donn: queen.
[00:34:16] Marc Tumminelli: I want to honor Dolores because maybe she
[00:34:18] Chelsey Donn: Yeah, I think so, too.
[00:34:21] Marc Tumminelli: on Review That Review.
[00:34:22] Chelsey Donn: I want to see Dolores. I want to see if she is really bad. Cause I have a feeling she's not
[00:34:26] Marc Tumminelli: What if I like found Delores and made her a star
[00:34:29] Chelsey Donn: think should
[00:34:30] Chelsey Donn: make Delores a start.
[00:34:32] Chelsey Donn: She's like, '
[00:34:32] Marc Tumminelli: And now I'm in the nonequity tour of Anastasia!"
[00:34:35] Trey Gerrald: Literally. said four crowns because ultimately I feel like Delores really led from a protective heart
[00:34:44] Chelsey Donn: Yes,
[00:34:45] Trey Gerrald: while they didn't really do any auto, correct,
[00:34:49] Trey Gerrald: didn't do any grammar. a huge punch to Delores as Review!.
[00:34:54] Chelsey Donn: yeah.
[00:34:55] Trey Gerrald: to take the one crown off because, uh, it, needs she needs to work on her grammar lessons, think.
[00:35:02] Trey Gerrald: But, um, that's why I said four because I would not want to take any of my loved ones here. What about you Chelsey? Why did you say four.
[00:35:09] Chelsey Donn: I really love Dolores. I mean, when I was a kid, I was like a chubby kid. So I was never the one that was approached by any of these people. And I was always like a little bit jealous. I wanted to be approached in the mall or the Walmart and I wasn't. And I feel like Dolores really took me through that whole process.
[00:35:25] Chelsey Donn: Like I could now write a lifetime movie about the process of being recruited based off what Delores said. And I think it's a real cautionary tale. I love the fact that it's, from the kid's perspective, I think any parent reading this would be immediately alarmed and turned the other way. I took off the crown for, you know, spelling and grammar and the fact that she called into question the grandpa, which I don't know why we're getting the grandpa involved.
[00:35:48] Chelsey Donn: So other than that, I thought that Delores was a real queen. And for crowns to Dolores,
[00:35:54] Trey Gerrald: what about you, Marc? Why did you say four?
[00:35:56] Marc Tumminelli: I feel like any kid who's taking pen to paper or in this
[00:35:59] Chelsey Donn: yes,
[00:36:00] Marc Tumminelli: to iPhone, you know, deserves a little something special
[00:36:04] Chelsey Donn: agree.
[00:36:05] Marc Tumminelli: kids are not, I think kids should review
[00:36:07] Chelsey Donn: I agree. Yeah. Amazing. Let's take a quick break. And when we return, Marc has agreed to share a view that he himself has received. Wow.
[00:36:19] Trey Gerrald: Ooh, I can't wait for that. All right, we'll right, back.
[00:36:25] VOICEOVER: Hold your crown. we'll be right back.
[00:36:51] Ad!
[00:36:51] Chelsey Donn: All right, we are back. And now it's time to get a little more personal Marc. We asked you to bring a personal review in with you today. That was either a harsh critic or an MVR, most valuable reviewer.
[00:37:04] Trey Gerrald: Basically a negative or a positive review, so we will together.
[00:37:10] VOICEOVER: Assess That Kvetch!
[00:37:12] Trey Gerrald: And then just like before Marc, we will ask you to share with us what the personal impact of you. So, Marc, what Review! did you bring in for us today?
[00:37:22] Marc Tumminelli: So I picked a review from Alison Brooks Admunson, who is a, a mom of a kid that I've worked with in Kentucky doing one of our camps on tour. And then she also sent her daughter to New York to do multiple camps with us. and it just was a nice review and it was the first thing that popped out it's from August 25th, 2020.
[00:37:44] Marc Tumminelli: And as I mentioned, I don't have negative reviews, but it's not because people don't like me. Wait, it's not because people don't hate me. Plenty of people hate me, but, um, they just haven't taken to the internet with it yet.
[00:37:58] Trey Gerrald: I hope that this is not an invitation.
[00:38:01] Chelsey Donn: it's not.
[00:38:01] Marc Tumminelli: write nasty reviews about
[00:38:03] Chelsey Donn: Don't do it. Don't you dare.
[00:38:04] Trey Gerrald: All right. So Chelsey is going to read it. I'm so excited.
[00:38:07] Chelsey Donn: Yes. I will read this Facebook. Review! from Alison Brooks, Adamson for Broadway Workshop.
[00:38:15] Chelsey Donn: I cannot say enough good things about Broadway Workshop! For one, Marc Tumminelli is a legend. He is so down to earth and makes the kids feel like they have known him forever. He understands that many students come to workshop full of anxiety. His warm and friendly personality puts them at ease immediately. He is such an encourager.
[00:38:35] Chelsey Donn: Marc's guest teachers are also amazing. In six years of attending Broadway Workshop camps, not once, have we ever been disappointed in the quality of staff. From Camp Kentucky to NYC workshops, he brings the best of Broadway wherever he goes. Aw,
[00:38:55] Marc Tumminelli: so sweet. Isn't
[00:38:56] Chelsey Donn: that's so nice. I love that. I just think there's so many great things in the serve you that if I were like a parent or maybe even a kid that was reading this Review!,
[00:39:08] Chelsey Donn: that would make me feel better. Like I love the Alison address, the anxiety, because, you know, especially when I was a younger actor, I was very anxious and I was always worried that my teachers were going to be judging me or you know, that I was going to have to like show up in a certain way.
[00:39:26] Trey Gerrald: Yeah, I actually it's. interesting in contrast with Dolores is Review! because I felt that there was so much unknown with Dolores and what comes across from Alison's Review! here is that the experience is very positive. It's very encouraging. And the whole idea of anxiety. I feel like any there's. I mean, there's so much anxiety that becomes around performance, getting in front of people, sharing something about yourself. And Alison really speaks to how Broadway Workshop cultivates a, an air of let's all have fun together.
[00:40:00] Trey Gerrald: I love this Review! I think it's very valuable. I also believe Alison, it seems like they are very invested in the product,
[00:40:07] Chelsey Donn: Yes.
[00:40:08] Marc Tumminelli: It's very sweet. Cause our, our program in Kentucky is meat going to Kentucky with like four other. You know, teaching artists and doing a week long intensive, and you know, it's kids that don't are not doing this constantly. So it's a very different It's a very different way of the way the workshops work.
[00:40:26] Marc Tumminelli: It's all very different. And so for a kid to, and it's very elevated for what they might be getting locally, even though there's a lot of really good training there. Um, and it feels like they're nervous because they're going to do a theater camp with people that they've never met before,
[00:40:41] Chelsey Donn: Of course.
[00:40:42] Marc Tumminelli: I believe they have been with us from our very first year there.
[00:40:45] Marc Tumminelli: So they were trying a new thing and here we were coming in and every year I brought different, you know, guest artists to Paducah, Kentucky to teach. And it was really fun. And then some of those kids kind of banded together and were like, we're going to go to New York and do the summer camp there, or we're going to do, we're going to fly in for the weekend.
[00:41:01] Marc Tumminelli: Like, you know, obviously different families have different situations that allow them to come to New York and do other things. But for a lot of these kids, like, that'll be, it they'll do probably workshop and 99.9% of them are going to go to college for something else. And we just have this little week together as five days together.
[00:41:18] Marc Tumminelli: And that is, it's a really special thing to be part of, uh, some artistic excellence a young person's journey, especially if they're not going to do this for the rest of your life. it's as exciting to me as the kids that decide that they want to move to New York and be actors, which
[00:41:34] Chelsey Donn: I love
[00:41:34] Chelsey Donn: that. There's so many things that she says that I think are helpful for a parent that are deciding whether or not they want to send their child here. I love the fact that they've returned for six years. That makes me feel like they're really genuine. Like really makes me trust. Alison BA.
[00:41:51] Trey Gerrald: Yeah. That's a really great point. I think like the repetition of, the relationship here speaks volumes, honestly,
[00:41:58] Chelsey Donn: And that light before doing six years. And they've never been disappointed in the quality of the staff, then that's a really good case study, you know?
[00:42:06] Trey Gerrald: For sure.
[00:42:07] Chelsey Donn: Yeah. I love that.
[00:42:08] Trey Gerrald: The only thing, like the only sort of I have here, maybe for Alison is like,
[00:42:12] Chelsey Donn: Yeah.
[00:42:13] Trey Gerrald: I'm not having a lot of humor in the
[00:42:15] Chelsey Donn: No, I'm not like bowled over. I'm
[00:42:17] Chelsey Donn: not laughing.
[00:42:18] Trey Gerrald: me is when, when we're talking about someone's children,
[00:42:22] Chelsey Donn: It's not funny.
[00:42:23] Trey Gerrald: know it's not like,
[00:42:24] Marc Tumminelli: it's not
[00:42:24] Chelsey Donn: No,
[00:42:25] Trey Gerrald: thing.
[00:42:25] Marc Tumminelli: in unclear of what sheet music was,
[00:42:28] Chelsey Donn: exactly,
[00:42:29] Chelsey Donn: exactly.
[00:42:30] Marc Tumminelli: of funny Review!.
[00:42:32] Chelsey Donn: Yeah. that's
[00:42:33] Trey Gerrald: as a Review because I don't even know if it's a
[00:42:39] Chelsey Donn: applicable. Yeah. I don't know if it comes into play here.
[00:42:44] Marc Tumminelli: I'm just looking at other reviews and none of them are funny.
[00:42:47] Chelsey Donn: Yeah. I don't think they need to be. Another thing that I liked about Alison BA was I know that we've talked about you working with kids all over the country, but I didn't know that you had this camping Kentucky. And so I think that that would be interesting to me if I was from somewhere outside of New York city, maybe I would then go ahead and look and see, you know, does Marc ever come to my city?
[00:43:10] Trey Gerrald: for sure.
[00:43:10] Chelsey Donn: Yeah.
[00:43:11] Trey Gerrald: anything else you want to add to this before we crown
[00:43:13] Marc Tumminelli: No, it's so weird to be like, I'm amazing. Do you guys listen to this amazing Review! I would have loved
[00:43:19] Chelsey Donn: Well,
[00:43:20] Marc Tumminelli: a really negative review and told you this backstory, but
[00:43:22] Chelsey Donn: right.
[00:43:23] Marc Tumminelli: have that sadly. Well, no, I'm glad I don't have that, but no, it's really nice. It's really, this is like for anyone listening, that things you love and especially the small businesses, and that's the things that I tend to, there's like a new sandwich shop on ninth avenue.
[00:43:37] Marc Tumminelli: I just wrote a five-star Google review because it's like the best chicken salad sandwich I've ever had. And I'm so worried they're going to close, but that's like the thing, if you find
[00:43:45] Chelsey Donn: Yeah.
[00:43:45] Marc Tumminelli: a small business that you know, who owns it, know, it's not the cheesecake factory at the Westbury mall, they don't need your
[00:43:52] Chelsey Donn: Right, right, right.
[00:43:54] Marc Tumminelli: businesses really rely on someone saying, or like a mom and pop or hotel, or they really rely on people being able to go to. Go to Yelp, go to whatever their Facebook and see some positive things. So if anything, I could say they Review! means a lot to me, like all, all of the reviews you, because I own my own little business and it really helps other parents make decisions.
[00:44:18] Marc Tumminelli: And I try to pay that back wherever I can, with small businesses that, I love and that I care about.
[00:44:25] Trey Gerrald: really is a perfect example of the power that we possess as consumers.
[00:44:30] Marc Tumminelli: And we have a lot of what we'll call cheater brands that have popped up, especially during the last couple of years um, there are people that are doing identical businesses to probably
[00:44:42] Chelsey Donn: Wow.
[00:44:43] Marc Tumminelli: when I started probably workshop, there was like me and one other program, it was
[00:44:47] Chelsey Donn: Right,
[00:44:48] Marc Tumminelli: thing did not exist that everyone had an acting school.
[00:44:51] Marc Tumminelli: So, you know, I encourage parents to look at a legacy of a program. this been around two years? Has it been around 15
[00:44:57] Chelsey Donn: right,
[00:44:58] Marc Tumminelli: has this program made. Do you know, stars has this program made students great college students.
[00:45:05] Chelsey Donn: right, right, right.
[00:45:06] Marc Tumminelli: been a place where kids could feel safe and just have their weekend activity wherever you're looking, whether it be a dance school or an acting school or whatever, look at, you know, the legacy of the school and who's running it and how involved they are.
[00:45:19] Marc Tumminelli: You know,
[00:45:19] Chelsey Donn: Yeah,
[00:45:20] Marc Tumminelli: like mine where it's like that person does not have anything to do with this.
[00:45:24] Chelsey Donn: right, I mean, I liked that you brought that up Marc, because your, your group is called Broadway Workshop. Obviously the, or your page rather
[00:45:31] Chelsey Donn: is, is a great URL, but we trust Alison BA because immediately after she says Broadway Workshop, she goes right into for one Marc Tumminelli is a legend. And now automatically I know that there's a human being behind this organization.
[00:45:49] Marc Tumminelli: That's probably why I like it so much.
[00:45:50] Trey Gerrald: Well, I also
[00:45:51] Chelsey Donn: Yeah,
[00:45:52] Trey Gerrald: that, it isn't like, it doesn't sound ego because it
[00:45:55] Chelsey Donn: no,
[00:45:55] Trey Gerrald: to Minnelli school of drama,
[00:46:00] Trey Gerrald: like there's something
[00:46:00] Marc Tumminelli: Should I start that
[00:46:02] Trey Gerrald: think you should.
[00:46:03] Chelsey Donn: Why not? At this point you've earned it, but I can.
[00:46:07] Marc Tumminelli: crown at.
[00:46:07] Chelsey Donn: Let's do it.
[00:46:09] VOICEOVER: Queens are Tabulating.
[00:46:16] Chelsey Donn: Oh my God. We did it again. Four and a half crowns, four and a half crowns. Love it. I did four and a half crowns. I love this. Review! from Alison BA it takes a little bit of extra special sauce to make a full Review Queen, but If I felt like I was missing one thing from this Review!
[00:46:31] Chelsey Donn: I think it would be a little bit more of a detail about Allison's kid and like what it was that the kid's goal was over the course of this six years and maybe like a little bit of a personal anecdote about that relationship. But other than that real perfection, how about you, Trey? What'd you think?
[00:46:51] Trey Gerrald: I had a similar thought I'm just sort of removing humor completely because I don't think it's applicable,
[00:46:57] Chelsey Donn: Right.
[00:46:57] Trey Gerrald: don't find that I feel this way often, but I would love a dash more detail the specific programming that Alison's
[00:47:07] Chelsey Donn: Yes.
[00:47:08] Trey Gerrald: taking.
[00:47:10] Marc Tumminelli: yeah, it's a nice general.
[00:47:11] Marc Tumminelli: Review!
[00:47:11] Trey Gerrald: definitely get the positive sense of the impact for six years, which is huge.
[00:47:17] Trey Gerrald: So that's why I said four and a half. It's so close to
[00:47:19] Marc Tumminelli: and I
[00:47:20] Chelsey Donn: close.
[00:47:20] Marc Tumminelli: Nadia Adamson. Who's the daughter of Alison
[00:47:24] Chelsey Donn: Oh,
[00:47:24] Marc Tumminelli: just a great kid. And I love her so much. just like a Ray of sunshine
[00:47:29] Chelsey Donn: oh, Nadia.
[00:47:31] Trey Gerrald: Marc, thank you
[00:47:32] Chelsey Donn: You're the best.
[00:47:34] Strong Opinions! / Queens with Questions
[00:47:34] Trey Gerrald: Alright. We are reaching towards the end of the episode, but before we
[00:47:38] Chelsey Donn: Yes
[00:47:39] Trey Gerrald: Marc it's time for us to get serious and crank up the heat.
[00:47:44] Chelsey Donn: Yeah. Can you take it, Marc? Are you ready?
[00:47:47] Marc Tumminelli: You know, I am
[00:47:49] Trey Gerrald: So, Marc, we've got some serious questions for you,
[00:47:54] Chelsey Donn: All It's time for some strong opinions. We want to hear your first gut reaction answer. There is no wrong answer. Just your immediate response.
[00:48:04] Trey Gerrald: Chelsey and I will alternate pulling questions out of our respective Kvetcher hats.
[00:48:11] Marc Tumminelli: Guys, you have so much cool stuff
[00:48:13] Chelsey Donn: Thank you.
[00:48:14] Trey Gerrald: We're gonna put 30 seconds on and you, Marc, will try to answer as many as you can get through in 30 seconds. Okay.
[00:48:22] Chelsey Donn: Okay.
[00:48:23] VOICEOVER: 3, 2, 1, GO!
[00:48:27] Chelsey Donn: Ok Marc! Toilet paper: under or over?
[00:48:31] Trey Gerrald: Marc, if you got food poisoning from a restaurant, would you go back?
[00:48:34] Chelsey Donn: Is cereaI soup?
[00:48:35] Marc Tumminelli: No
[00:48:37] Trey Gerrald: What does green tastes like?
[00:48:39] Marc Tumminelli: mint.
[00:48:40] Chelsey Donn: How do you pronounce G I F
[00:48:43] Marc Tumminelli: Jeff.
[00:48:44] Trey Gerrald: Would you see a doctor with a four-star rating?
[00:48:47] Marc Tumminelli: Yes.
[00:48:47] Chelsey Donn: Sophie's choice, Clueless or Mean Girls.
[00:48:50] Marc Tumminelli: Clueless.
[00:48:51] Trey Gerrald: Vacationing: TripAdvisor. or Yelp?
[00:48:55] Chelsey Donn: IPhone or Android.
[00:48:57] Marc Tumminelli: iPhone. I'm Not psychopath.
[00:48:59] VOICEOVER: That's All.
[00:49:01] Chelsey Donn: Great job. Wow. That was a lot
[00:49:04] Marc Tumminelli: could have done more. You guys just needed to
[00:49:05] Chelsey Donn: less N okay. All right. Fine
[00:49:09] Trey Gerrald: one more? Cause I love these
[00:49:10] Marc Tumminelli: I, this is fun.
[00:49:12] Trey Gerrald: Free tattoo from a three-star tattoo shop. Yes or no.
[00:49:15] Marc Tumminelli: Uh, no, no, thank you. No, thank you.
[00:49:18] Chelsey Donn: top sheet or no, top sheet.
[00:49:20] Marc Tumminelli: No top sheet
[00:49:21] Chelsey Donn: Agree. Thank you.
[00:49:23] Trey Gerrald: your most ex rate you,
[00:49:25] Marc Tumminelli: 10 out of 10 baby.
[00:49:27] Chelsey Donn: Yeah. Okay. A person with a elite reviewer status. Is that a turn on or turn off?
[00:49:33] Marc Tumminelli: On!
[00:49:34] Chelsey Donn: Yes.
[00:49:35] Marc Tumminelli: Turn on, daddy.
[00:49:36] Trey Gerrald: Have you ever asked speak with the manager?
[00:49:38] Marc Tumminelli: Yes,
[00:49:39] Chelsey Donn: Is a hot dog a sandwich?
[00:49:41] Marc Tumminelli: No,
[00:49:42] Chelsey Donn: Absolutely not. Okay.
[00:49:43] Trey Gerrald: If animals could talk which would be the rudest
[00:49:47] Marc Tumminelli: my dog that is sleeping right such a grumble, Gus.
[00:49:52] Chelsey Donn: Okay. What is more trustworthy? Something that has only one star reviews, or something that has only five star reviews,
[00:50:00] Marc Tumminelli: The one-star review, I think.
[00:50:02] Chelsey Donn: right. Something suspicious.
[00:50:04] Trey Gerrald: such a,
[00:50:05] Marc Tumminelli: You know, we do something like this on my podcast, but everyone takes nine hours to answer the question. I'll be like favorite place to go on vacation. Oh,
[00:50:15] Chelsey Donn: Well, maybe we'll make it a little longer than 30 seconds in the future.
[00:50:20] Chelsey Donn: Yeah. I mean, cause we, we, we want to limit the time. Cause there's something about that clock that really just makes
[00:50:24] Chelsey Donn: you like give that answer. You got to have a
[00:50:28] Chelsey Donn: clock,
[00:50:28] Marc Tumminelli: it from you guys?
[00:50:30] Chelsey Donn: Please steal.
[00:50:33] Trey Gerrald: we are very thrilled to share with you that you've proven yourself to be a certifiable
[00:50:38] Chelsey Donn: It's true. You have welcome.
[00:50:40] Marc Tumminelli: queen before all of this.
[00:50:43] Chelsey Donn: Welcome to the queendom.
[00:50:45] My Royal Highness!
[00:50:45] Trey Gerrald: So, here we are, Marc. we have reached the most Regal portion of show. Is
[00:50:49] Chelsey Donn: If there's.
[00:50:50] Trey Gerrald: that you find to be deserving of five stars that you would like to induct today for?
[00:50:59] VOICEOVER: My Royal Highness!
[00:51:00] Marc Tumminelli: Oh yes. Are you
[00:51:01] Chelsey Donn: Yes. Yes.
[00:51:03] Marc Tumminelli: television. Great. Robert Stack, you might remember from Unsolved Mysteries.
[00:51:10] Trey Gerrald: was podcasts that you and I never said.
[00:51:13] Marc Tumminelli: Correct. I love Unsolved Mysteries so much. The original show that aired through the late eighties through the nineties, there are 12 seasons of it. I have watched them and rewatch them. They never get boring to me. And Robert Stack is a gift. He is truly the most terrifying human being that ever walked the face of the earth.
[00:51:33] Marc Tumminelli: And he just is walking and talking to the camera, saying things a little bit wrong, and it is just pure magic to spend time with him. I, I gotta tell you wherever he is right now, he's looking down and going, Marc. Thank you for keeping my love alive.
[00:51:50] Chelsey Donn: I love
[00:51:50] Chelsey Donn: that.
[00:51:51] Marc Tumminelli: rewatch all season 12 yesterday. Okay.
[00:51:53] Chelsey Donn: Oh my what, what year was this?
[00:51:55] Marc Tumminelli: That's like 91.
[00:51:57] Marc Tumminelli: He's also in the movie airplane, which is the funniest movie of
[00:52:00] Chelsey Donn: Oh,
[00:52:01] Marc Tumminelli: So we know this man is like terrifying, but also a comic genius. I don't know The Untouchables well, but Unsolved Mysteries, Robert stack, uh,
[00:52:09] Chelsey Donn: let a guy
[00:52:10] Marc Tumminelli: Royal Highness.
[00:52:12] Chelsey Donn: it.
[00:52:14] Trey Gerrald: honestly, Robert Stack's voice. Anytime I hear it, it's like an instant trap door to being in my child at home and being terrified. I can hear his narration and it instantly scares me. His voice is so scary.
[00:52:32] Marc Tumminelli: He also is
[00:52:33] Chelsey Donn: I can't.
[00:52:33] Marc Tumminelli: internet and he goes, check out, but
[00:52:40] Chelsey Donn: my God.
[00:52:41] Marc Tumminelli: can you find a clip
[00:52:42] Chelsey Donn: God.
[00:52:44] Chelsey Donn: Love
[00:52:45] Chelsey Donn: that. Yes.
[00:52:47] Trey Gerrald: Marc! Thank you so much for joining us today. It's been an honor.
[00:52:50] Marc Tumminelli: Thank you for having me. What a dream. Congratulations on your fabulous podcast.
[00:52:55] Marc Tumminelli: Thank
[00:52:57] Trey Gerrald: tell all of the listeners where they can find you.
[00:53:00] Marc Tumminelli: Well, go ahead and follow me @MarcTumminelli on Instagram, but also check out my podcast @LittleMePodcast on Instagram. Also rate, subscribe, download. I don't really care if you listen to it, just rate, subscribe, download, maybe write a five star review.
[00:53:16] Chelsey Donn: Yes.
[00:53:17] Marc Tumminelli: and you can also see what's happening at Broadway Workshop at you can follow us on Instagram @BroadwayWorkshop, but, uh, those are the big ones. Me, Little Me, and, uh, Broadway Workshop
[00:53:27] Trey Gerrald: And, uh, some favorite recent episodes of Little Me: Growing Up Broadway guests, Lea Michele, from Glee! International sensation Debbie Gibson.
[00:53:41] Chelsey Donn: Stop
[00:53:41] Chelsey Donn: it.
[00:53:42] Marc Tumminelli: can't shake your love
[00:53:43] Chelsey Donn: Debbie give summons my first concert ever. I'm obsessed with Debbie Gibson. I hugged Debbie Gibson at like four years old backstage. It's a thing we got to talk about in the aftershow
[00:53:53] Chelsey Donn: to saying, okay.
[00:53:54] Marc Tumminelli: to my episode with her, it's a scream. I'm a huge fan. So it
[00:53:57] Chelsey Donn: my God.
[00:53:58] Marc Tumminelli: a dream to get to talk to
[00:53:59] Marc Tumminelli: her.
[00:53:59] Trey Gerrald: dig deep into that in the after show, for sure. Uh, but Marc has crazy A-List guests on his podcast. He's an amazing interviewer. So check it out.
[00:54:07] Marc Tumminelli: That's very sweet.
[00:54:08] Chelsey Donn: Yes. And thank you for listening today. If you liked what you heard, please tell a friend
[00:54:13] Trey Gerrald: If you didn't like what you heard, please tell an enemy! Join our mailing list so you can stay up to date with the goings on in the Queendom at
[00:54:21] Chelsey Donn: Hit up our voicemail box 1-850-REVIEW-0, or hit up our DMs. You can follow us on all the socials @theReviewQueens. I'm @ChelseyBD and that's Chelsey with a Y.
[00:54:34] Trey Gerrald: I'm at @TreyGerrald.
[00:54:36] Trey Gerrald: And., We are going to cover an additional review with Marc on our after show podcast. So to find out what made Chelsey say:
[00:54:45] Chelsey Donn: "I'm not going to lie. I definitely thought about calling Dan Smith and learning how to play guitar." And to find out what made Trey say:
[00:54:53] Trey Gerrald: "I was like obsessively listening to Les Mis!"
[00:54:55] Chelsey Donn: Join our patreon at to hear our special Member's-Only After Show Podcast. And remember, ignore the haters. You're a queen.
[00:55:08] Chelsey Donn: Gender
[00:55:09] Trey Gerrald: non-specific Queen.
[00:55:10] Chelsey Donn: Bye!
[00:55:11] Trey Gerrald: Bye!
Review That Review is an independent podcast. Certain names have been redacted or changed to protect the guilty. Executive produced by Trey Gerrald and Chelsey Donn with editing and sound designed by me with voiceover talents by Eva Kaminsky. Our cover art was designed by LogoVora and our theme song was written by Joe Kinosian and sung by Natalie Weiss.
Photo by Girl with red hat on Unsplash